Configuration Mode Commands : SteelHead Configuration Commands : High-Speed TCP and Satellite Optimization Commands : single-ended rule edit pass-through
single-ended rule edit pass-through
Edits a single-ended pass-through rule.
single-ended rule edit rulenum <rule-number> pass-through [srcaddr {<ip-address> | all-ip |all-ipv4 | all-ipv6}] [dstaddr {<ip-address> | all-ip |all-ipv4 | all-ipv6}] [dstport <port(s)>] [vlan <vlan>]
rulenum <rule-number>
Specifies the rule number to edit.
srcaddr <ip-address>
Specifies the source subnet IP address and netmask. Use the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/XX for IPv4 and X:X:X::X/XXX for IPv6.
srcaddr all-ip
Specifies all IPv4 and all IPv6 addresses. This is the default.
srcaddr all-ipv4
Specifies all IPv4 addresses.
srcaddr all-ipv6
Specifies all IPv6 addresses.
dstaddr <ip-address>
Specifies the destination subnet IP address and netmask. Use the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/XX for IPv4 and X:X:X::X/XXX for IPv6.
dstaddr all-ip
Specifies all IPv4 and all IPv6 addresses. This is the default.
dstaddr all-ipv4
Specifies all IPv4 addresses.
dstaddr all-ipv6
Specifies all IPv6 addresses.
dstport <port>
Specifies a destination port or port label for this rule. You can specify:
•  a single port number.
•  a comma-separated list of ports with or without ranges (for example, 1,2,4-10,12).
•  any user-defined port labels. Valid port labels include:
–  SteelFusion
–  Interactive
–  RBT-Proto
–  Secure
vlan <vlan>
Specifies a VLAN identification number from 1 to 4094, -1, or 0. -1 specifies that the rule applies to all VLANs; 0 specifies that the rule applies to untagged connections.
Use the single-ended rule passthrough command to create a rule that allows SEI connections to pass through the SteelHead. For details on port labels, see port-label.
amnesiac (config) # single-ended rule edit rulenum 2 pass-through srcaddr all-ipv6 dstaddr all-ipv6
SteelHead CX, SteelHead EX, SteelHead-v, SteelHead-c
Related Commands
single-ended rule pass-through, show connection, show connections, show single-ended rules