NPM System Health v1.1
Created Jan 24, 2025 at 11:16 AM

Resource: health_node

A monitored health node

  • JSON
  • {
      "alert_definition": {
        "alert_severities": [ severity ],
        "alert_type": string,
        "notification_id": any
      "category": string,
      "children": [
      "current_alert": {
        "severity": {
          "level": integer,
          "name": string
        "status_message": string,
        "timestamp": integer,
        "violations": [
            "name": string,
            "severity": severity
      "description": string,
      "id": string,
      "name": string,
      "parameters": [ health_parameter ],
      "parent_id": string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    health_node <object> A monitored health node Required properties: [id, parent_id, children, name, description, category, alert_definition, parameters];
    health_node.alert_definition <object> Information about the alerts that may be sent as a result of problems with this health area. Read-only; Required properties: [notification_id, alert_type, alert_severities];
    <array of <severity>> List of supported notification severities Read-only;
    <severity> The severity of an alert
    health_node.alert_definition.alert_type <string> Type of alert this node generates Read-only; Values: continuous, discrete, unknown;
    <any> The npm.usernotify notification_id used when sending notifications of a health change for this node. If this is the empty string, this node does not produce alerts or notifications. Read-only;
    health_node.category <string> Category this node belongs to Read-only;
    health_node.children <array of <string>> A list of node identifiers for which this node is a parent Read-only;
    health_node.children[items] <string> The identifier of a child node Read-only;
    health_node.current_alert <object> If present, the node is currently in an alert state Read-only; Required properties: [severity, status_message, violations]; Optional;
    severity <object> The current severity of the node Required properties: [level, name];
    severity.level <integer> The severity level. Higher is more severe. <string> Name of the severity
    health_node.current_alert.status_message <string> Message describing the reason for the alert Read-only;
    health_node.current_alert.timestamp <integer> Time, in UTC seconds, when the node entered this alert state Read-only; Optional;
    health_node.current_alert.violations <array of <object>> Violations causing this alert Read-only;
    <object> One health node violation Read-only; Required properties: [name, severity];
    <string> The name of the sub-object in violation Read-only;
    <severity> The severity of an alert
    health_node.description <string> The description of this node Read-only; <string> Internal dotted ID of this health node Read-only; <string> The name of this node Read-only;
    health_node.parameters <array of <health_parameter>> Configurable parameters used to analyze the health of this node
    health_node.parameters[items] <health_parameter> A user-configurable parameter affecting health node behavior
    health_node.parent_id <string> The identifier of this node's immediate parent, if any Read-only;


    health_node: instances

    All health nodes

    Related resource


    Resource: health_nodes

    Available health nodes

  • JSON
  • {
      "items": [ health_node ]
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    health_nodes <object> Available health nodes Required properties: [items];
    health_nodes.items <array of <health_node>> A single health node
    health_nodes.items[items] <health_node> A monitored health node

    Type: health_parameter

    A user-configurable parameter affecting health node behavior

  • JSON
  • {
      "default_value": multiple,
      "description": string,
      "id": string,
      "name": string,
      "parameter_type": string,
      "validations": [ parameter_validation ],
      "value": multiple
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    health_parameter <object> A user-configurable parameter affecting health node behavior Required properties: [id, parameter_type, name, description, value, default_value, validations];
    health_parameter.default_value <multiple> Default parameter value Read-only;
    health_parameter.default_value.anyOf[0] <integer> Read-only;
    health_parameter.default_value.anyOf[1] <number> Read-only;
    health_parameter.default_value.anyOf[2] <boolean> Read-only;
    health_parameter.description <string> Explanatory text for this value Read-only; <string> Internal identifier for this value Read-only; <string> Human name of this parameter Read-only;
    health_parameter.parameter_type <string> Basic type identifier of this value Read-only; Values: integer, number, boolean;
    health_parameter.validations <array of <parameter_validation>> A list of validations constraining this value Read-only;
    health_parameter.validations[items] <parameter_validation> A validation operation to constrain a value
    health_parameter.value <multiple> Current parameter value
    health_parameter.value.anyOf[0] <integer>
    health_parameter.value.anyOf[1] <number>
    health_parameter.value.anyOf[2] <boolean>
    health_parameter.oneOf[0] <object>
    health_parameter.oneOf[0].default_value <integer> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[0].parameter_type <string> Optional; Values: integer;
    health_parameter.oneOf[0].value <integer> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[0].<prop> <any> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[1] <object>
    health_parameter.oneOf[1].default_value <number> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[1].parameter_type <string> Optional; Values: number;
    health_parameter.oneOf[1].value <number> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[1].<prop> <any> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[2] <object>
    health_parameter.oneOf[2].default_value <boolean> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[2].parameter_type <string> Optional; Values: boolean;
    health_parameter.oneOf[2].value <boolean> Optional;
    health_parameter.oneOf[2].<prop> <any> Optional;

    Type: parameter_validation

    A validation operation to constrain a value

  • JSON
  • {
      "validation": string,
      <prop>: any
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    parameter_validation <object> A validation operation to constrain a value Required properties: [validation];
    parameter_validation.validation <string> The base type of validation to perform Values: range, parameter;
    parameter_validation.<prop> <any> Optional;
    parameter_validation.oneOf[0] <object> Numeric range validation Required properties: [validation];
    parameter_validation.oneOf[0].maximum <number> Optional inclusive maximum allowed numeric value Optional;
    parameter_validation.oneOf[0].minimum <number> Optional inclusive minimum allowed numeric value Optional;
    parameter_validation.oneOf[0].validation <string> Type of validation rule Values: range;
    parameter_validation.oneOf[1] <object> Constrain this value against another parameter Required properties: [validation, id, constraint];
    parameter_validation.oneOf[1].constraint <string> Type of constraint Values: greater_than, less_than;
    parameter_validation.oneOf[1].id <string> Parameter to validate against
    parameter_validation.oneOf[1].validation <string> Type of validation rule Values: parameter;

    Type: severity

    The severity of an alert

  • JSON
  • {
      "level": integer,
      "name": string
    Property Name Type Description Notes
    severity <object> The severity of an alert Required properties: [level, name];
    severity.level <integer> The severity level. Higher is more severe. <string> Name of the severity