4.4. NetProfiler and Reporting

The NetProfiler package offers a set of interfaces to control and work with a SteelCentral NetProfiler appliance.

4.4.1. NetProfiler Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.netprofiler.NetProfiler(host, port=None, auth=None)

The NetProfiler class is the main interface to interact with a NetProfiler appliance. Primarily this provides an interface to reporting.

__init__(host, port=None, auth=None)

Establishes a connection to a NetProfiler appliance.

  • host (str) – name or IP address of the NetProfiler to connect to
  • port (int) – TCP port on which the NetProfiler appliance listens. If this parameter is not specified, the function will try to automatically determine the port.
  • auth – defines the authentication method and credentials to use to access the NetProfiler. It should be an instance of UserAuth or OAuth
  • force_version (str) – API version to use when communicating. if unspecified, this will use the latest version supported by both this implementation and the NetProfiler appliance.

See the base Service class for more information about additional functionality supported.

get_columns(columns, groupby=None, strict=True)

Return valid Column objects for list of columns

  • columns (list) – list of strings, Column objects, or JSON dicts defining a column
  • groupby (str) – will optionally ensure that the selected columns are valid for the given groupby
  • strict (bool) – If True (default), will validate input against known Columns or create ephemeral columns for dynamic reports. If False, will avoid validation and process input as given. Used in some template or MultiQuery scenarios where the columns aren’t specific to a known realm/groupby pairing.

Note that this function may be incomplete for any given groupby.


Return Column objects that have ids in list of strings ids.

Parameters:ids (list) – list of integer ids

Issue logout command to netprofiler machine.

search_columns(realms=None, centricities=None, groupbys=None)

Identify columns given one or more values for the triplet.

  • realms (list) – list of strings
  • centricities (list) – list of strings
  • groupbys (list) – list of strings

Results will be based on the following relationship table:

realm centricity groupby
traffic_summary hos,int all (except thu)
traffic_overall_time_series hos,int tim
traffic_flow_list hos hos
identity_list hos thu

Returns the software version of the NetProfiler

4.4.2. Report Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.Report(profiler)

Base class for all NetProfiler reports.

This class is normally not used directly, but instead via subclasses SingleQueryReport and MultiQueryReport.


Initialize a report object.

A report object is bound to an instance of a NetProfiler at creation.


Issue a call to NetProfiler delete this report.

get_data(index=0, columns=None, limit=None)

Retrieve data for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the data to the list of requested columns.

Parameters:limit (integer) – Upper limit of rows of the result data.
get_iterdata(index=0, columns=None, limit=None)

Retrieve iterator for the result data.

If columns is specified, restrict the legend to the list of requested columns.

Parameters:limit (integer) – Upper limit of rows of the result data.
get_legend(index=0, columns=None)

Return legend describing the columns in this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the legend to the list of requested columns.


Returns the query_id by specifying the index, defaults to 0.

get_totals(index=0, columns=None)

Retrieve the totals for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the totals to the list of requested columns.

run(template_id, timefilter=None, resolution='auto', query=None, trafficexpr=None, data_filter=None, sync=True, custom_criteria=None)

Create the report and begin running the report on NetProfiler.

If the sync option is True, periodically poll until the report is complete, otherwise return immediately.

  • template_id (int) – numeric id of the template to use for the report
  • timefilter – range of time to query, instance of TimeFilter
  • resolution (str) – data resolution, such as (1min, 15min, etc.), defaults to ‘auto’
  • query (str) – query object containing criteria
  • trafficexpr – instance of TrafficFilter
  • data_filter (str) – deprecated filter to run against report data
  • sync (bool) – if True, poll for status until the report is complete

Query for the status of report. If the report has not been run, this returns None.

The return value is a dict containing:

  • status indicating completed when finished
  • percent indicating the percentage complete (0-100)
  • remaining_seconds is an estimate of the time left until complete
wait_for_complete(interval=1, timeout=600)

Periodically checks report status and returns when 100% complete.

4.4.3. SingleQueryReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.SingleQueryReport(profiler)

Bases: steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.Report

Base class for NetProfiler REST API reports.

This class is not normally instantiated directly. See child classes such as TrafficSummaryReport.

run(realm, groupby='hos', columns=None, sort_col=None, timefilter=None, trafficexpr=None, host_group_type='ByLocation', resolution='auto', centricity='hos', area=None, data_filter=None, sync=True, query_columns_groupby=None, query_columns=None, limit=None, custom_criteria=None)
  • realm (str) – type of query, this is automatically set by subclasses
  • groupby (str) – sets the way in which data should be grouped (use netprofiler.groupby.*)
  • columns (list) – list of key and value columns to retrieve (use netprofiler.columns.*)
  • sort_colColumn reference to sort by
  • timefilter – range of time to query, instance of TimeFilter
  • trafficexpr – instance of TrafficFilter
  • host_group_type (str) – sets the host group type to use when the groupby is related to groups (such as ‘group’ or ‘peer_group’).
  • resolution (str) – data resolution, such as (1min, 15min, etc.), defaults to ‘auto’
  • centricity ('hos' or 'int') – ‘hos’ for host-based counts, or ‘int’ for interface based counts, only affects directional columns
  • area (str) – sets the appropriate scope for the report
  • data_filter (str) – deprecated filter to run against report data
  • sync (bool) – if True, poll for status until the report is complete
  • query_columns_groupby (list) – the groupby for time columns
  • query_columns (list) – list of unique values associated with query_columns_groupby
  • limit (integer) – Upper limit of rows of the result data. NetProfiler will return by default a maximum of 10,000 rows, but with this argument that limit can be raised up to ‘1000000’, if needed. TrafficSummaryReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.TrafficSummaryReport(profiler)

Bases: steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.SingleQueryReport


Create a traffic summary report. The data is organized by the requested groupby, and retrieves the selected columns.


Issue a call to NetProfiler delete this report.


Returns the query_id by specifying the index, defaults to 0.

get_totals(index=0, columns=None)

Retrieve the totals for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the totals to the list of requested columns.

run(groupby, columns, sort_col=None, timefilter=None, trafficexpr=None, host_group_type='ByLocation', resolution='auto', centricity='hos', area=None, sync=True, limit=None)

See SingleQueryReport.run() for a description of the keyword arguments.


Query for the status of report. If the report has not been run, this returns None.

The return value is a dict containing:

  • status indicating completed when finished
  • percent indicating the percentage complete (0-100)
  • remaining_seconds is an estimate of the time left until complete
wait_for_complete(interval=1, timeout=600)

Periodically checks report status and returns when 100% complete. TrafficOverallTimeSeriesReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.TrafficOverallTimeSeriesReport(profiler)

Bases: steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.SingleQueryReport


Create an overall time series report.


Issue a call to NetProfiler delete this report.


Returns the query_id by specifying the index, defaults to 0.

get_totals(index=0, columns=None)

Retrieve the totals for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the totals to the list of requested columns.

run(columns, timefilter=None, trafficexpr=None, resolution='auto', centricity='hos', area=None, sync=True)

See SingleQueryReport.run() for a description of the keyword arguments.

Note that sort_col, groupby, and host_group_type are not applicable to this report type.


Query for the status of report. If the report has not been run, this returns None.

The return value is a dict containing:

  • status indicating completed when finished
  • percent indicating the percentage complete (0-100)
  • remaining_seconds is an estimate of the time left until complete
wait_for_complete(interval=1, timeout=600)

Periodically checks report status and returns when 100% complete. TrafficFlowListReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.TrafficFlowListReport(profiler)

Bases: steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.SingleQueryReport


Create a flow list report.


Issue a call to NetProfiler delete this report.


Returns the query_id by specifying the index, defaults to 0.

get_totals(index=0, columns=None)

Retrieve the totals for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the totals to the list of requested columns.

run(columns, sort_col=None, timefilter=None, trafficexpr=None, sync=True, limit=None)

See SingleQueryReport.run() for a description of the keyword arguments.

Note that only columns, `sort_col, timefilter, trafficexpr and limit apply to this report type.


Query for the status of report. If the report has not been run, this returns None.

The return value is a dict containing:

  • status indicating completed when finished
  • percent indicating the percentage complete (0-100)
  • remaining_seconds is an estimate of the time left until complete
wait_for_complete(interval=1, timeout=600)

Periodically checks report status and returns when 100% complete. IdentityReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.IdentityReport(profiler)

Bases: steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.SingleQueryReport


Create a report for Active Directory events.


Issue a call to NetProfiler delete this report.


Returns the query_id by specifying the index, defaults to 0.

get_totals(index=0, columns=None)

Retrieve the totals for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the totals to the list of requested columns.

run(username=None, timefilter=None, trafficexpr=None, sync=True, limit=None)

Run complete user identity report over the requested timeframe.

username specific id to filter results by

timefilter is the range of time to query, a TimeFilter object

trafficexpr is an optional TrafficFilter object

Parameters:limit (integer) – Upper limit of rows of the result data

Query for the status of report. If the report has not been run, this returns None.

The return value is a dict containing:

  • status indicating completed when finished
  • percent indicating the percentage complete (0-100)
  • remaining_seconds is an estimate of the time left until complete
wait_for_complete(interval=1, timeout=600)

Periodically checks report status and returns when 100% complete. WANSummaryReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.WANSummaryReport(profiler)

Tabular or summary WAN Report data.


Create a WAN Traffic Summary report


Issue a call to NetProfiler delete this report.

get_data(as_list=True, calc_reduction=False, calc_percentage=False)

Retrieve WAN report data.

  • as_list (bool) – return list of lists or pandas DataFrame
  • calc_reduction (bool) – include extra column with optimization reductions
  • calc_percentage (bool) – include extra column with optimization percent reductions

Query netprofiler to attempt to automatically determine LAN and WAN interface ids.


Returns the query_id by specifying the index, defaults to 0.

get_totals(index=0, columns=None)

Retrieve the totals for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the totals to the list of requested columns.

run(lan_interfaces, wan_interfaces, direction, columns=None, timefilter='last 1 h', trafficexpr=None, groupby='ifc', resolution='auto')

Run WAN Report.

  • lan_interfaces – list of full interface name for LAN interface, e.g. [‘’]
  • wan_interfaces – list of full interface name for WAN interface
  • direction ('inbound' or 'outbound') –
  • columns – list of columns available in both ‘in’ and ‘out’ versions, for example, [‘avg_bytes’, ‘total_bytes’], instead of [‘in_avg_bytes’, ‘out_avg_bytes’]

Query for the status of report. If the report has not been run, this returns None.

The return value is a dict containing:

  • status indicating completed when finished
  • percent indicating the percentage complete (0-100)
  • remaining_seconds is an estimate of the time left until complete
wait_for_complete(interval=1, timeout=600)

Periodically checks report status and returns when 100% complete. WANTimeSeriesReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.WANTimeSeriesReport(profiler)

Create a WAN Time Series report.


Issue a call to NetProfiler delete this report.


Retrieve WAN report data as list of lists or pandas DataFrame.

If as_list is True, return list of lists, False will return pandas DataFrame.


Query netprofiler to attempt to automatically determine LAN and WAN interface ids.


Returns the query_id by specifying the index, defaults to 0.

get_totals(index=0, columns=None)

Retrieve the totals for this report.

If columns is specified, restrict the totals to the list of requested columns.

run(lan_interfaces, wan_interfaces, direction, columns=None, timefilter='last 1 h', trafficexpr=None, groupby=None, resolution='auto')

Run WAN Time Series Report

  • lan_interfaces – list of full interface name for LAN interface, e.g. [‘’]
  • wan_interfaces – list of full interface name for WAN interface
  • direction ('inbound' or 'outbound') –
  • columns – list of columns available in both in_ and out_ versions, for example, [‘avg_bytes’, ‘total_bytes’], instead of [‘in_avg_bytes’, ‘out_avg_bytes’]
  • groupby (str) – Ignored for this report type, included for interface compatibility

Query for the status of report. If the report has not been run, this returns None.

The return value is a dict containing:

  • status indicating completed when finished
  • percent indicating the percentage complete (0-100)
  • remaining_seconds is an estimate of the time left until complete
wait_for_complete(interval=1, timeout=600)

Periodically checks report status and returns when 100% complete.

4.4.4. MultiQueryReport Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.MultiQueryReport(profiler)

Bases: steelscript.netprofiler.core.report.Report

Used to generate NetProfiler standard template reports.


Create a report using standard NetProfiler template ids which will include multiple queries, one for each widget on a report page.


Return data and legend for query matching query_name.


Return full name of each query in report.

run(template_id, columns=None, timefilter=None, trafficexpr=None, data_filter=None, resolution='auto')

The primary driver of these reports come from the template_id which defines the query sources. Thus, no query input or realm/centricity/groupby keywords are necessary.

  • template_id (int) – numeric id of the template to use for the report
  • columns (list) – optional list of key and value columns to retrieve (use netprofiler.columns.*), if omitted, will use template default columns instead.
  • timefilter – range of time to query, instance of TimeFilter
  • trafficexpr – instance of TrafficFilter
  • data_filter (str) – deprecated filter to run against report data
  • resolution (str) – data resolution, such as (1min, 15min, etc.), defaults to ‘auto’

4.5. steelscript.netprofiler.core.filters

4.5.1. TimeFilter Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.filters.TimeFilter(start, end)
__init__(start, end)
compare_time(t, resolution=60)

Return True if time t falls in between start and end times.

t may be a unix timestamp (float or string) or a datetime.datetime object

resolution is the number of seconds to use for rounding. Since NetProfiler stores data in one-minute increments, typically this should allow reasonable comparisons to report outputs. Passing zero (0) in here will enforce strict comparisons.

classmethod parse_range(s)

Take a range string s and return a TimeFilter object.

profiler_minutes(astimestamp=False, aslocal=False)

Provide best guess of whole minutes for current time range.

astimestamp determines whether to return results in Unix timestamp format or as datetime.datetime objects (defaults to datetime objects).

aslocal set to True will apply local timezone to datetime objects (defaults to UTC).

NetProfiler reports out in whole minute increments, and for time deltas less than one minute (60 seconds) it will use the rounded minute from the latest timestamp. For time deltas over one minute, lowest and highest rounded minutes are used, along with all in between.

4.5.2. TrafficFilter Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.filters.TrafficFilter(filter)

Wrapper class for NetProfiler Traffic expressions.

View more information on Traffic expressions via NetProfiler help.


4.6. steelscript.netprofiler.core.hostgroup

The Host Group module provides an interface for manipulating host group types and their host groups and hosts.

4.6.1. HostGroupType Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.hostgroup.HostGroupType(netprofiler, id)

Convenience class to allow easy access to host group types.

Use this class to create new and access existing host group types. Within a host group type you can add and remove it’s HostGroups and their members. All changes to host group types will be local until save() is called.

Example accessing an existing HostGroupType and adding a new HostGroup member to it:

>>> byloc = HostGroupType.find_by_name(netprofiler, 'ByLocation')
>>> sanfran = byloc.group['sanfran']
<HostGroup 'sanfran'>
>>> sanfran.get()
>>> sanfran.add('10.99.2/24')
['10.99.1/24', '10.99.2/24']
>>> byloc.save()

Example creating a new HostGroupType, HostGroup, and group member:

>>> by_region = HostGroupType.create(netprofiler, 'ByRegion')
>>> north_america = HostGroup(by_region, 'north_america')
<HostGroup 'north_america'>
>>> north_america.get()
>>> north_america.add(['10.99.1/24', '10.99.2/24'])
['10.99.1/24', '10.99.2/24']
>>> by_region.save()
__init__(netprofiler, id)

HostGroupType should not be instantiated directly, instead use create() or find_by_name().

classmethod create(netprofiler, name, favorite=False, description='')

Create a new hostgroup type.

  • netprofiler (Netprofiler) – The Netprofiler you are using.
  • name (str) – The name of the new HostGroupType.
  • favorite (bool) – if True, this type will be listed as a favorite.
  • description (str) – The hostgroup type’s description.

The new host group type will be created on the NetProfiler when save() is called.


Delete this host group type and all groups.

classmethod find_by_name(netprofiler, name)

Find and load a host group type by name.


Load settings and groups.


Save settings and groups.

If this is a new host group type, it will be created.

4.6.2. HostGroup Objects

class steelscript.netprofiler.core.hostgroup.HostGroup(hostgrouptype, name)
__init__(hostgrouptype, name)

New object representing a host group by name.

The new HostGroup will be automatically added to the provided HostGroupType and can be accessed with:

add(cidrs, prepend=False, keep_together=True, replace=False)

Add a CIDR to this definition.

  • cidrs (string/list) – CIDR or list of CIDRS to add to this host group
  • prepend (bool) – if True, prepend instead of append
  • keep_together (bool) – if True, place new entries near the other entries in this hostgroup. If False, append/prepend to relative to the entire list.
  • replace (bool) – if True, replace existing config entries for this host group with cidrs

Clear all definitions for this host group.


Return a list of CIDRs assigned to this host group.


Remove a CIDR from this host group.

Parameters:cidrs (string/list) – CIDR or list of CIDRS to remove from this host group