Application Mappings API
Created Jan 16, 2025 at 06:32 PM



The documentation pages in this section describe the RESTful APIs included with Riverbed NetProfiler Product. It is assumed that the reader has practical knowledge of RESTful APIs, so the documentation does not go into detail about what REST is and how to use it. Instead the documentation focuses on how to create and manage application mappings.

Application mappings can be based on hosts, host groups, protocols, ports, auto-recognized applications or one or more URLs.

The following operations can be performed via the API:

  • Create new application mappings
  • Fetch details on existing application mappings
  • Update existing application mappings
  • Delete existing application mappings
  • Import application mappings from XML
  • Export application mappings to XML

Details about REST resources can be found in the Resources section. This overview continues with how to run these APIs.


All REST requests must be authenticated. The Authentication section of the Common API describes which authentication methods are presently supported.


General Application Mappings: Get General Mappings

Get all general application mappings

GET https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/general

This request requires authorization.

Response Body

On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:

  • JSON
    "app": string,
    "id": string,
    "hosts": [
    "ports": [
        "proto": string,
        "port": string
    "auto_apps": [
    "enabled": boolean,
    "override": string,
    "priority": string,
    "known_port": boolean

    "app": "test1", 
    "auto_apps": [], 
    "enabled": true, 
    "hosts": [
    "id": "160", 
    "known_port": false, 
    "override": "Unknown", 
    "ports": [
        "proto": "6", 
        "port": "20-21"
    "priority": "25"
    "app": "test2", 
    "auto_apps": [
    "enabled": false, 
    "hosts": [], 
    "id": "102", 
    "known_port": false, 
    "override": "Always", 
    "ports": [], 
    "priority": "26"
Property Name Type Description Notes
GetGeneralMappings <array of <object>> Application mappings data
GetGeneralMappings[item] <object> Application mapping data
GetGeneralMappings[item].app <string> Mapping name
GetGeneralMappings[item].id <string> Mapping identifier
GetGeneralMappings[item].hosts <array of <string>> List of hosts. Hosts can be IP addresses, CIDR blocks or host groups.
GetGeneralMappings[item].hosts[item] <string> Host Optional
GetGeneralMappings[item].ports <array of <object>> List of ports
GetGeneralMappings[item].ports[item] <object> Port data Optional
<string> Protocol
<string> Port
GetGeneralMappings[item].auto_apps <array of <string>> List of auto-recognized application names
GetGeneralMappings[item].auto_apps[item] <string> Auto-recognized application name Optional
GetGeneralMappings[item].enabled <boolean> Mapping based tracking and reporting of the application is enabled/disabled
GetGeneralMappings[item].override <string> Whether the general definition of the application overrides an auto-recognized definition. Always - unconditionally overrides any existing layer 7 application mapping. Unknown - applies to flows that did not match any auto-recognized applications or general rules. Values: Always, Unknown
GetGeneralMappings[item].priority <string> Priority of the mapping
GetGeneralMappings[item].known_port <boolean> Whether it is a system-defined mapping through a known protocol/port

General Application Mappings: Get General Mapping

Get a general application mapping

GET https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/general/{map_id}

This request requires authorization.

Property Name Type Description Notes
map_id <string> Mapping identifier
Response Body

On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "app": string,
  "id": string,
  "hosts": [
  "ports": [
      "proto": string,
      "port": string
  "auto_apps": [
  "enabled": boolean,
  "override": string,
  "priority": string,
  "known_port": boolean

  "app": "test2", 
  "auto_apps": [
  "enabled": true, 
  "hosts": [], 
  "id": "102", 
  "known_port": false, 
  "override": "Always", 
  "ports": [], 
  "priority": "25"
Property Name Type Description Notes
GetGeneralMapping <object> Application mapping data <string> Mapping name <string> Mapping identifier
GetGeneralMapping.hosts <array of <string>> List of hosts. Hosts can be IP addresses, CIDR blocks or host groups.
GetGeneralMapping.hosts[item] <string> Host Optional
GetGeneralMapping.ports <array of <object>> List of ports
GetGeneralMapping.ports[item] <object> Port data Optional
GetGeneralMapping.ports[item].proto <string> Protocol
GetGeneralMapping.ports[item].port <string> Port
GetGeneralMapping.auto_apps <array of <string>> List of auto-recognized application names
GetGeneralMapping.auto_apps[item] <string> Auto-recognized application name Optional
GetGeneralMapping.enabled <boolean> Mapping based tracking and reporting of the application is enabled/disabled
GetGeneralMapping.override <string> Whether the general definition of the application overrides an auto-recognized definition. Always - unconditionally overrides any existing layer 7 application mapping. Unknown - applies to flows that did not match any auto-recognized applications or general rules. Values: Always, Unknown
GetGeneralMapping.priority <string> Priority of the mapping
GetGeneralMapping.known_port <boolean> Whether it is a system-defined mapping through a known protocol/port

General Application Mappings: Create General Mapping

Create a new general application mapping using either hosts/ports or auto-recognized applications (but not both)

POST https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/general

This request requires authorization.

Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "app": string,
  "hosts": string,
  "ports": string,
  "auto_apps": string,
  "enabled": boolean,
  "override": string

  "app": "test3", 
  "ports": "udp/514,1024", 
  "enabled": false, 
  "override": "Unknown"
Property Name Type Description Notes
CreateGeneralMapping <object> Application mapping data <string> Mapping name
CreateGeneralMapping.hosts <string> Comma separated list of hosts formatted as a string. Hosts can be IP addresses, CIDR blocks or host groups. Optional
CreateGeneralMapping.ports <string> Comma separated list of ports formatted as a string Optional
CreateGeneralMapping.auto_apps <string> Comma separated list of auto-recognized application names Optional
CreateGeneralMapping.enabled <boolean> Enable/disable mapping based tracking and reporting of the application Optional
CreateGeneralMapping.override <string> Whether the general definition of the application should override an auto-recognized definition. Always - unconditionally override any existing layer 7 application mapping. Unknown - apply to flows that did not match any auto-recognized applications or general rules. Optional; Default is Always; Values: Always, Unknown
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

General Application Mappings: Update General Mapping

Update a general application mapping. If an app was originally created using hosts/ports, it cannot be updated using auto-recognized applications and vice versa.

PUT https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/general/{map_id}

This request requires authorization.

Property Name Type Description Notes
map_id <string> Mapping identifier
Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "app": string,
  "hosts": string,
  "ports": string,
  "auto_apps": string,
  "enabled": boolean,
  "override": string,
  "priority": string

  "app": "test3new", 
  "ports": "udp/514,1024", 
  "enabled": true, 
  "override": "Always", 
  "priority": "10"
Property Name Type Description Notes
UpdateGeneralMapping <object> Application mapping data <string> New mapping name Optional
UpdateGeneralMapping.hosts <string> Comma separated list of hosts formatted as a string. Hosts can be IP addresses, CIDR blocks or host groups. Optional
UpdateGeneralMapping.ports <string> Comma separated list of ports formatted as a string Optional
UpdateGeneralMapping.auto_apps <string> Comma separated list of auto-recognized application names Optional
UpdateGeneralMapping.enabled <boolean> Enable/disable mapping based tracking and reporting of the application Optional
UpdateGeneralMapping.override <string> Whether the general definition of the application should override an auto-recognized definition. Always - unconditionally override any existing layer 7 application mapping. Unknown - apply to flows that did not match any auto-recognized applications or general rules. Optional; Values: Always, Unknown
UpdateGeneralMapping.priority <string> Priority of the mapping. Must be between 1 and 2000. Optional
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

General Application Mappings: Delete General Mappings

Delete multiple general application mappings

DELETE https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/general/{map_ids}

This request requires authorization.

Property Name Type Description Notes
map_ids <string> Comma separated list of mapping identifiers formatted as a string
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

General Application Mappings: Import General Mappings

Import general application mappings from XML data

POST https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/general/import

This request requires authorization.

Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "xml_data": string

  "xml_data": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n<AppMappings version='2'>\r\n <AppMapping id='1' app='Aquis' enabled='true' priority='1' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='33305-33315' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='2' app='CIFS' enabled='true' priority='2' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='139' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='445' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='3' app='Euronext' enabled='true' priority='3' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21020-21021' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21024-21025' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21028-21047' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21054-21055' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21086-21101' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='55001-55008' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='4' app='FTP' enabled='true' priority='4' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='20-21' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='5' app='FlowTraq' enabled='true' priority='5' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='8184' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='9640' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='6' app='H.323' enabled='true' priority='6' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1718-1720' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='11720' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='1300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='1718-1720' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='2517' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='7' app='HTTP' enabled='true' priority='7' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='80' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='8' app='LSE_ITCH' enabled='true' priority='8' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='60000' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='60300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='60400' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61000' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61100' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61200' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61400' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61450' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='9' app='LotusNotes' enabled='true' priority='9' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1352' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='10' app='MNMP' enabled='true' priority='10' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='41017-41019' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='11' app='MSExchange' enabled='true' priority='11' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7830' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='12' app='MSSQL' enabled='true' priority='12' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1433' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='13' app='NFS' enabled='true' priority='13' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='2049' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='14' app='NETFLOW' enabled='true' priority='14' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='2055' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='9666' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='9996' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='15' app='OracleJinitiator' enabled='true' priority='15' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='9000' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='16' app='PITCH' enabled='true' priority='16' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31101-31112' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31201-31212' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31301-31312' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31401-31412' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31501-31512' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='17' app='PacketAnalyzer' enabled='true' priority='17' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='61898-61899' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='18' app='SIP' enabled='true' priority='18' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='5060-5061' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='5060' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='19' app='SSL' enabled='true' priority='19' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='443' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='20' app='Skinny' enabled='true' priority='20' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='2000' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='21' app='SnapMirror' enabled='true' priority='21' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='10565-10569' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='22' app='SteelHead' enabled='true' priority='22' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7744' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7800-7801' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7810' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7820-7821' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7830' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7840' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7850' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7860' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7870' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='23' app='X11' enabled='true' priority='23' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='6000-6004' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='6000-6004' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='24' app='Zoom' enabled='true' priority='24' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='2620:123:2000::/40' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='3478-3479' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='8801-8802' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='8801-8802' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='162' app='test2' enabled='false' priority='26' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='Google' />\r\n   <auto_app name='Facebook' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='164' app='test2' enabled='false' priority='27' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='Google' />\r\n   <auto_app name='Facebook' />\r\n   <auto_app name='YouTube' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='165' app='test1' enabled='false' priority='28' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='YouTube' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='167' app='test3new' enabled='true' priority='29' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='Google' />\r\n   <auto_app name='Twitter' />\r\n   <auto_app name='INSTAGRAM' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='168' app='test3new' enabled='true' priority='25' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1024' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='514' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='1024' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n</AppMappings>"
Property Name Type Description Notes
ImportGeneralMappings <object> Import data
ImportGeneralMappings.xml_data <string> XML data to be imported, formatted as a string. Use the XML data (as string) obtained from the export API.
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

General Application Mappings: Export General Mappings

Export general application mappings in XML

GET https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/general/export

This request requires authorization.

Response Body

On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "xml_data": string

  "xml_data": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n<AppMappings version='2'>\r\n <AppMapping id='1' app='Aquis' enabled='true' priority='1' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='33305-33315' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='2' app='CIFS' enabled='true' priority='2' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='139' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='445' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='3' app='Euronext' enabled='true' priority='3' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21020-21021' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21024-21025' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21028-21047' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21054-21055' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='21086-21101' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='55001-55008' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='4' app='FTP' enabled='true' priority='4' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='20-21' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='5' app='FlowTraq' enabled='true' priority='5' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='8184' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='9640' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='6' app='H.323' enabled='true' priority='6' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1718-1720' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='11720' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='1300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='1718-1720' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='2517' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='7' app='HTTP' enabled='true' priority='7' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='80' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='8' app='LSE_ITCH' enabled='true' priority='8' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='60000' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='60300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='60400' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61000' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61100' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61200' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61300' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61400' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='61450' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='9' app='LotusNotes' enabled='true' priority='9' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1352' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='10' app='MNMP' enabled='true' priority='10' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='41017-41019' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='11' app='MSExchange' enabled='true' priority='11' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7830' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='12' app='MSSQL' enabled='true' priority='12' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1433' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='13' app='NFS' enabled='true' priority='13' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='2049' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='14' app='NETFLOW' enabled='true' priority='14' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='2055' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='9666' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='9996' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='15' app='OracleJinitiator' enabled='true' priority='15' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='9000' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='16' app='PITCH' enabled='true' priority='16' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31101-31112' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31201-31212' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31301-31312' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31401-31412' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='31501-31512' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='17' app='PacketAnalyzer' enabled='true' priority='17' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='61898-61899' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='18' app='SIP' enabled='true' priority='18' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='5060-5061' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='5060' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='19' app='SSL' enabled='true' priority='19' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='443' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='20' app='Skinny' enabled='true' priority='20' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='2000' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='21' app='SnapMirror' enabled='true' priority='21' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='10565-10569' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='22' app='SteelHead' enabled='true' priority='22' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7744' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7800-7801' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7810' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7820-7821' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7830' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7840' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7850' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7860' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='7870' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='23' app='X11' enabled='true' priority='23' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='6000-6004' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='6000-6004' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='24' app='Zoom' enabled='true' priority='24' override='2' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='2620:123:2000::/40' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='3478-3479' />\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='8801-8802' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='8801-8802' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='162' app='test2' enabled='false' priority='26' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='Google' />\r\n   <auto_app name='Facebook' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='164' app='test2' enabled='false' priority='27' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='Google' />\r\n   <auto_app name='Facebook' />\r\n   <auto_app name='YouTube' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='165' app='test1' enabled='false' priority='28' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='YouTube' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='167' app='test3new' enabled='true' priority='29' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n   <auto_app name='Google' />\r\n   <auto_app name='Twitter' />\r\n   <auto_app name='INSTAGRAM' />\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n <AppMapping id='168' app='test3new' enabled='true' priority='25' override='3' known_port='false' >\r\n  <hosts>\r\n   <cidr value='' />\r\n   <cidr value='::/0' />\r\n  </hosts>\r\n  <ports>\r\n   <protoport proto='6' port='1024' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='514' />\r\n   <protoport proto='17' port='1024' />\r\n  </ports>\r\n  <auto_apps>\r\n  </auto_apps>\r\n </AppMapping>\r\n</AppMappings>"
Property Name Type Description Notes
ExportGeneralMappings <object> Exported data
ExportGeneralMappings.xml_data <string> Exported XML data, formatted as a string. Use this in the request body for the import API.

URL Application Mappings: Get URL Mappings

Get all URL application mappings

GET https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/url

This request requires authorization.

Response Body

On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:

  • JSON
    "app_id": string,
    "name": string,
    "enabled": boolean,
    "signature": {
      "url": [
      "hex": [
      "string": [

    "app_id": "60078", 
    "name": "test1", 
    "enabled": true, 
    "signature": {
      "url": [
    "app_id": "21045", 
    "name": "test2", 
    "enabled": false, 
    "signature": {
      "url": [
    "app_id": "7434", 
    "name": "test3", 
    "enabled": false, 
    "signature": {
      "string": [
    "app_id": "231", 
    "name": "test4", 
    "enabled": false, 
    "signature": {
      "hex": [
Property Name Type Description Notes
GetURLMappings <array of <object>> Application mappings data
GetURLMappings[item] <object> Application mapping data
GetURLMappings[item].app_id <string> Identifier
GetURLMappings[item].name <string> Mapping name
GetURLMappings[item].enabled <boolean> Mapping based tracking and reporting of the application is enabled/disabled
GetURLMappings[item].signature <object> Signatures
GetURLMappings[item].signature.url <array of <string>> List of URL signatures Optional
GetURLMappings[item].signature.url[item] <string> URL signature
GetURLMappings[item].signature.hex <array of <string>> List of hexadecimal signatures Optional
GetURLMappings[item].signature.hex[item] <string> Hexadecimal signature
GetURLMappings[item].signature.string <array of <string>> List of character string signatures Optional
<string> Character string signature

URL Application Mappings: Get URL Mapping

Get a URL application mapping

GET https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/url/{app_id}

This request requires authorization.

Property Name Type Description Notes
app_id <string> Identifier
Response Body

On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "app_id": string,
  "name": string,
  "enabled": boolean,
  "signature": {
    "url": [
    "hex": [
    "string": [

  "app_id": "60078", 
  "name": "test1", 
  "enabled": true, 
  "signature": {
    "url": [
Property Name Type Description Notes
GetURLMapping <object> Application mapping data
GetURLMapping.app_id <string> Identifier <string> Mapping name
GetURLMapping.enabled <boolean> Mapping based tracking and reporting of the application is enabled/disabled
GetURLMapping.signature <object> Signatures
GetURLMapping.signature.url <array of <string>> List of URL signatures Optional
GetURLMapping.signature.url[item] <string> URL signature
GetURLMapping.signature.hex <array of <string>> List of hexadecimal signatures Optional
GetURLMapping.signature.hex[item] <string> Hexadecimal signature
GetURLMapping.signature.string <array of <string>> List of character string signatures Optional
GetURLMapping.signature.string[item] <string> Character string signature

URL Application Mappings: Create URL Mapping

Create a new URL application mapping.

POST https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/url

This request requires authorization.

Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "name": string,
  "enabled": boolean,
  "signature": {
    "url": [

  "name": "test1", 
  "enabled": true, 
  "signature": {
    "url": [
Property Name Type Description Notes
CreateURLMapping <object> Application mapping data <string> Mapping name
CreateURLMapping.enabled <boolean> Enable/disable mapping based tracking and reporting of the application Optional
CreateURLMapping.signature <object> Signatures. Legacy application mappings that were based on strings or hex strings instead of URLs are now read-only and cannot be created. Only URL based applications can be created.
CreateURLMapping.signature.url <array of <string>> List of URL signatures. If you specify multiple URLs, the traffic needs to match only one. If more than one URL matches, the most specific URL that matches is used.
CreateURLMapping.signature.url[item] <string> URL signature. URL must begin with http/https. An asterisk can be specified as a wildcard in the URL to match everything succeeding it.
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

URL Application Mappings: Update URL Mapping

Update a general application mapping

PUT https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/url/{app_id}

This request requires authorization.

Property Name Type Description Notes
app_id <string> Identifier
Request Body

Provide a request body with the following structure:

  • JSON
  "name": string,
  "enabled": boolean,
  "signature": {
    "url": [

  "name": "test1_new", 
  "enabled": false, 
  "signature": {
    "url": [
Property Name Type Description Notes
UpdateURlMapping <object> Application mapping data <string> New mapping name
UpdateURlMapping.enabled <boolean> Enable/disable mapping based tracking and reporting of the application Optional
UpdateURlMapping.signature <object> Signatures. There may exist certain legacy application mappings that were based on strings or hex strings instead of URLs. These applications are now read-only and cannot be updated. Only the URL based applications can be updated.
UpdateURlMapping.signature.url <array of <string>> List of URL signatures. All URLs must be specified in the signature for an update (and not just the new ones) as this operation overwrites the existing signatures. If you specify multiple URLs, the traffic needs to match only one. If more than one URL matches, the most specific URL that matches is used.
UpdateURlMapping.signature.url[item] <string> URL signature. URL must begin with http/https. An asterisk can be specified as a wildcard in the URL to match everything succeeding it.
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

URL Application Mappings: Delete URL Mappings

Delete multiple URL application mappings

DELETE https://{device}/api/mgmt.applications/1.0/mappings/url/{app_ids}

This request requires authorization.

Property Name Type Description Notes
app_ids <string> Comma separated list of identifiers formatted as a string
Response Body

On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.

Error Codes

In the event that an error occurs while processing a request, the server will respond with appropriate HTTP status code and additional information in the response body:

     "error_id":   "{error identifier}",
     "error_text": "{error description}",
     "error_info": {error specific data structure, optional}

The table below lists the possible errors and the associated HTTP status codes that may returned.

Error ID HTTP Status Comments
BAD REQUEST 400 Invalid argument
UNAUTHORIZED 401 Authentication failed
FORBIDDEN 403 No permission to access the requested resource
NOT FOUND 404 Content not found
METHOD NOT ALLOWED 405 Method not supported for the requested resource
INTERNAL SERVER ERROR 500 Internal server error
SERVICE UNAVAILABLE 503 Service is currently unavailable