Riverbed Support
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NetProfiler was formerly referred to as Cascade Profiler. Visit NetProfiler overview page to learn more.

Upgrade Note: Before upgrading, please verify interoperability with other Riverbed products by reviewing Knowledge Base Article S27459 on SteelCentral Interoperability

Starting with the 10.27 release, there are going to be frequent Patch/Maintenance releases to address vulnerabilities in a more timely manner. These Patch/Maintenance releases will affect supported upgrade paths. Please refer KB – S38639 for more details.


Please be aware that NetProfiler  v10.22.3 is a maintenance release for xx70 appliances only (SCFG-2270, SCNP-2270, SCNP-4270) that includes problem fixes and security updates.


Legacy VM SKUs SCNP-VE and SCFG-VE can’t be upgraded to 10.28 and above software version, last release for these SKUs is 10.27.2. Customer needs to contact respective Riverbed Account Manager to move legacy VM SKUs SCNP-VE and SCFG-VE to SCNP-VE-BASE and SCFG-VE-BASE SKUs respectively.

Riverbed support services and access to Riverbed software through this website are subject to the terms and conditions of your agreement with Riverbed, including Riverbed’s Support Services Description available at www.riverbed.com/supportservicedescription. You acknowledge pursuant to such terms that  (1) you are not permitted to download, install, or use any Riverbed software for any product that is not covered by an active support contract, (2) the ability to access any software through this website does not grant you any entitlement to download, install, or use any software for which you do not have a valid license and an active support contract, and (3) if you fail to renew and maintain active support contracts for all of your products, Riverbed is not obligated to provide any support services to you. If you need additional assistance, please contact Riverbed customer care: ccare@riverbedsupport.com

Software Description Release Downloads
Software Description Release Downloads
Description File Type & Size
Description File Type & Size
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    You can access the appropriate MIBs through the Help system in the NetProfiler UI.







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