NPM Audit Service v1.1
Created Jan 16, 2025 at 06:25 PM

Resource: config

Audit subsystem configuration

  • JSON
  • {
      "disabled_types": [
      "retention": {
        "period": integer,
        "records": integer
      "system": {
        "enabled": boolean
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    config <object> Audit subsystem configuration Required properties: [system, retention, disabled_types];
    config.disabled_types <array of <string>> Event types that will not be audited. Any subtypes under the type namespace will also be disabled.
    config.disabled_types[items] <string> Event type to disable
    config.retention <object> Audit record retention configuration Required properties: [period, records];
    config.retention.period <integer> Number of days to store records before pruning. 0 to disable age-based pruning. Minimum 0;
    config.retention.records <integer> Maximum number of event records to keep. 0 to disable maximum record pruning. Minimum 0;
    config.system <object> Main audit system configuration Required properties: [enabled];
    config.system.enabled <boolean> Globally enable/disable all event auditing

    Resource: events

    Container for event instances

  • JSON
  • {
      "items": [ event ],
      "meta": events_meta
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    events <object> Container for event instances Required properties: [items];
    events.items <array of <event>> Array of events within the audit subsystem
    events.items[items] <event> An event within the audit subsystem
    events.meta <events_meta> Meta data of the data set returned when a list of events are fetched.

    Type: event

    An event within the audit subsystem

  • JSON
  • {
      "action": string,
      "count": integer,
      "details": [
          "field": string,
          "new": string,
          "old": string,
          "value": string,
          <prop>: any
      "identifier": string,
      "ipaddr": string,
      "module": string,
      "pid": integer,
      "record_type": string,
      "sid": string,
      "success": integer,
      "timestamp": timestamp,
      "uid": integer,
      "username": string,
      <prop>: any
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    event <object> An event within the audit subsystem Required properties: [timestamp, action, record_type, identifier, uid, username, ipaddr, pid, sid, module, success, details, count];
    event.action <string> Action that triggered the event (e.g., 'create', 'update').
    event.count <integer> Number of times the event occurred during a 1-minute window
    event.details <array of <object>> Specific details about the event as EventDetails, consisting of EventDetail objects field/value - a field, and text about the field field/old/new - a field, its original value, and new
    event.details[items] <object> Event details Required properties: [field];
    event.details[items].field <string> Detail field
    event.details[items].new <string> New field value for a change record Optional;
    event.details[items].old <string> Original field value for a change record Optional;
    event.details[items].value <string> Value field Optional;
    event.details[items].<prop> <any> Optional;
    event.identifier <string> Identifier for the record_type object. For example, if action is 'delete', and record_type is 'configuration_change.host_group', the identifier might be 'Boston'
    event.ipaddr <string> IP from which the event was triggered
    event.module <string> IP address of the module on a multi-blade system where the event occurred <integer> Process ID from which the event originated
    event.record_type <string> The type of event (e.g. 'authentication.login', 'configuration_change.roles')
    event.sid <string> User session from which the event originated
    event.success <integer> Whether the attempted event succeeded.
    event.timestamp <timestamp> Timestamp of audit event Seconds since January 1, 1970;
    event.uid <integer> Numeric User ID of the user that triggered the event. Value is -1 if not set.
    event.username <string> Username of the user that triggered the event.
    event.<prop> <any> Optional;

    Type: events_meta

    Meta data of the data set returned when a list of events are fetched.

  • JSON
  • {
      "count": integer,
      "limit": integer,
      "offset": integer,
      "total": integer
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    events_meta <object> Meta data of the data set returned when a list of events are fetched.
    events_meta.count <integer> The actual number of reports returned for this request. Optional;
    events_meta.limit <integer> Maximum number report instances to be returned. Optional;
    events_meta.offset <integer> Start returning report instances from offset specified. Optional; <integer> Total number of reports in the system that match the filter criteria. Optional;