HTTPS Configuration v1.0
Created Jan 16, 2025 at 06:25 PM

Resource: certificate

The SSL certificate used on the HTTPS port

  • JSON
  • {
      "expires_at": integer,
      "fingerprint": {
        "algorithm": string,
        "value": string
      "issuer": distingushed_name,
      "key": {
        "algorithm": string,
        "size": integer
      "pem": string,
      "subject": distingushed_name,
      "valid_at": integer
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    certificate <object> The SSL certificate used on the HTTPS port Required properties: [issuer, subject, valid_at, expires_at, fingerprint, key, pem];
    certificate.expires_at <integer> Time at which the certificate expires, in Unix epoch seconds
    certificate.fingerprint <object> Certificate fingerprint information Required properties: [algorithm, value];
    certificate.fingerprint.algorithm <string> The algorithm used to calculate the fingerprint
    certificate.fingerprint.value <string> Fingerprint value
    certificate.issuer <distingushed_name> Distinguished name information
    certificate.key <object> Certificate key information Required properties: [algorithm, size];
    certificate.key.algorithm <string> The algorithm used to generate the key
    certificate.key.size <integer> The size (number of bits) of the key
    certificate.pem <string> The certificate, in PEM format
    certificate.subject <distingushed_name> Distinguished name information
    certificate.valid_at <integer> Time at which the certificate becomes valid, in Unix epoch seconds

    Resource: http

    HTTP configuration

  • JSON
  • {
      "available_ports": [
          "max": integer,
          "min": integer
      "mode": string,
      "port": integer
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    http <object> HTTP configuration Required properties: [mode, port];
    http.available_ports <array of <object>> Port ranges HTTP may be configured to use Read-only; Optional;
    http.available_ports[items] <object> A contiguous range of port values Read-only; Required properties: [min, max];
    http.available_ports[items].max <integer> Maximum port value in this range Read-only;
    http.available_ports[items].min <integer> Minimum port value in this range Read-only;
    http.mode <string> Mode of the HTTP port Values: enabled, disabled, redirect_to_https;
    http.port <integer> Port HTTP is listening on (if not disabled)

    Resource: https

    HTTPS configuration

  • JSON
  • {
      "available_ports": [
          "max": integer,
          "min": integer
      "available_ssl_protocols": [
      "port": integer,
      "ssl_ciphers": string,
      "ssl_protocols": [
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    https <object> HTTPS configuration Required properties: [port, ssl_protocols, ssl_ciphers];
    https.available_ports <array of <object>> Port ranges HTTPS may be configured to use Read-only; Optional;
    https.available_ports[items] <object> A contiguous range of port values Read-only; Required properties: [min, max];
    https.available_ports[items].max <integer> Maximum port value in this range Read-only;
    https.available_ports[items].min <integer> Minimum port value in this range Read-only;
    https.available_ssl_protocols <array of <string>> The SSL protocols available to use Optional;
    https.available_ssl_protocols[items] <string>
    https.port <integer> Port HTTPS is listening on
    https.ssl_ciphers <string> The SSL cipher string to use
    https.ssl_protocols <array of <string>> The SSL protocols to enable. Each list item must be one of the values in the available_ssl_protocols list.
    https.ssl_protocols[items] <string>

    Type: distingushed_name

    Distinguished name information

  • JSON
  • {
      "common_name": string,
      "country": string,
      "email": string,
      "locality": string,
      "organization": string,
      "organizational_unit": string,
      "state": string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    distingushed_name <object> Distinguished name information
    distingushed_name.common_name <string> Common name (CN) Optional; <string> Country code (C) Optional; <string> Email address Optional;
    distingushed_name.locality <string> Locality (L) Optional;
    distingushed_name.organization <string> Organization name (O) Optional;
    distingushed_name.organizational_unit <string> Organization unit name (OU) Optional;
    distingushed_name.state <string> State or province name (ST) Optional;