Configuration Mode Commands : SteelHead Configuration Commands : Secure Peering (Secure Inner Channel) Commands : secure-peering scep on-demand gen-key-and-csr rsa
secure-peering scep on-demand gen-key-and-csr rsa
Generates new private key and CSR for on-demand enrollment using the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm.
[no] secure-peering scep on-demand gen-key-and-csr rsa state <string> [org-unit <string>] [org <string>] [locality <string>] [email <email-address>] [country <string>] [common-name <string>] [key-size <512 | 1024 | 2048>]
state <string>
Specifies the state. No abbreviations are permitted.
org-unit <string>
Specifies the organizational unit (for example, the department).
org <string>
Specifies the organization name (for example, the company).
locality <string>
Specifies the city.
email <email-address>
Specifies an email address of the contact person.
country <string>
Specifies thiee country (2-letter code only).
common-name <string>
Specifies the hostname of the peer.
Specifies the key size in bits: 512, 1024, 2048.
The no command option disables this feature.
amnesiac (config) # secure-peering scep on-demand gen-key-and-csr rsa state california
SteelHead CX, SteelHead EX, SteelHead-v, SteelHead-c
Related Commands
show secure-peering scep on-demand csr