Riverbed REST API Documentation


Service Title Versions
cascade.aaa AAA REST API. 1.0
cascade.saml SAML REST API. 1.0
cmc.appliance_inventory SCC Appliance Inventory Service Definition 1.2, 1.0
cmc.applications SteelCentral Controller Applications Services 2.0, 1.0
cmc.appstats SteelCentral Controller Application Statistics Service 1.0
cmc.configurator REST API for Configurator 1.1, 1.0
cmc.pathrules REST API for Path Selection Rules 1.1, 1.0
cmc.qos REST API for SCC QoS 2.0, 1.0
cmc.sectransport REST API for secure transport managment 2.0, 1.0
cmc.stats REST API for SCC Stats Service 1.0
cmc.topology REST API for SCC Sites and Uplinks 1.2, 1.0
cmc.upgrades SCC Upgrades service definition 1.0
cmc.web-proxy Web proxy service 2.0, 1.0
cmc.webproxy_reporting webproxy_reporting service 1.0
common Common Resources 1.0
gateway Riverbed Flow Gateway REST API. 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, 1.1
mgmt.aaa AAA Service 2.2, 2.0
mgmt.applications Application Mappings API 1.0
mgmt.backup Backup Images API. 1.0
mgmt.bmc_settings Baseboard Management Controller API. 1.0
mgmt.common_update Batch Flow Gateway Update API. 1.0
mgmt.flow_forwarding Flow Forwarding API. 1.0
mgmt.flowgateway_analytics FlowGateway Analytics Import Stats API. 1.0
mgmt.gateway_backup Backup/Restore API. 1.0
mgmt.global_snmp Global SNMP API. 1.0
mgmt.interface_groups Interface Groups API 1.0
mgmt.licenses Licenses API. 1.0
mgmt.netprofiler_export NetProfiler Export API. 1.0
mgmt.netprofiler_policies Policies API. 1.0
mgmt.networking Management networking configuration 1.1
mgmt.newsfeeds News feed service 1.0
mgmt.notification_settings Notifications API. 1.0
mgmt.reinstall Software Re-image API. 1.0
mgmt.remote_authentication Remote Authentication API. 1.0
mgmt.system_config System Configuration API. 1.0
mgmt.system_update Software Update API. 1.0
mgmt.til.networking Riverbed Networking Service 1.0
mgmt.time System Time/NTP/PTP configuration module 1.0
mgmt.types.events Events types 1.0
mgmt.types.network Common Networking Type Definitions 1.0
mgmt.users_config Security Compliance - Configure Users passwords, Inactivity Timeout API, Password requirements & Login Settings. 1.0
npm.audit NPM Audit Service 1.0
npm.aws_config AWS Integration API. 1.0
npm.azure_config Azure Integration API. 1.0
npm.backup Backup and Restore 2.0, 1.0
npm.classification NPM Classification APIs 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.0
npm.clips Clips API 1.0
npm.dba_config dba service 1.1
npm.dns_module NPM DNS Module APIs 1.0
npm.filesystem User filesystem API 1.0
npm.fips FIPS configuration 1.0
npm.hardware_monitor Hardware Monitor 1.2, 1.1
npm.hardware_status Hardware Status API. 1.0
npm.health NPM System Health 1.1
npm.https HTTPS Configuration 1.0
npm.ipmi IPMI Configuration Service 1.0
npm.packet_analysis NPM Packet Analysis APIs 2.3
npm.packet_capture NPM Packet Capture 3.0, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0
npm.packet_dissect NPM Packet Dissect 1.2
npm.packet_export Packet Export API 1.3
npm.policies Policy management API 3.0
npm.probe.reports Report Manager API 1.0
npm.probe.reports.sources Report Manager Data Sources API 1.0
npm.profiler_backup Backup/Restore API. 1.0
npm.profiler_certs Profiler SSL Certificate Configuration 1.0
npm.profiler_export AR NetProfiler Export API 1.0
npm.reports Report Manager API 1.0
npm.reports.sources Report Manager Data Sources API 1.0
npm.saml SAML Configuration 1.0
npm.snmp System SNMP configuration module 1.0
npm.ssl_dh_keys NPM Probe SSL Diffie Hellman Keys APIs 1.1, 1.0
npm.ssl_key_store NPM SSL Key Store 1.0
npm.ssl_module NPM SSL Module APIs 1.0
npm.system_settings System Settings API. 1.0
npm.system_update Software Update Service 2.0
npm.unrecognized_certs NPM SSL Unrecognized Certificate APIs 1.0
npm.usernotify user notification service 3.0
npm.voip_module NPM VoIP Module APIs 1.0
npm.wta_config Web Transaction Analysis Configuration 1.0
profiler Riverbed NetProfiler REST API. 1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, …
profiler.common Common REST API. 1.1, 1.0
rios.configuration Configuration Service 1.0
sh.appflow REST API for the AppFlow service. Includes Applications, Profiles, Rules, Topology 2.0
sh.blade SteelHead General Blade Setting Service 1.0
sh.common SteelHead Common Type Definitions 1.0
sh.inpath REST API for the In-Path Settings and Rules 1.0
sh.optimization SteelHead Optimization Service 1.0
sh.tcp SteelHead TCP General Setting Service 1.0
shark Riverbed Cascade Shark REST API 5.1, 5.0
shark.common Riverbed Cascade Shark Common REST API 1.1, 1.0