Notifications API.
Created Jan 16, 2025 at 06:32 PM



Notification settings: Get recipient list

Returns a list of all recipients.

GET https://{device}/api/mgmt.notification_settings/1.0/recipient

This request requires authorization.

Response Body

On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:

  • JSON
    "recipient_id": number,
    "recipient_label": string,
    "email_address": string,
    "email_format": number,
    "assigned_groups": string,
    "snmp_des_ip_1": string,
    "snmp_des_port_1": number,
    "snmp_des_ip_2": string,
    "snmp_des_port_2": number,
    "snmp_version": string,
    "snmp_community": string

    "recipient_id": 1, 
    "recipient_label": "Default", 
    "snmp_community": "********"
    "recipient_id": 2, 
    "recipient_label": "name", 
    "email_address": "name@domain", 
    "email_format": 1, 
    "assigned_groups": "[group_type:group_id]", 
    "snmp_des_ip_1": "", 
    "snmp_des_port_1": 1010, 
    "snmp_des_ip_2": "", 
    "snmp_des_port_2": 2020, 
    "snmp_version": "V1", 
    "snmp_community": "********"
Property Name Type Description Notes
GetRecipient <array of <object>> List of all recipients. if an argument named "uncloak" is passed as true it will show "snmp_community" in text format otherwise it will be cloaked and shown as "********"
GetRecipient[item] <object>
GetRecipient[item].recipient_id <number> Unique if for the recipient, it is passed while using update and delete method also when trying to set notifications.
GetRecipient[item].recipient_label <string> Name of the recipient.
GetRecipient[item].email_address <string> Email address of the recipient.
GetRecipient[item].email_format <number> For PDF it is set to 1 and 2 for HTML
GetRecipient[item].assigned_groups <string> Groups to which this recipient is associated
GetRecipient[item].snmp_des_ip_1 <string> IP for SNMP destination 1
GetRecipient[item].snmp_des_port_1 <number> Port for SNMP destination 1
GetRecipient[item].snmp_des_ip_2 <string> IP for SNMP destination 2
GetRecipient[item].snmp_des_port_2 <number> Port for SNMP destination 2
GetRecipient[item].snmp_version <string> SNMP protocol version V1/V2C/V3
GetRecipient[item].snmp_community <string> secret key, pass "uncloak" argument to reveal the key

Notification settings: Add recipient

Adds new recipient.

POST https://{device}/api/mgmt.notification_settings/1.0/recipient

This request requires authorization.

Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "recipient_label": string,
  "email_address": string,
  "email_format": number,
  "assigned_groups": string,
  "snmp_des_ip_1": string,
  "snmp_des_port_1": number,
  "snmp_des_ip_2": string,
  "snmp_des_port_2": number,
  "snmp_version": string,
  "snmp_community": string

  "recipient_label": "lableName", 
  "email_address": "", 
  "email_format": 1, 
  "assigned_groups": "100:3|100:2|100:1", 
  "snmp_des_ip_1": "", 
  "snmp_des_port_1": 8085, 
  "snmp_des_ip_2": "", 
  "snmp_des_port_2": 8086, 
  "snmp_version": "V2C", 
  "snmp_community": "hello"
Property Name Type Description Notes
AddRecipient <object> Required fields to add a new recipient
AddRecipient.recipient_label <string> Name of the recipient.
AddRecipient.email_address <string> Email address of the recipient.
AddRecipient.email_format <number> For PDF it is set to 1 and 2 for HTML
AddRecipient.assigned_groups <string> Groups to which this recipient is associated in "group_type1:group_id1|group_type2:group_id2" format
AddRecipient.snmp_des_ip_1 <string> IP for SNMP destination 1
AddRecipient.snmp_des_port_1 <number> Port for SNMP destination 1
AddRecipient.snmp_des_ip_2 <string> IP for SNMP destination 2
AddRecipient.snmp_des_port_2 <number> Port for SNMP destination 2
AddRecipient.snmp_version <string> SNMP protocol version V1/V2C/V3
AddRecipient.snmp_community <string> secret key
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

Notification settings: Update existing recipient

Updates an existing recipient with recipient_id passed in the URL.

PUT https://{device}/api/mgmt.notification_settings/1.0/recipient/<id>

This request requires authorization.

Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "recipient_label": string,
  "email_address": string,
  "email_format": number,
  "assigned_groups": string,
  "snmp_des_ip_1": string,
  "snmp_des_port_1": number,
  "snmp_des_ip_2": string,
  "snmp_des_port_2": number,
  "snmp_version": string,
  "snmp_community": string

  "recipient_label": "lableName", 
  "email_address": "", 
  "email_format": 1, 
  "assigned_groups": "100:3|100:2|100:1", 
  "snmp_des_ip_1": "", 
  "snmp_des_port_1": 8085, 
  "snmp_des_ip_2": "", 
  "snmp_des_port_2": 8086, 
  "snmp_version": "V2C", 
  "snmp_community": "hello"
Property Name Type Description Notes
UpdateRecipient <object> Required fields to add a new recipient
UpdateRecipient.recipient_label <string> Name of the recipient.
UpdateRecipient.email_address <string> Email address of the recipient.
UpdateRecipient.email_format <number> For PDF it is set to 1 and 2 for HTML
UpdateRecipient.assigned_groups <string> Groups to which this recipient is associated in "group_type1:group_id1|group_type2:group_id2" format
UpdateRecipient.snmp_des_ip_1 <string> IP for SNMP destination 1
UpdateRecipient.snmp_des_port_1 <number> Port for SNMP destination 1
UpdateRecipient.snmp_des_ip_2 <string> IP for SNMP destination 2
UpdateRecipient.snmp_des_port_2 <number> Port for SNMP destination 2
UpdateRecipient.snmp_version <string> SNMP protocol version V1/V2C/V3
UpdateRecipient.snmp_community <string> secret key
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

Notification settings: Delete recipient by id

Deletes an existing recipient with recipient_id passed in the URL.

DELETE https://{device}/api/mgmt.notification_settings/1.0/recipient/<id>

This request requires authorization.

Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

Notification settings: Delete all recipient

Deletes all recipient except default.

DELETE https://{device}/api/mgmt.notification_settings/1.0/recipient

This request requires authorization.

Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

Notification settings: Get notifications list

Returns a list of all notifications settings and clear event notifications flag.

GET https://{device}/api/mgmt.notification_settings/1.0/notifications

This request requires authorization.

Response Body

On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "clear_event_notification": string,
  "notifications": [
      "policy_name": string,
      "low": number,
      "medium": number,
      "high": number

  "clear_event_notification": "false", 
  "notifications": [
      "policy_name": "P2P Port Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "Tunneled Application Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "Firewall Tunneling Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "P2P Application Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "SpamBot Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
Property Name Type Description Notes
GetNotifications <object> List of all notifications and clear event notifications flag.
<string> Value of clear event notification flag
GetNotifications.notifications <array of <object>> List of all notifications
GetNotifications.notifications[item] <object>
<string> Name of the policy
GetNotifications.notifications[item].low <number> Recipient id for low
<number> Recipient id for medium
<number> Recipient id for high

Notification settings: Set Notifications

Sets the recipients for all policies.

POST https://{device}/api/mgmt.notification_settings/1.0/notifications

This request requires authorization.

Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "clear_event_notification": string,
  "notifications": [
      "policy_name": string,
      "low": number,
      "medium": number,
      "high": number

  "clear_event_notification": "true", 
  "notifications": [
      "policy_name": "P2P Port Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "Tunneled Application Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "Firewall Tunneling Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "P2P Application Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
      "policy_name": "SpamBot Activity", 
      "low": 1, 
      "medium": 1, 
      "high": 1
Property Name Type Description Notes
SetNotifications <object> Required fields to assign recipients to each policy
<string> clear event notification flag
SetNotifications.notifications <array of <object>> List of all notifications settings
SetNotifications.notifications[item] <object>
<string> Name of the policy
SetNotifications.notifications[item].low <number> Recipient id for low
<number> Recipient id for medium
<number> Recipient id for high
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

Error Codes

In the event that an error occurs while processing a request, the server will respond with appropriate HTTP status code and additional information in the response body:

     "error_id":   "{error identifier}",
     "error_text": "{error description}",
     "error_info": {error specific data structure, optional}

The table below lists the possible errors and the associated HTTP status codes that may returned.

Error ID HTTP Status Comments
BAD_REQUEST 400 Invalid argument.
AUTH_REQUIRED 401 Authentication required.
AUTH_INVALID_CREDENTIALS 401 Make sure the user name is correct and type your password again. Be sure to use the correct case for the user name and password.
INTERNAL_ERROR 500 Internal error.