Using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud : About Amazon VPC : Using a VPC Without a VPN Connection to the Data Center
Using a VPC Without a VPN Connection to the Data Center
When you use a VPC without a VPN connection to the customer data center, you access the Amazon VPC through the Amazon Internet gateway that translates the private IP addresses in the VPC to public IP addresses. In this scenario, the Riverbed Cloud Portal detects the private IP address of the SteelHead-c and Discovery Agent servers. It also detects the elastic IP address that you manually configure using the AWS console. Ensure that you configure the ACL and security groups in the AWS console so that
the SteelHead-c can communicate with the Riverbed Cloud Portal. For details about AWS, go to
Figure: Using Amazon VPC Through the Internet (with NAT) shows how to deploy the SteelHead-c and server in Amazon VPC using a VPC without a VPN connection to the customer data center.
Figure: Using Amazon VPC Through the Internet (with NAT)