Administering a Realm
Realm overview
SCM is a multitenant management portal; a deployed instance of SCM running in Amazon AWS, called a realm, hosts a number of organizations.
An organization is a logical unit under a realm, representing an end customer. It contains the customer details, sites, devices, and zones associated with the devices, the uplinks, and so on.
Each realm has realm administrators and organization administrators.
•Realm administrators - Super users that view and manage the entire instance.
•Organization administrators - Users that manage an organization within a realm.
A single Amazon instance could host 50 small organizations in production, whereas a larger organization might have one dedicated Amazon instance.
You can change settings associated with a realm after logging in to SCM with realm administrator credentials and using the tabs on the realm map. The procedures described in this topic require realm administrator credentials.
Realm map
This tab controls the centrally managed firmware upgrade process. A Riverbed appliance simply needs to be connected and registered, and the upgrade happens automatically when a new version of the firmware is available (unless you reschedule the upgrade or an upgrade schedule is customized for an organization within the realm). For details, see
Upgrade overview.
An organization’s maintenance policy overrides the realm’s maintenance policy.
This tab is where you enable loopback authentication, allow access to the Riverbed Support team, enable APIs, add passwords to logins to improve security, and allow an organization administrator to reset their own password.
Password policy
You can set a password policy for all administrators, including both realm and organization administrators. The first time you enable a password policy, passwords for all users expire immediately and all users will need to create new passwords to log in to SCM. By default, password policy is disabled.
To enable a password policy
1. At the realm level, select the Settings tab.
2. Under Password Policy, click On.
A dialog warns that all user passwords will expire immediately.
3. Click Expire All Passwords.
4. Customize the following settings or click Submit to accept the default settings.
•Password expiration time (in days) - Specify the number of days the current password remains in effect. The default is 30. The maximum is 60. The minimum is 1.
A password expiration warning will appear for every login when 7 or fewer days remain in the expiration period.
When the administrator fails to reset a password within the given expiration time, the administrator is forced to reset the password for the next login.
•Number of failed logins allowed - Restrict the number of failed login attempts by specifying the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts before blocking user access to the realm. The user is prevented from further login attempts when the number is exceeded. The default is 3.
An error message appears on the login page after each failed login attempt. The error message shows the number of remaining login attempts remaining before access to the realm is locked.
When the login attempts exceed the number of failed logins allowed, the account is locked. An administrator can click the Forgot Password link on the login page to unlock a locked account. Or, the administrator can ask the realm administrator to reset the password. Resetting a password requires a registered email address or mobile phone number for the user.
When there isn’t a registered email address or mobile phone number for the user, the realm administrator can specify a temporary password. The user can enter the temporary password for their first login. A temporary password has no password characteristic requirements because it’s only used once.
•Minimum length of password - Specify the minimum number of characters for the password length. The default is 8.
•Session expiration time (in minutes) - Specify the number of minutes the session remains active after inactivity. The default setting is 30. When the expiration time elapses, the session becomes inactive. The Disable long-term session caching setting on the Administrator’s Authentication tab must also be set to
On. By default, long-term session caching is disabled. For details, see
Enabling long-term session caching for a realm.
Password characteristic requirements
•By default, the minimum password length is 8 characters. You can change the minimum length.
•The password must contain one uppercase character (A-Z).
•The password must contain one lowercase character (a-z).
•The password must contain one digit (0-9).
•The password must contain at least one special character (~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\;:"<>,./?).
•You cannot reuse any of the past five passwords.
•The password cannot contain personal details such as a name or a phone number.
Enabling support access
A realm administrator can allow Riverbed Support to directly view and troubleshoot issues for an SCM instance.
To enable support access
1. At the realm level, select the Settings tab.
2. Under Riverbed support access, click On.
Enabling REST API
SteelConnect features a powerful REST API for northbound traffic. When you enable REST API, it is enabled for all organizations within the realm. You can use the API to access many features that are also available through the SteelConnect Manager (SCM) graphical user interface (GUI). For details, see
Accessing the API.
To enable REST API
1. At the realm level, select the Settings tab.
2. Under REST API, click On.
Enabling two-factor authentication
When two-factor authentication is enabled for the realm, all access to the realm GUI must be authenticated with a second authentication mechanism. The value of this setting is also the default setting for two-factor authentication when accessing individual organizations. You can override this default setting per organization.
You must specify a mobile phone number for every administrator before enabling loopback authentication through mobile messaging.
To enable two-factor authentication
1. At the realm level, select the Settings tab.
2. Under Two-factor authentication, click On.
Export Settings
This tab is where you configure SNMP server settings and enable SNMP to report events to an SNMP entity.
Exporting SNMP events
Traps are messages sent by an SNMP entity that indicate the occurrence of an event. The traps are sent by SCM from the AWS IP address used for the SCM realm. You must configure a firewall or SNMP proxy to receive the traps. All events that appear in the realm event log will also generate a trap.
The traps can be authenticated and encrypted if you enable SNMPv3.
For a list of SNMP events, see
SNMP traps.
RiOS provides support for these SNMP versions:
•SNMPv2 (this is the default setting)
•SNMPv3 authentication using MD5 and SHA1 privacy
•SNMPv3 encryption using AES and DES
To enable SNMPv2
1. At the realm level, select the Export Settings tab.
2. Type the SNMP server’s IPv4 address.
3. Type the SNMP port number.
To enable SNMPv3
1. At the realm level, select the Export Settings tab.
2. Click On next to Enable SNMPv3 Authentication and Encryption.
3. Type the username.
4. Select an authentication method from the drop-down list.
•HMAC-MD5-96 - Use the Message-Digest 5 algorithm, a widely used cryptographic hash function with a 128-bit hash value. This is the default value.
•HMAC-SHA1-96 - Use the Secure Hash Algorithm, a set of related cryptographic hash functions. SHA is considered to be the successor to MD5.
5. Specify an authentication password. Click the eye icon to see the password as you type. The password remains visible until you click the eye icon again.
6. Select an encryption method from the drop-down list:
•CBC-DES - Use the cyber block chaining (CBC) data encryption standard (DES). This is the default value.
•CBS-3DES-EDE - Use the triple data encryption standard, which is similar to the CBC-DES method, but it applies the DES operation three times.
•CFB128-AES-128 - Use the advanced encryption standard (AES).
7. Specify an encryption password. Click the eye icon to see the password as you type. The password remains visible until you click the eye icon again.
8. Click Submit.
Third-party Integrations
This tab is where you integrate a third-party email service or alternative SMS provider with the realm.
Integrating a third-party email service or SMS provider
By default, a SteelConnect realm uses the Riverbed hosted Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) email server and short message service (SMS) provider. A realm administrator can integrate a third-party email service or SMS relay into a realm for use in place of the Riverbed hosted services. While the Riverbed hosted services are reliable, integrating a third-party provider has the added benefits of easier tracking and improved security because the email addresses and phone numbers never leave the service provider domain, geography, country, or governing region (such as the European Union).
To integrate a third-party email service
1. At the realm level, select the 3rd party integrations tab.
2. Under Email Server Settings, select Custom Setup from the drop-down list.
3. Enter the third-party email server.
4. Enter the port number for the third-party email server.
5. Enter the username.
6. Enter the password. Click the eye icon to see the password as you type. The password remains visible until you click the eye icon again.
7. Click Submit.
To enable a third-party SMS
1. At the realm level, select the 3rd party integrations tab.
2. Under SMS Service Settings, select the alternative service provider MessageBird from the drop-down list.
3. Enter the authorization access key such as AccessKey test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM.
Legal Disclaimer
This tab provides a place to add a predefined legal disclaimer that appears each time a user logs in to SCM. For example, “This computer system is the private property of its owner, whether individual, corporate, or government. It is for authorized use only.”
Using realm menus
The left menu provides realm administrators with ways to view organizations and administrators for the organizations. In addition, it provides a way to view a list of all appliances in every organization belonging to the realm.
Realm menus
Select this menu item to view a list of all organizations belonging to the realm.
Select this menu item to assign administrative rights to individual administrator accounts per organization. You can also update the administrator’s contact information and change authentication settings.
We recommend that you keep the number of realm administrators to a minimum and create organization administrators to manage organizations.
Realm and organization administration
Creating an administrator
To create a realm or an organization administrator
1. At the realm level, choose Admins.
2. Click New Admin.
Creating an administrator for a realm or an organization
3. Specify a one-word, case-sensitive username for the administrator. You can use Unicode characters.
4. Specify the administrator’s real name.
5. To make the administrator a super user who can view and manage the entire instance, click On next to Realm Admin. We recommend that you keep the number of realm administrators to a minimum and create organization administrators to manage organizations.
To make the administrator for an organization, click Off next to Realm Admin. This is the default setting.
6. Specify an administrator password. Click the eye icon to see the password as you type. The password remains visible until you click the eye icon again.
7. Specify the administrator’s email address.
8. Specify a mobile phone number for the administrator to use loopback authentication through mobile messaging. The administrator will also receive important text notifications using this number.
9. Click Submit.
If the new administrator will be managing an organization, you need to associate the name with the organization.
10. Choose Organizations.
11. Click the organization name to associate it with the administrator; don’t click the Manage button next to the organization.
12. Select the Admins tab.
13. Click Add assignment.
14. Select the administrator’s name from the drop-down list.
15. Optionally, next to Network config write permission and Policy config write permission, you can allow or prevent the administrator’s access to network or policy configuration within the organization:
•Click On to allow the administrator read-write permission for network configuration and policy configuration.
•Click Off to restrict the administrator to read-only permission.
Assign organization
16. Click Submit.
Overriding organization settings
A realm administrator can provide authentication from the realm level, overriding organization settings.
Enabling two-factor authentication
When two-factor authentication is enabled for the realm, all access to the realm GUI must be authenticated with a second authentication mechanism, such as mobile messaging. The value of the realm setting is also the default setting for two-factor authentication when accessing individual organizations. This procedure overrides this default setting per organization.
To override two-factor authentication for organization access
1. At the realm level, choose Admins.
2. Select an admin.
3. Click the Authentication tab.
4. Select a setting from the drop-down list.
You must specify a mobile phone number for every administrator before enabling loopback authentication through mobile messaging.
Enabling long-term session caching for a realm
Long-term session caching keeps an active session open indefinitely. To close an inactive session after 30 minutes, disable long-term session caching. By default, long-term session caching is disabled. This procedure overrides this default setting per organization. For details, see session expiration time under
Password policy.
Keeping SCM open in a browser counts as activity, even when it’s open in a background tab.
To disable long-term session caching
1. At the realm level, choose Admins.
2. Select an admin.
3. Click the Authentication tab.
4. Under disable long-term session caching, click On.
Changing the realm administrator password
To change the realm administrator password
1. At the realm level, choose Admins.
2. Select an admin.
3. Click the Authentication tab.
4. Under Change password, type the new password.
5. Click Submit.
Select this menu item to view a list of all appliances in every organization belonging to the realm.