Configuration Mode Commands : SteelHead Configuration Commands : RiOS TCP Dump Commands : tcpdump stop-trigger regex
tcpdump stop-trigger regex
Sets the regular expression that triggers the stopping of TCP dumps.
tcpdump stop-trigger regex <regex>
PERL regular expression to match. RiOS compares the PERL regular expression against each entry made to the system logs. The system matches on a per-line basis.
Use this command to configure a regular expression that represents a condition that, when matched, stops all running TCP dumps. After this match is found, all TCP dump sessions are stopped after the delay configured by the tcpdump stop-trigger delay command.
In the following example, RiOS searches for the pattern ntp in the system logs. The system waits 20 seconds after there is a match and then stops all TCP dumps that are still running.
amnesiac (config) # tcpdump stop-trigger regex ntp
amnesiac (config) # tcpdump stop-trigger delay 20
amnesiac (config) # tcpdump stop-trigger enable
Mobile Controller, Interceptor, SCC, SteelHead CX, SteelHead EX, SteelHead-v, SteelHead-c
Related Commands
tcpdump stop-trigger delay, tcpdump stop-trigger enable, tcpdump stop-trigger restart, show tcpdump stop-trigger