Adding Devices to Device Manager
Add/Discover Devices Wizard
Choosing an Entry Mode for Adding Devices
Using the Add/Discover Devices Wizard
Adding Devices by Importing from Active Directory Server
Manually Adding WMI-Enabled Devices
Accessing an Active Directory Server Using LDAP
Viewing Status and Interpreting Data from WMI-Enabled Devices
Troubleshooting Issues with Adding WMI-Enabled Devices
Device Auto-Discovery
SNMP Discovery
Filters for Device Entries
Discovering Through Firewalls
Discovering Firewall Devices
Device Entries Created in Device Manager
Requirements for Device Discovery
Configure Discovery Range
Troubleshooting Device Discovery
Working with Device Login Scripts
Managing Global Credentials and Other Global Discovery Settings
Global Credentials Lists
Global Include/Exclude Address Lists
Global Discovery Settings Wizard
Configuring Groups
What is a Group?
Creating and Maintaining Groups
What is a Grouping Rule?
Grouping Rule Workflow
Creating, Cloning, Modifying, Deleting, and Manually Running Grouping Rules
Creating a Grouping Rule
Cloning a Grouping Rule
Modifying a Grouping Rule
Deleting a Grouping Rule
Manually Running a Grouping Rule
Rule Types
Using a Filtered Network in a Grouping Rule
Defining a Match Filter for Scope
Example Grouping Rules
Grouping Rule for Cisco as Vendor Type - Group by Matched String
Grouping Rule Matching First Two Characters of sysName
Configuring Metric Polling
Enabling/Disabling Background Polling
Configuring Metric Polling During Setup
Manually Enabling or Disabling Metric Polling
Using the Polling Wizard to Create, Clone, Edit or Delete Polling Profiles
Using the Choose Action Screen
Using the Create Profile, Clone Profile, and Edit Profile Screens
Using the Associate Devices Screen
Using the Choose Interface Filter Screen
Using the Manage Interface Filters Screen
Using the Interface Filter Details Screen
Using the Summary Screen
Working with Basic Filters
Working with Advanced Filters
Rules for Advanced Filters
Tips for Creating Advanced Filters
Examples of Advanced Filters
Assigning a Polling Profile to Devices
Polling Overrides
Interface Polling Control Use Cases
Monitoring Device Status and Availability
WMI Collection and Metric Polling
WMI Prerequisite Checklist
WMI Prerequisites
Resolving Issues with PowerShell Remoting and Windows Metrics
Adding Devices for WMI Polling and Attribute Collection
Monitoring Windows Model Collection and Metrics Polling
Configuring Metric Alerts
Configuring Alert Notifications
Certificate Requirement for Splunk HEC Integration – Certificate Validation
Configuring an Alert
Creating an Alert
Adding or Removing Alerts
Notification Formats
SNMP Trap Notification Example
Syslog Notification Example
E-Mail Notification Example
SNMP Trap MIB Definition
Configuring a Maintenance Window
Working with Default Thresholds
Suppressing Alert Notifications
Configuring Metrics Roll-Up
Roll-up/Age-out Scheme
Rollup Wizard
Syslog Management
Configuring Device Drivers
System-Defined Device Drivers
User-Defined Device Drivers
Uniqueness of Device Drivers
Enabling Collection of CLI Data for a Device Driver
Device Drivers Wizard
Command Type Manager
Installing Synthetic Test Engines
Overview of Synthetic Testing
Planning a Network of Synthetic Test Engines
Building a Network of Synthetic Test Engines
Installing a Synthetic Test Engine
Verifying that NetIM Recognizes All Test Engines
Verifying that NetIM is Listening for Test Engines
Troubleshooting a Synthetic Test Engine
Uninstalling a Synthetic Test Engine
About TE.env and TE.bat
Reconfiguring a Test Engine if NetIM’s IP Address Changes
Configuring Synthetic Test Profiles
Working with Synthetic “DNS Test” Profiles
Preparing for a “DNS Test”
Using the Wizard for a “DNS Test”
Working with Synthetic “HTTP Test” Profiles
Preparing for an “HTTP Test”
Using the Wizard for an “HTTP Test”
Preparing a Client Certificate for an “HTTP Test”
Using the Wizard for an “HTTP Test” with Client Certificate
Correcting Common Errors from Synthetic “HTTP Test”
Cannot Recover Key
Keystore Was Tampered With or Password Was Incorrect
Working with Synthetic “TCP Port Test” Profiles
Preparing for a “TCP Port Test”
Using the Wizard for a “TCP Port Test”
Working with Synthetic “Ping Test” Profiles
Preparing for a “Ping Test”
Using the Wizard for a “Ping Test”
Working with Synthetic “Database Test” Profiles
Preparing for a “Database Test”
Using the Wizard for a “Database Test”
Working with Synthetic “Selenium Test” Profiles
Preparing for a “Selenium Test”
Preparing a Client Certificate for a “Selenium Test”
Using the Wizard for a “Selenium Test”
Watching a Synthetic “Selenium Test” In Action
Working with Synthetic “External Script Test” Profiles
Preparing a Script for an “External Script Test”
Using the Wizard for an “External Script Test”
Working with Synthetic “LDAP Test” Profiles
Preparing for an “LDAP Test”
Example of an advanced Synthetic “LDAP Test”
Using the Wizard for an “LDAP Test”
Configuring the IP Detection Service
IP Detection Wizard
Viewing Detected IPs
Configuring the SNMP Trap Receiver
SNMP Trap Receiver Wizard
SNMP Trap Management
Configuring Alerting Based on Trap Severity
Primary Trap Management Files
Trap Severity
Setting a Custom OID-Specific Severity and Category
Customize Trap Severity and Trap Category Mapping
Resetting Custom OID-Specific Severity and Category
Trap Severity Mapping Rules (drool rules)
Global Trap Severity Mapping Rules
OID-Specific Severity Mapping Rules
Authoring SNMP Trap Management Rules
SNMP Trap Management Rule Triggering
NetProfiler Integration
Configuring NetProfiler Integration
Using NetProfiler Data within NetIM
Troubleshooting NetProfiler to NetIM Element Mappings
Setting Time Zones and Business Hours
Setting Time Zones For All Devices
Modifying Time Zones for One or More Devices
Defining a Business Hour Profile
Associating a Business Hour Profile with a Device Using the Device Manager
Setting Geographic Location
Determining Device Health by Geographic Location
Pre-Collected Device Configuration Files
Input File Criteria for CLI Files
Pre-Collected Files
Requirements for Pre-Collected Files Import
Exporting Reports
Manually Exporting a Generated Report
Scheduling Reports for Export
Adding Devices to Device Manager
Exporting Reports