SCC Appliance Inventory Service Definition v1.0
Created Mar 12, 2025 at 06:30 PM

Resource: brief_appliances

A collection of appliances managed by the SCC

  • JSON
  • [
        "id": integer,
        "serial": serial,
        "uuid": uuid,
        "model": string,
        "product_code": product_code,
        "hostname": hostname,
        "address": string,
        "health": health
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    brief_appliances <array of <object>> A collection of appliances managed by the SCC
    brief_appliances[items] <object>
    brief_appliances[items].id <integer> Unique Appliance ID generated internally Read-only; Optional;
    brief_appliances[items].serial <serial> Serial number of the appliance Read-only;
    brief_appliances[items].uuid <uuid> Unique identifier for the appliance Read-only;
    brief_appliances[items].model <string> The model of the appliance Read-only; Optional;
    brief_appliances[items].product_code <product_code> The product code of the appliance Read-only; Values: SH, EX, IC, SMC, GC, sh, ex, ib, dva, gw;
    brief_appliances[items].hostname <hostname> Hostname Pattern: '^((([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9]))?$';
    brief_appliances[items].address <string> Address to reach the appliance. This is same as override address if override-address is specified else it is auto_detected_address. Read-only; Optional;
    brief_appliances[items].health <health> Health of the appliance Read-only; Values: critical, degraded, normal, unknown;

    Resource: appliances

    A collection of appliances managed by the SCC

  • JSON
  • [
        "id": integer,
        "serial": serial,
        "uuid": uuid,
        "model": string,
        "product_code": product_code,
        "arch": arch,
        "version": version,
        "hostname": hostname,
        "address": string,
        "auto_detected_address": string,
        "override_address": string,
        "time_zone": string,
        "state": string,
        "health": health,
        "connectivity": {
          "mode": string,
          "ocs_connected": boolean,
          "ocs_address": address,
          "gcl_connected": boolean,
          "gcl_address": address
        "interfaces": [
            "name": string,
            "enabled": boolean,
            "ip_addr": ipv4address,
            "mask_len": integer
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    appliances <array of <items>> A collection of appliances managed by the SCC
    items <object> Information about an appliance Required properties: [serial, product_code]; <integer> Unique Appliance ID generated internally Read-only; Optional;
    items.serial <serial> Serial number of the appliance Read-only;
    items.uuid <uuid> Unique identifier for the appliance Read-only;
    items.model <string> The model of the appliance Read-only; Optional;
    items.product_code <product_code> The product code of the appliance Read-only; Values: SH, EX, IC, SMC, GC, sh, ex, ib, dva, gw;
    items.arch <arch> The architecture of the appliance Read-only; Values: x86_64, i386;
    items.version <version> The version of a software image Read-only;
    items.hostname <hostname> Hostname Pattern: '^((([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9]))?$';
    items.address <string> Address to reach the appliance. This is same as override address if override-address is specified else it is auto_detected_address. Read-only; Optional;
    items.auto_detected_address <string> Auto detected address to reach the appliance Read-only; Optional;
    items.override_address <string> User given address to reach the appliance Optional;
    items.time_zone <string> Appliance time zone in the Olson database format Optional;
    items.state <string> Current state of the appliance Optional; Values: blacklisted, administratively_down, read_only, managed; <health> Health of the appliance Read-only; Values: critical, degraded, normal, unknown;
    items.connectivity <object> Status of the appliance Read-only; Required properties: [mode, ocs_connected, gcl_connected]; Optional;
    items.connectivity.mode <string> Type of requests allowed Read-only; Values: full, heartbeat_only;
    items.connectivity.ocs_connected <boolean> Status of the OCS-OCD connection Read-only;
    items.connectivity.ocs_address <address> Read-only;
    items.connectivity.gcl_connected <boolean> Status of the GCL connection Read-only;
    items.connectivity.gcl_address <address> Read-only;
    items.interfaces <array of <object>> Interfaces of the appliance Optional;
    items.interfaces[items] <object> Interface of the appliance Read-only;
    items.interfaces[items].name <string> Name of the interface Read-only; Optional;
    items.interfaces[items].enabled <boolean> Interface enabled or not Read-only; Optional;
    items.interfaces[items].ip_addr <ipv4address> IPv4 address (x.y.z.k) Pattern: '^((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))?$';
    items.interfaces[items].mask_len <integer> Mask length of the ipadress Read-only; Optional; Range: 0 to 32;

    Resource: appliance

    Information about an appliance

  • JSON
  • {
      "id": integer,
      "serial": serial,
      "uuid": uuid,
      "model": string,
      "product_code": product_code,
      "arch": arch,
      "version": version,
      "hostname": hostname,
      "address": string,
      "auto_detected_address": string,
      "override_address": string,
      "time_zone": string,
      "state": string,
      "health": health,
      "connectivity": {
        "mode": string,
        "ocs_connected": boolean,
        "ocs_address": address,
        "gcl_connected": boolean,
        "gcl_address": address
      "interfaces": [
          "name": string,
          "enabled": boolean,
          "ip_addr": ipv4address,
          "mask_len": integer
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    appliance <object> Information about an appliance Required properties: [serial, product_code]; <integer> Unique Appliance ID generated internally Read-only; Optional;
    appliance.serial <serial> Serial number of the appliance Read-only;
    appliance.uuid <uuid> Unique identifier for the appliance Read-only;
    appliance.model <string> The model of the appliance Read-only; Optional;
    appliance.product_code <product_code> The product code of the appliance Read-only; Values: SH, EX, IC, SMC, GC, sh, ex, ib, dva, gw;
    appliance.arch <arch> The architecture of the appliance Read-only; Values: x86_64, i386;
    appliance.version <version> The version of a software image Read-only;
    appliance.hostname <hostname> Hostname Pattern: '^((([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9]))?$';
    appliance.address <string> Address to reach the appliance. This is same as override address if override-address is specified else it is auto_detected_address. Read-only; Optional;
    appliance.auto_detected_address <string> Auto detected address to reach the appliance Read-only; Optional;
    appliance.override_address <string> User given address to reach the appliance Optional;
    appliance.time_zone <string> Appliance time zone in the Olson database format Optional;
    appliance.state <string> Current state of the appliance Optional; Values: blacklisted, administratively_down, read_only, managed; <health> Health of the appliance Read-only; Values: critical, degraded, normal, unknown;
    appliance.connectivity <object> Status of the appliance Read-only; Required properties: [mode, ocs_connected, gcl_connected]; Optional;
    appliance.connectivity.mode <string> Type of requests allowed Read-only; Values: full, heartbeat_only;
    appliance.connectivity.ocs_connected <boolean> Status of the OCS-OCD connection Read-only;
    appliance.connectivity.ocs_address <address> Read-only;
    appliance.connectivity.gcl_connected <boolean> Status of the GCL connection Read-only;
    appliance.connectivity.gcl_address <address> Read-only;
    appliance.interfaces <array of <object>> Interfaces of the appliance Optional;
    appliance.interfaces[items] <object> Interface of the appliance Read-only;
    appliance.interfaces[items].name <string> Name of the interface Read-only; Optional;
    appliance.interfaces[items].enabled <boolean> Interface enabled or not Read-only; Optional;
    appliance.interfaces[items].ip_addr <ipv4address> IPv4 address (x.y.z.k) Pattern: '^((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))?$';
    appliance.interfaces[items].mask_len <integer> Mask length of the ipadress Read-only; Optional; Range: 0 to 32;


    appliance: instances

    Related resource


    Type: product_code

    The product code of the appliance

  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    product_code <string> The product code of the appliance Read-only; Values: SH, EX, IC, SMC, GC, sh, ex, ib, dva, gw;

    Type: arch

    The architecture of the appliance

  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    arch <string> The architecture of the appliance Read-only; Values: x86_64, i386;

    Type: version

    The version of a software image

  • JSON
  • {
      "version_id": string,
      "version_number": string,
      "build_number": string,
      "build_timestamp": string,
      <prop>: any
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    version <object> The version of a software image Read-only; Required properties: [version_id];
    version.version_id <string> A unique identifier for a version of a product. Is an amalgam of all the information in the following fields. Read-only;
    version.version_number <string> The released version name. A dotted decimal with optional trailing characters to identify fix releases and customer specific releases. Read-only; Optional;
    version.build_number <string> Build number. Distinguishes prerelease versions. For any given general availability version_number there is a specific build number. Read-only; Optional;
    version.build_timestamp <string> The date/time of the build. Read-only; Optional;
    version.<prop> <any> Read-only; Optional;

    Type: hostname


  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    hostname <string> Hostname Pattern: '^((([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9]))?$';

    Type: ipv4address

    IPv4 address (x.y.z.k)

  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    ipv4address <string> IPv4 address (x.y.z.k) Pattern: '^((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))?$';

    Type: serial

    Serial number of the appliance

  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    serial <string> Serial number of the appliance Read-only;

    Type: uuid

    Unique identifier for the appliance

  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    uuid <string> Unique identifier for the appliance Read-only;

    Type: health

    Health of the appliance

  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    health <string> Health of the appliance Read-only; Values: critical, degraded, normal, unknown;

    Type: address

  • JSON
  • string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    address <string> Read-only;