11.12. Analysis Tables

The AnalysisTable allows for fully custom data collection and analysis and provides the following features:

  • Ability to leverage pre-requisite tables from other data sources as input
  • Identify related table definitions for columns and running additional queries
  • Define custom table fields to allow run-time changes in behaviour by the user

This section will first walk you through the ClippedWaveTable from the Wave sample plugin. Then the Whois plugin is presented to explain another way of how to utilize the AnalysisTable features of App framework.

11.12.1. ClippedWaveTable

The ClippedWaveTable is an example AnalysisTable included within the Wave plugin that takes a base WaveTable as input and applies some transformations on the data. These changes include:

  • Define criteria fields min and max that define the upper and lower clipping bounds
  • Take a single input table labeled waves that defines one or more time-series data columns (in addition to a time column)
  • For each input wave column, produce an output wave column that is clipped at the user defined min and max Using the table in a report

In order to use the clipped table, we need to define an input table:

table = wave.WaveTable.create(
    name='wave-table', duration='15min', resolution='1s', beta=4)

table.add_column('time', 'Time', datatype=Column.DATATYPE_TIME, iskey=True)
table.add_column('sin1', 'Sine Wave 1', func='sin', period='5min', alpha=3)
table.add_column('sin2', 'Sine Wave 2', func='sin', period='8min', alpha=10)
table.add_column('cos',  'Cosine Wave', func='cos', period='3min', alpha=2.5)

We now have a new WaveTable with 3 waves defined stored in the variable table. Now we can define our clipped version of that table:

clipped_table = wave.ClippedWaveTable.create(
    name='clipped-wave-table', tables={'waves': table},
    min=3, max=9)

The tables argument to the create method is a dictionary of input table references. The label waves is specified by the ClippedWaveTable. The labels become important when there are two or more input tables.

Notice that no columns are defined – this is because within the function definition of this table, it already replicates the same columns from the input table (see the end of the next section for how this gets handled). In some cases it will be necessary to add columns like you do for normal App Framework tables. But as shown here, this step can be skipped. Defining the ClippedWaveTable

Now let’s look at the code behind that last ClippedWaveTable.create() call above:

class ClippedWaveTable(AnalysisTable):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

    _query_class = 'ClippedWaveQuery'

    FIELD_OPTIONS = {'min': 2,
                     'max': 7}

    def process_options(cls, table_options):
        table_options = super(ClippedWaveTable, cls).process_options(table_options)

        # Verify that the user defined a 'waves' input table
        tables = table_options['tables']
        if not tables or len(tables) != 1 or 'waves' not in tables:
            raise ValueError("Tables must contain only a dependent table "
                             "named 'waves'")

        return table_options

    def post_process_table(self, field_options):
        super(ClippedWaveTable, self).post_process_table(field_options)

        # Add a custom field for 'min'
        TableField.create(obj=self, keyword='min',  label='Min value',
                          help_text=('Clip all wave forms at this minimum value'),

        # Add a custom field for 'max'
        TableField.create(obj=self, keyword='max', label='Max value',
                          help_text=('Clip all wave forms at this maximum value'),

        tables = self.options['tables']

Stepping through this in more detail:

class ClippedWaveTable(AnalysisTable):
    class Meta: proxy = True

All analysis tables must be subclassed from the base AnalysisTable. The next line is a bit of Django magic that is required to indicate that this is class is a proxy for the base Table model.

_query_class = 'ClippedWaveQuery'

This class method indicates what class will actually implement the query function when this table is run. We will run through the ClippedWaveQuery below.

The next few lines define default fields values that will be used for custom fields.

FIELD_OPTIONS = {'min': 2,
                 'max': 7}

The process_options class method below is called after table options have been pre-processed but before the table is actually created. This is an opportunity to tweak table options, or in this case verify that the user properly included a waves input table.

def process_options(cls, table_options):
    table_options = (super(ClippedWaveTable, cls).

    # Verify that the user defined a 'waves' input table
    tables = table_options['tables']
    if not tables or len(tables) != 1 or 'waves' not in tables:
        raise ValueError("Tables must contain only a dependent table "
                         "named 'waves'")

    return table_options

Note that this is a class method because the table object has not yet been created. In addition we must make sure to call the parent class’ process_options method and return whatever value it returned.

The post_process_table method is invoked after the table has been created and saved to the database. This is our chance to add columns and custom fields:

def post_process_table(self, field_options):
    super(ClippedWaveTable, self).post_process_table(field_options)

    # Add a custom field for 'min'
    TableField.create(obj=self, keyword='min',  label='Min value',
                      help_text=('Clip all wave forms at this'
                                 ' minimum value'),

    # Add a custom field for 'max'
    TableField.create(obj=self, keyword='max', label='Max value',
                      help_text=('Clip all wave forms at this'
                                 ' maximum value'),

Again, we must call the parent class’ post_process_table method first, then we add our two custom fields for min and max. Note here that we set the initial value to field_options['min']. This will be either the value defined above in the FIELD_OPTIONS dictionary, or any override specified on the create line. Above in the previous section the table was created with min=3, so that will be used as the initial value. Note that the user can still change the min at run time, this merely specifies the default value of the form control when the report is loaded.


tables = self.options['tables']

This copies all columns from the input waves table. This ensures that whatever columns were provided on input will show up on output as well. ClippedWaveQuery

The final missing piece is the ClippedWaveQuery which actually performs the clipping function at run time:

from steelscript.appfwk.apps.jobs import QueryComplete

class ClippedWaveQuery(AnalysisQuery):

    def analyze(self, jobs):
        assert('waves' in jobs)

        # Grab the incoming 'waves' table, which will have already been
        # run prior to this call.  The result is a pandas DataFrame
        waves = jobs['waves'].data()

        # Index on 'time' -- this allows the next operation to proceed
        # only the remaining columns
        waves = waves.set_index('time')

        # Apply lower and upper limits to all data columns
        criteria = self.job.criteria
        waves = waves.clip(lower=int(criteria.min), upper=int(criteria.max))

        # Reset the index before returning
        waves = waves.reset_index()

        return QueryComplete(waves)

This class is based on AnalysisQuery. When the report is run, the base class will run all necessary input tables and store the results in jobs. This dictionary will have the same labels as defined above to the tables argument. The results here will be Pandas DataFrames.

User input criteria is accessible via self.job.criteria. This is where we get the run time values for min and max to use.

On success, the function will return QueryComplete(waves), where waves is a Pandas DataFrame.

11.12.2. Whois Plugin

The Whois Plugin provides a very simple view into how to utilize AnalysisTables in the two supported means:

  • custom datasource via subclassing AnalysisTable and AnalysisQuery (as shown above in section ClippedWaveTable)
  • single python function

In both cases, the analysis function takes an input table with one column that includes IP addresses, then creates a new column from that with an HTML link to the whois lookup page on the internet.

This section will go into some details about how to utilize a python function for analysis purposes. Define the input table

To start off, we need to define an input table in the report module:

report = Report.create("Whois Example Report", position=1)

table = NetProfilerGroupbyTable.create(
    '5-hosts', groupby='host', duration='1 hour',
    filterexpr='not srv host 10/8 and not srv host 192.168/16'
table.add_column('host_ip', 'IP Addr', iskey=True, datatype='string')
table.add_column('avg_bytes', 'Avg Bytes', units='B/s', sortdesc=True)

There is nothing special about this table, except that it includes a column of IP addresses that will be used as input to our analysis function. Define the analysis function

Next, an analysis function needs to be defined. This is usually done in the datasource module to facilitate importing. This function builds the required data based on the data of the input table to be used for the report.

# Common translation function
def make_whois_link(ip):
    s = ('<a href="http://whois.arin.net/rest/nets;q=%s?showDetails=true&'
         'showARIN=false&ext=netref2" target="_blank">Whois record</a>' % ip)
    return s

make_whois_link is a function which will be used by the analysis function defined below. It takes an IP address as an argument and returns an HTML link to the whois lookup page on the internet.

def whois_function(query, tables, criteria, params):
    # we want the first table, don't care what its been named
    t = query.tables.values()[0]
    t['whois'] = t['host_ip'].map(make_whois_link)
    return t

This whois_function does all the analysis in place of the AnalysisQuery we’ve seen before. When writing your own, you can name it anything you like, but you will need the same four keyword arguments in your function definition. They don’t all have to be used, as you can see in our example, though.

query The incoming Job reference, this includes the calculated results of all dependant tables.
tables A dictionary reference to the dependant table definitions. These should be used if needing to get to the original tables in the database.
criteria A dictionary of all the passed criteria
params Additional parameters that were defined in the report. These can help make the functions more flexible so the same definition can be used across multiple report types with a different attribute in each case.

Inside the whois_function, it is worth mentioning that t is a pandas DataFrame, thus you can add the extra whois column to t by applying the mapping function make_whois_link to t['host_ip']. Define the columns for report

And finally, now that we have our base table defined and our analysis function created, it is time to create an Analysis table in the report module. Note that we also need to add columns to the analysis table.

function_table = AnalysisTable.create('whois-function-table',
                                      tables={'t': table},
function_table.add_column('whois', label='Whois link', datatype='html')

report.add_widget(yui3.TableWidget, function_table,
                  "Analysis Function Link table", width=12)

Note that an extra column whois is added to the function_table, so that the report can render all the data returned by the whois_function.

11.12.3. Summary

The two examples demonstrate two different ways to utilize the AnalysisTable features of App framework.

The ClippedWaveTable example uses the extensible custom table definition approach where two new classes are defined to perform the initial table definition and data processing.

The Whois plugin looks much like the first, but uses a single function to perform the data processing.

Both approaches have benefits. The custom definitions allow far more flexibility in how things get defined, while the function approach can be simpler for a quick report.