The documentation pages in this section describe the RESTful APIs included with Cascade Profiler and Cascade Express products. It is assumed that the reader has practical knowledge of RESTful APIs, so the documentation does not go into detail about what REST is and how to use it. Instead the documentation focuses on what data can be accessed and how to access it.
The primary focus of the current version of the API is on providing access to reporting data. The following information can be accessed via the API:
- Reporting data (traffic data, service data, event list data, and user data)
- Information about network devices
- Control over SDN virtual network settings (SDN virtual network settings are a licensed feature)
- Information about system users
Details about REST resources can be found in the Resources section. This overview continues with how to run reports and retrieve data from them.
Running a report
The steps for running a report are described below. An easy way to learn how to run reports and get data is to use the Demo Reports section of this documentation. In that section a number of example reports are listed. If you click on any of the examples, the report will run along with a listing on the right side of the screen for each step in the process. It displays the REST resource, HTTP method, headers and body for both the request and response.
Follow these steps to run a report:
1. Create a new report by posting report criteria to the server.
A criteria structure in either JSON or XML is submitted to the server using the HTTP POST method. The resource to which the criteria structure is posted is called /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports. The details are described in the Resources section of this documentation.
A key part of the report criteria is the ID of the template that should be used to run the report. A special system template ID 184 that provides a high degree of flexibility is used in demo reports in this documentation. Additionally, any template that is saved via the user interface of the product can be used to run a report. In order to save a template, the ID of that template must be passed in the report criteria structure instead of 184. A template can be configured via the user interface, saved via the product and then used in the REST API to generate reports and retrieve them in a rendered form or in raw data form. Once a template is saved, its ID can be obtained via the /api/profiler/1.0/reporting/templates REST resource.
2. Poll report status until the report completes.
It may take a while for a report to complete. While the report is running, the client must poll for report status to know when the report completes. When the call to create a new report succeeds, it returns the URL for the newly created report. That URL may look similar to /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports/1000, which is the ID of the new report.
The general way to describe this in REST documentation is /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports/{id} so this documentation uses that syntax throughout. Note that the client does not need to know that {id} is really an ID of a report. Instead the client should treat a given report, for example /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports/1000, as a REST resource without parsing the parts of the URL.
The status of a report can be obtained by executing a GET method on the report URL. The client should wait while the report is running and until the status turns to state.
3. Retrieve the report data.
Once the report completes, the client can retrieve its data or the rendered version of the report in a number of formats.
The following resources can be used to retrieve a rendered version of the report:
- /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports/{id}/view.pdf
- /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports/{id}/view.csv
If the client is a script that needs access to raw data, the /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports/{id}/queries resource can be used with the GET method to obtain the list of elements (queries) first. The data shown in a typical report on the user interface may come from more than one query, which is why the report structure needs to be determined first. However, the system template 184 described above will have only one query and is easy to use for simple scripts.
Each query resource provides metadata about the query, such as the list of columns with descriptions of what the columns are.
Once the query is chosen, the /profiler/1.0/reporting/reports/{id}/queries/{id} resource can be used to get the report data.
The simple overview provided above cannot substitute for full documentation and it is not intended to do so. Please refer to Demo Reports section to see how reports are run. Look at the Coding Examples under General Information and explore Resources section of this documentation for more information.
All REST requests must be authenticated. The Authentication section of the Common 1.0 API describes which authentication methods are presently supported. There are also examples that show how to use each of the different authentication methods.
Running a report: Sample PHP script
Run a report to get bytes and packets for the top 20 hosts using the application WEB. Use BASIC Authentication.
define('HOST', ''); // IP address of Profiler
define('BASIC_AUTH', 'admin:admin');
// Timeframe
$end = time() - 3*60;
$start = $end - 5*60;
// Lib functions
function do_POST($url, $string, &$info) {
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, BASIC_AUTH);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $string);
$output = curl_exec($curl);
$info = curl_getinfo($curl);
$headers = substr($output, 0, $info['header_size']);
$headers = explode("\n", $headers);
$info['headers'] = $headers;
$body = substr($output, $info['header_size']);
return $body;
function do_GET($url, &$info) {
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, BASIC_AUTH);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
$output = curl_exec($curl);
$info = curl_getinfo($curl);
$headers = substr($output, 0, $info['header_size']);
$headers = explode("\n", $headers);
$info['headers'] = $headers;
$body = substr($output, $info['header_size']);
return $body;
// Finds and returns HTTP header
function get_header($headers, $header) {
foreach($headers as $h) {
if (strpos($h, $header . ':') !== false)
return trim(substr($h, 10));
echo "Unable to find {$header} header!\n";
// Locates a column by id and returns the name
function find_column_name_by_id($columns, $id) {
foreach ($columns as $c) {
if ($c['id'] == $id)
return $c['name'];
return 'Unknown';
// CSV helper
function echo_csv($headers, $rows) {
echo implode(',', $headers) . "\n";
foreach ($rows as $row)
echo implode(',', $row) . "\n";
// End lib functions
$struct =
array('template_id' => 184,
'criteria' => Array('time_frame' => array('start' => $start,
'end' => $end),
'traffic_expression' => 'app WEB',
'query' => array('realm' => 'traffic_summary',
'group_by' => 'hos',
'sort_column' => 33,
'columns' => array(6, 33, 34))));
$json = json_encode($struct);
$columns = $struct['criteria']['query']['columns'];
// Post to run the report
$url = 'https://' . HOST . '/api/profiler/1.0/reporting/reports.json';
echo "Run report:\nPOST {$url}\n{$json}\n\n";
$info = array();
do_POST($url, $json, $info);
if ($info['http_code'] != 201) {
echo "Unable to run report!\n";
$location = get_header($info['headers'], 'Location');
echo "Generated: {$location}\n\n";
$status_url = 'https://' . HOST . '' . $location . '.json';
// Wait for it to complete
echo "Please wait\n";
while (true) {
$info = array();
$output = do_GET($status_url, $info);
$s = json_decode($output, 1);
print " Percent completed {$s['percent']}, seconds remaining {$s['remaining_seconds']}...\n";
if ($s['status'] == 'completed') {
echo "Completed\n\n";
// Get all quesries (In this exampe it is only one)
$queries_url = 'https://' . HOST . '' . $location . '/queries.json';
$output = do_GET($queries_url, $info);
$queries = json_decode($output, 1);
// Print the data from all queries
foreach ($queries as $q) {
$query_id = $q['id'];
$data_url = 'https://' . HOST . '' . $location . '/queries/' . $query_id . '.json?offset=0&limit=20&columns=' . join(',', $columns);
$info = array();
$output = do_GET($data_url, $info);
$data = json_decode($output, 1);
$h = array();
foreach ($columns as $c)
$h[] = find_column_name_by_id($q['columns'], $c);
echo_csv($h, $data['data']);
echo "\n";
Running a report: Sample Python script
Run a report to get bytes and packets for the top 20 hosts using the application WEB. Use BASIC Authentication.
from urlparse import urlparse
import base64
import logging
import httplib
import json
import time
import sys
HOST = ''
BASIC_AUTH = 'admin:admin'
end = int(time.time() - 3*60)
start = int(end - 5*60);
# Lib functions
def do_POST(url, string):
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(HOST, 443)
headers = {"Authorization" : "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(BASIC_AUTH),
"Content-Length" : str(len(string)),
"Content-Type" : "application/json"}
conn.request('POST', url, body=string, headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
info = {"status" : res.status,
"headers" : res.getheaders()}
data = res.read()
return data, info
def do_GET(url):
'''HTTP GET'''
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(HOST, 443)
headers = {"Authorization" : "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(BASIC_AUTH),
"Content-Length" : 0,
"Content-Type" : "application/json"}
conn.request('GET', url, body="", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
info = {"status" : res.status,
"headers" : res.getheaders()}
data = res.read()
return data, info
def get_header(headers, header):
'''Finds and returns HTTP header'''
for i in headers:
if (i[0] == header):
return i[1]
return ""
def find_column_name_by_id(columns, cid):
'''Locates a column by id and returns the name'''
for c in columns:
if (c['id'] == cid):
return c['name']
return 'Unknown'
def echo_csv(headers, rows):
'''CSV helper'''
print ','.join(headers)
for row in rows:
print ','.join(row)
# End lib functions
struct = {
"template_id" : 184,
"criteria" : {
"time_frame" : {
"start" : start,
"end" : end
"traffic_expression" : "app WEB",
"query" : {
"realm" : "traffic_summary",
"group_by" : "hos",
"sort_column": 33,
"columns" : [6, 33, 34]
to_post = json.dumps(struct)
columns = struct["criteria"]["query"]["columns"]
# Post to run the report
url = "https://%s/api/profiler/1.0/reporting/reports.json" % HOST
print "Run report:"
print "POST %s" % url
print "%s" % to_post
output, info = do_POST(url, to_post)
if (info['status'] is not 201):
print "Unable to run report"
location = get_header(info['headers'], 'location')
print ""
print "Generated: %s" % location
print ""
status_url = "https://%s%s.json" % (HOST, location)
# Wait for it to complete
print "Please wait"
while (True):
output, info = do_GET(status_url)
s = json.loads(output)
print "Percent completed %s, seconds remaining %s..." % (s["percent"], s["remaining_seconds"])
if (s["status"] == "completed"):
print "Completed"
# Get all quesries (In this exampe it is only one)
queries_url = "https://%s%s/queries.json" % (HOST, location)
output, info = do_GET(queries_url)
queries = json.loads(output)
# Print the data from all queries
for q in queries:
query_id = q['id'];
columns_str = ','.join([repr(i) for i in columns])
data_url = "https://%s%s/queries/%s.json?offset=0&limit=20&columns=%s" % (HOST, location, query_id, columns_str)
output, info = do_GET(data_url)
data = json.loads(output)
h = []
for c in columns:
h.append(find_column_name_by_id(q["columns"], c))
print ""
echo_csv(h, data["data"])
Running a report: Sample Perl script
Run a report to get bytes and packets for the top 20 hosts using the application WEB. Use BASIC Authentication.
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx);
use JSON qw( encode_json decode_json );
use constant HOST => '';
use constant LOGIN => 'admin';
use constant PASSWORD => 'admin';
our $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
our $API_BASE = "";
sub _request($)
my $req = shift;
$req->header('Accept' => 'application/json');
$req->authorization_basic(LOGIN, PASSWORD);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
return {
code => $res->code,
status => $res->status_line,
headers => $res->headers(),
data => decode_json($res->content)
sub GET($)
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $API_BASE . shift);
return _request($req);
sub POST($$)
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $API_BASE . shift);
return _request($req);
my $end = time();
my $start = $end - 5 * 60;
my $struct = {
template_id => 184,
criteria => {
time_frame => {
start => $start,
end => $end
traffic_expression => "app WEB",
query => {
realm => "traffic_summary",
group_by => "hos",
sort_column => 33,
columns => [6, 33, 34]
print "Running report... ";
my $response = POST('/api/profiler/1.0/reporting/reports', $struct);
die "Unable to run report. $response->{data}->{error_text}" unless $response->{code} == 201;
my $loc = $response->{headers}->header('Location');
while (1)
$response = GET($loc);
printf "\rRunning report, %3d%% done, %d seconds remaining... ",
last if $response->{data}->{status} eq 'completed';
print "\nLoading data...\n";
$response = GET($loc . '/queries');
die "Unable to load queries. $response->{data}->{error_text}" unless $response->{code} == 200;
foreach my $query (@{$response->{data}})
my @columns = @{$struct->{criteria}->{query}->{columns}};
my $columns = join ',', @columns;
my $data_response = GET("$loc/queries/$query->{id}?offset=0&limit=20&columns=$columns");
die "Unable to load data. $response->{data}->{error_text}" unless $response->{code} == 200;
my @indices = map { my $id = $_; firstidx { $_->{id} == $id } @{$query->{columns}} } @columns;
print join ",", map { qq~"$query->{columns}->[$_]->{name}"~; } @indices;
print "\n";
foreach my $row (@{$data_response->{data}->{data}}) {
print join ",", @$row;
print "\n";
Running a report: Sample .Net/C# code
Run a report to get bytes and packets for the top 20 hosts using the application WEB. Use BASIC Authentication.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
namespace CascadeRestClient
public class ReportUpdate
public string status { get; set; }
public string user_id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string percent { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public string remaining_seconds { get; set; }
public string run_time { get; set; }
public string saved { get; set; }
public string template_id { get; set; }
public string size { get; set; }
public class Column
public string strid { get; set; }
public string metric { get; set; }
public string rate { get; set; }
public string statistic { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
public string unit { get; set; }
public string category { get; set; }
public string severity { get; set; }
public string area { get; set; }
public bool @internal { get; set; }
public string role { get; set; }
public string cli_srv { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public bool available { get; set; }
public string direction { get; set; }
public string comparison { get; set; }
public bool sortable { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string comparison_parameter { get; set; }
public bool has_others { get; set; }
public bool context { get; set; }
public string name_type { get; set; }
public class QueryResult
public string direction { get; set; }
public string actual_log { get; set; }
public int actual_t0 { get; set; }
public bool sort_desc { get; set; }
public string area { get; set; }
public string metric { get; set; }
public int sort_col { get; set; }
public string parent_id { get; set; }
public string rate { get; set; }
public string group_by { get; set; }
public string role { get; set; }
public List<Column> columns { get; set; }
public string statistic { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public string unit { get; set; }
public int actual_t1 { get; set; }
public class QueryData
public List<List<string>> data { get; set; }
public int data_size { get; set; }
public List<string> totals { get; set; }
class Program
static string BASIC_AUTH = "admin:admin";
// callback used to validate the self-gen certificate in an SSL conversation
private static bool ValidateRemoteCertificate(object sender, X509Certificate cert, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors policyErrors)
return true;
X509Certificate2 certv2 = new X509Certificate2(cert);
if (certv2.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName,true) == "www.riverbed.com")
return true;
return false;
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0]))
Console.WriteLine("Usage: CascadeRestClient hostname");
//Code to allow run with self-signed certificates
// validate cert by calling a function
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateRemoteCertificate);
//Starting to run rest
string rootUrl = "https://" + args[0];
string requestUrl = rootUrl + "/api/profiler/1.0/reporting/reports.json";
string location;
int start = (int)((DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).ToLocalTime()).TotalSeconds) - 8*60; //8 minutes before in unix time
int end = start + 5*60; //3 minutes before in unix time
var jsondata = new
template_id = 184,
criteria = new
time_frame = new
start = start,
end = end
traffic_expression = "app WEB",
query = new
realm = "traffic_summary",
group_by = "hos",
sort_column = 33,
columns = new List<int> { 6, 33, 34 }
//Serialize anomymous type to json
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string postData = serializer.Serialize(jsondata);
Console.WriteLine("Run report:");
Console.WriteLine("POST " + requestUrl);
Console.WriteLine(postData + Environment.NewLine);
// Post to run the report
var runReportResponse = MakeRequest<ReportUpdate>(requestUrl, WebRequestMethods.Http.Post, out location, postData);
Console.WriteLine("Generated " + location + Environment.NewLine);
requestUrl = rootUrl + location;
Console.WriteLine("Please wait");
while (runReportResponse.status != "completed")
runReportResponse = MakeRequest<ReportUpdate>(requestUrl + ".json", WebRequestMethods.Http.Get, out location);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Percent completed {0}, seconds remaining {1}",runReportResponse.percent, runReportResponse.remaining_seconds));
Console.WriteLine("Completed"+ Environment.NewLine);
// Get all quesries (In this example it is only one)
var getQueriesResponse = MakeRequest<List<QueryResult>>(requestUrl +"/queries.json", WebRequestMethods.Http.Get, out location);
string columns = jsondata.criteria.query.columns.Select(c=>c.ToString()).Aggregate((i, j) => i + "," + j);
// Print the data from all queries
foreach (var query in getQueriesResponse) {
var qr = MakeRequest<QueryData>(requestUrl + "/queries/" + query.id + ".json?offset=0&limit=20&columns=" + columns,
WebRequestMethods.Http.Get, out location);
string columnList = jsondata.criteria.query.columns.Select(c=>query.columns.Where(col => col.id == c).First().name)
.Aggregate((l,r) => l + "," + r);
foreach (var dr in qr.data)
Console.WriteLine(dr.Aggregate((i, j) => i + ',' + j));
catch (Exception e)
private static string Base64Encode(string toEncode)
byte[] toEncodeAsBytes
= System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toEncode);
return System.Convert.ToBase64String(toEncodeAsBytes);
/// <summary>
/// Make request
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">return type</typeparam>
/// <param name="requestUrl">url for request</param>
/// <param name="action">Http Verb, Get, Post etc</param>
/// <param name="location">location returned from response header </param>
/// <param name="requestData">Data posted</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static T MakeRequest<T>(string requestUrl, string action, out string location, string requestData = null) where T : class
HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(requestUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
request.Headers.Add("Authorization: Basic " + Base64Encode(BASIC_AUTH));
request.ContentType = "application/json";
request.Method = action;
if (requestData == null)
request.ContentLength = 0;
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byte1 = encoding.GetBytes(requestData);
request.ContentLength = byte1.Length;
using (Stream newStream = request.GetRequestStream())
newStream.Write(byte1, 0, byte1.Length);
using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK && response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created)
throw new Exception(String.Format(
"Unable to run report! StatusCode={0}, Description={1}",
location = response.Headers[HttpResponseHeader.Location];
DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
object objResponse = jsonSerializer.ReadObject(response.GetResponseStream());
return objResponse as T;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">x86</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x86' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86' ">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="System.Runtime.Serialization" />
<Reference Include="System.Web.Extensions">
<HintPath>..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\System.Web.Extensions.dll</HintPath>
<Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" />
<Reference Include="System.Data.DataSetExtensions" />
<Reference Include="Microsoft.CSharp" />
<Reference Include="System.Data" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Compile Include="Program.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
Protocols: Get protocol
Get information on one protocol.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/protocols/{proto}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" }, { "id": 17, "name": "udp" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CProtocols | <array of <object>> | List of Protocols objects. | |
CProtocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
CProtocols[CProtocol].id | <number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
CProtocols[CProtocol].name | <string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
Protocols: List protocols
Get a list of all supported protocols.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/protocolsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" }, { "id": 17, "name": "udp" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CProtocols | <array of <object>> | List of Protocols objects. | |
CProtocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
CProtocols[CProtocol].id | <number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
CProtocols[CProtocol].name | <string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
Services: Delete existing business service
Delete existing business service.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services/{service_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Services: Create and commit a new business service
Create and commit a new business service.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/servicesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "alert_notification": { "high_enabled": string, "low_alert_recipient": string, "low_enabled": string, "high_alert_recipient": string }, "components": [ { "id": number, "definition": { "snat_type": string, "vips": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } ], "load_balancer": number, "outside_hosts": [ string ], "manual": string, "within_hosts": [ string ], "snats": [ string ] }, "name": string, "type": string } ], "segments": [ { "alert_notification": string, "id": number, "definition": [ string ], "client_component_id": number, "status": string, "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": number, "host_group_id": number, "location_id": number } ], "server_component_name": string, "name": string, "type": string, "monitored_metrics": [ { "id": number } ], "location_type": string, "server_component_id": number, "client_component_name": string } ], "id": number, "description": string, "name": string, "locked_by_user_id": number, "policies": [ { "id": number, "tuning_parameters": { "id": number, "tolerance_high": number, "name": string, "tolerance_low": number, "noise_floor": string, "duration": number, "trigger_on_decreases": string, "trigger_on_increases": string }, "name": string } ] } Example: { "components": [ { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "", "", "" ] }, "type": "LBRS", "name": "WebFarm", "id": 135 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "END_USERS", "name": "EndUsers", "id": 136 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "", "" ] }, "type": "LBRS", "name": "DBFarm", "id": 137 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "SERVERS", "name": "LDAP-Servers", "id": 138 }, { "definition": { "load_balancer": 1, "vips": [ { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 80 }, { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 443 } ], "snat_type": "ALWAYS", "manual": false, "snats": [ "" ] }, "type": "LBVS", "name": "WebVIP", "id": 139 }, { "definition": { "load_balancer": 1, "vips": [ { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 0, "port": 0 } ], "snat_type": "ALWAYS", "manual": false, "snats": [ "" ] }, "type": "LBVS", "name": "DB-VIP", "id": 140 } ], "description": "Finance application", "id": 192, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "* Log Only", "high_alert_recipient": "* Log Only", "high_enabled": false, "low_enabled": false }, "policies": [ { "id": 352321689, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321690, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321691, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321692, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321721, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321722, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321723, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321724, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321725, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321726, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321727, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321728, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321729, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321730, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321731, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321732, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321733, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321734, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321735, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321736, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321737, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321738, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321739, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321740, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321741, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321742, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321743, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321744, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321745, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321746, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321747, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321748, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321749, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321750, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321751, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321752, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321753, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321754, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321755, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321756, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321757, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321758, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321759, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321760, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } } ], "segments": [ { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebVIP", "name": "Web-LB", "server_component_name": "WebFarm", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 186, "server_component_id": 135, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 139 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "DB-VIP", "name": "DB-LB", "server_component_name": "DBFarm", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 141, "server_component_id": 137, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 140 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "EndUsers", "name": "Web", "server_component_name": "WebVIP", "type": "FRONT_END", "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 174, "host_group_id": 0 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 175, "host_group_id": 1 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 176, "host_group_id": 2 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 177, "host_group_id": 3 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 178, "host_group_id": 5 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 179, "host_group_id": 6 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 180, "host_group_id": 7 } ], "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 173, "server_component_id": 139, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 136, "location_type": "SUBSET" }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebFarm", "name": "DB", "server_component_name": "DB-VIP", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 147, "server_component_id": 140, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 135 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebFarm", "name": "LDAP", "server_component_name": "LDAP-Servers", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 153, "server_component_id": 138, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 135 } ], "name": "Service_A" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ServiceConfig | <object> | Object representing a business service. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification | <object> | Alert notification flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. high_enabled |
<string> | High alert enabled flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low alert recipient. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. low_enabled |
<string> | Low alert enabled flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High alert recipient. | |
ServiceConfig.components | <array of <object>> | Service components. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent] |
<object> | Components defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].id |
<number> | Service component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition |
<object> | Service component definition. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. snat_type |
<string> | Snat type. | Optional; Values: NOT_USED, SOMETIMES, ALWAYS |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips |
<array of <object>> | Vips if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer] |
<object> | Load balancer virtual server. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].port |
<number> | Port. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Protocol. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. load_balancer |
<number> | Load balancer if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. outside_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets excluded from component definition if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. outside_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.manual |
<string> | Manual flag. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. within_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets included into component definition. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. within_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.snats |
<array of <string>> | Snats if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.snats [item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].name |
<string> | Service component name. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].type |
<string> | Service component type. | Values: END_USERS, SERVERS, LBVS, LBRS |
ServiceConfig.segments | <array of <object>> | Service segments. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment] | <object> | Segments defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. alert_notification |
<string> | Alert notification flag. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. id |
<number> | Service segment id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. definition |
<array of <string>> | Segment definition. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. definition[item] |
<string> | Service segment definition. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. client_component_id |
<number> | Client component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. status |
<string> | Service segment status. | Optional; Values: ADDED, DROPPED, UNDECIDED |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations |
<array of <object>> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation] |
<object> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_type_id |
<number> | Host group type id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_id |
<number> | Host group id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation].location_id |
<number> | Location id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. server_component_name |
<string> | Server component name. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. name |
<string> | Service segment name. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. type |
<string> | Service segment type. | Optional; Values: FRONT_END, BACK_END |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics |
<array of <object>> | Monitored segment metrics. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric] |
<object> | Segment metrics. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric].id |
<number> | Metric id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. location_type |
<string> | Location type. | Optional; Values: ALL, SUBSET |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. server_component_id |
<number> | Server component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. client_component_name |
<string> | Client component name. | |
ServiceConfig.id | <number> | Service id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.description | <string> | Service description. | |
ServiceConfig.name | <string> | Service name. | |
ServiceConfig.locked_by_user_id | <number> | Account id of the user currently editing this Service if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies | <array of <object>> | Service policies. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy] | <object> | Policies defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy].id | <number> | Service policy id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters |
<object> | Tuning parameters. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.id |
<number> | Service policy parameter id. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_high |
<number> | Service policy high tolerance threshold. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.name |
<string> | Service policy parameter name. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_low |
<number> | Service policy low tolerance threshold. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.noise_floor |
<string> | Service policy noise floor. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.duration |
<number> | Service policy duration. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_decreases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on decreases. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_increases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on increases. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. name |
<string> | Service policy name. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Services: Get components
Manage components of one business service.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services/{service_id}/components?offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sorting field name. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "definition": { "snat_type": string, "vips": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } ], "load_balancer": number, "outside_hosts": [ string ], "manual": string, "within_hosts": [ string ], "snats": [ string ] }, "name": string, "type": string } ] Example: [ { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "END_USERS", "name": "Comp-1", "id": 1000 }, { "definition": { "load_balancer": 1000, "vips": [ { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 0, "port": 0 } ], "snat_type": "SOMETIMES", "manual": false, "snats": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }, "type": "LBVS", "name": "Comp-2", "id": 1001 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "LBRS", "name": "Comp-3", "id": 1002 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ServiceComponentsList | <array of <object>> | List of components defined for this business service. | |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent] | <object> | Components defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. id |
<number> | Service component id. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition |
<object> | Service component definition. | |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.snat_type |
<string> | Snat type. | Optional; Values: NOT_USED, SOMETIMES, ALWAYS |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.vips |
<array of <object>> | Vips if any. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.vips[LBVirtualServer] |
<object> | Load balancer virtual server. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.vips[LBVirtualServer].port |
<number> | Port. | |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.vips[LBVirtualServer]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol. | |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.vips[LBVirtualServer]. ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. | |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.load_balancer |
<number> | Load balancer if any. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.outside_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets excluded from component definition if any. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.outside_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.manual |
<string> | Manual flag. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.within_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets included into component definition. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.within_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.snats |
<array of <string>> | Snats if any. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. definition.snats[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. name |
<string> | Service component name. | |
ServiceComponentsList[ServiceComponent]. type |
<string> | Service component type. | Values: END_USERS, SERVERS, LBVS, LBRS |
Services: List business services
List business services.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services?offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sorting field name. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "status": string, "description": string, "name": string, "error": string } ] Example: [ { "status": "MONITORED", "id": 64, "description": "Microsoft Exchange", "name": "Exchange" }, { "status": "COMMITTING", "id": 128, "description": "", "name": "Sharepoint" }, { "status": "DISABLED", "id": 32, "description": "Application", "name": "ERP" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ServiceList | <array of <object>> | List of business services defined on Profiler. | |
ServiceList[ServiceInfo] | <object> | Business service defined on Profiler. | Optional |
ServiceList[ServiceInfo].id | <number> | Service id. | |
ServiceList[ServiceInfo].status | <string> | Service state. | Values: MONITORED, COMMITTING, ERROR, DISABLED |
ServiceList[ServiceInfo].description | <string> | Service description. | |
ServiceList[ServiceInfo].name | <string> | Service name. | |
ServiceList[ServiceInfo].error | <string> | Commit error if any. | Optional |
Services: Update existing business service
Update existing business service.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services/{service_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "alert_notification": { "high_enabled": string, "low_alert_recipient": string, "low_enabled": string, "high_alert_recipient": string }, "components": [ { "id": number, "definition": { "snat_type": string, "vips": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } ], "load_balancer": number, "outside_hosts": [ string ], "manual": string, "within_hosts": [ string ], "snats": [ string ] }, "name": string, "type": string } ], "segments": [ { "alert_notification": string, "id": number, "definition": [ string ], "client_component_id": number, "status": string, "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": number, "host_group_id": number, "location_id": number } ], "server_component_name": string, "name": string, "type": string, "monitored_metrics": [ { "id": number } ], "location_type": string, "server_component_id": number, "client_component_name": string } ], "id": number, "description": string, "name": string, "locked_by_user_id": number, "policies": [ { "id": number, "tuning_parameters": { "id": number, "tolerance_high": number, "name": string, "tolerance_low": number, "noise_floor": string, "duration": number, "trigger_on_decreases": string, "trigger_on_increases": string }, "name": string } ] } Example: { "components": [ { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "", "", "" ] }, "type": "LBRS", "name": "WebFarm", "id": 135 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "END_USERS", "name": "EndUsers", "id": 136 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "", "" ] }, "type": "LBRS", "name": "DBFarm", "id": 137 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "SERVERS", "name": "LDAP-Servers", "id": 138 }, { "definition": { "load_balancer": 1, "vips": [ { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 80 }, { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 443 } ], "snat_type": "ALWAYS", "manual": false, "snats": [ "" ] }, "type": "LBVS", "name": "WebVIP", "id": 139 }, { "definition": { "load_balancer": 1, "vips": [ { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 0, "port": 0 } ], "snat_type": "ALWAYS", "manual": false, "snats": [ "" ] }, "type": "LBVS", "name": "DB-VIP", "id": 140 } ], "description": "Finance application", "id": 192, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "* Log Only", "high_alert_recipient": "* Log Only", "high_enabled": false, "low_enabled": false }, "policies": [ { "id": 352321689, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321690, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321691, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321692, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321721, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321722, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321723, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321724, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321725, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321726, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321727, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321728, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321729, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321730, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321731, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321732, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321733, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321734, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321735, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321736, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321737, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321738, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321739, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321740, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321741, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321742, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321743, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321744, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321745, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321746, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321747, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321748, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321749, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321750, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321751, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321752, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321753, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321754, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321755, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321756, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321757, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321758, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321759, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321760, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } } ], "segments": [ { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebVIP", "name": "Web-LB", "server_component_name": "WebFarm", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 186, "server_component_id": 135, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 139 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "DB-VIP", "name": "DB-LB", "server_component_name": "DBFarm", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 141, "server_component_id": 137, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 140 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "EndUsers", "name": "Web", "server_component_name": "WebVIP", "type": "FRONT_END", "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 174, "host_group_id": 0 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 175, "host_group_id": 1 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 176, "host_group_id": 2 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 177, "host_group_id": 3 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 178, "host_group_id": 5 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 179, "host_group_id": 6 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 180, "host_group_id": 7 } ], "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 173, "server_component_id": 139, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 136, "location_type": "SUBSET" }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebFarm", "name": "DB", "server_component_name": "DB-VIP", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 147, "server_component_id": 140, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 135 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebFarm", "name": "LDAP", "server_component_name": "LDAP-Servers", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 153, "server_component_id": 138, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 135 } ], "name": "Service_A" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ServiceConfig | <object> | Object representing a business service. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification | <object> | Alert notification flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. high_enabled |
<string> | High alert enabled flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low alert recipient. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. low_enabled |
<string> | Low alert enabled flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High alert recipient. | |
ServiceConfig.components | <array of <object>> | Service components. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent] |
<object> | Components defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].id |
<number> | Service component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition |
<object> | Service component definition. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. snat_type |
<string> | Snat type. | Optional; Values: NOT_USED, SOMETIMES, ALWAYS |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips |
<array of <object>> | Vips if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer] |
<object> | Load balancer virtual server. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].port |
<number> | Port. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Protocol. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. load_balancer |
<number> | Load balancer if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. outside_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets excluded from component definition if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. outside_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.manual |
<string> | Manual flag. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. within_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets included into component definition. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. within_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.snats |
<array of <string>> | Snats if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.snats [item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].name |
<string> | Service component name. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].type |
<string> | Service component type. | Values: END_USERS, SERVERS, LBVS, LBRS |
ServiceConfig.segments | <array of <object>> | Service segments. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment] | <object> | Segments defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. alert_notification |
<string> | Alert notification flag. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. id |
<number> | Service segment id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. definition |
<array of <string>> | Segment definition. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. definition[item] |
<string> | Service segment definition. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. client_component_id |
<number> | Client component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. status |
<string> | Service segment status. | Optional; Values: ADDED, DROPPED, UNDECIDED |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations |
<array of <object>> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation] |
<object> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_type_id |
<number> | Host group type id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_id |
<number> | Host group id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation].location_id |
<number> | Location id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. server_component_name |
<string> | Server component name. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. name |
<string> | Service segment name. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. type |
<string> | Service segment type. | Optional; Values: FRONT_END, BACK_END |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics |
<array of <object>> | Monitored segment metrics. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric] |
<object> | Segment metrics. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric].id |
<number> | Metric id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. location_type |
<string> | Location type. | Optional; Values: ALL, SUBSET |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. server_component_id |
<number> | Server component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. client_component_name |
<string> | Client component name. | |
ServiceConfig.id | <number> | Service id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.description | <string> | Service description. | |
ServiceConfig.name | <string> | Service name. | |
ServiceConfig.locked_by_user_id | <number> | Account id of the user currently editing this Service if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies | <array of <object>> | Service policies. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy] | <object> | Policies defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy].id | <number> | Service policy id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters |
<object> | Tuning parameters. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.id |
<number> | Service policy parameter id. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_high |
<number> | Service policy high tolerance threshold. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.name |
<string> | Service policy parameter name. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_low |
<number> | Service policy low tolerance threshold. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.noise_floor |
<string> | Service policy noise floor. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.duration |
<number> | Service policy duration. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_decreases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on decreases. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_increases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on increases. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. name |
<string> | Service policy name. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Services: List business service
List business service.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services/{service_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "alert_notification": { "high_enabled": string, "low_alert_recipient": string, "low_enabled": string, "high_alert_recipient": string }, "components": [ { "id": number, "definition": { "snat_type": string, "vips": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } ], "load_balancer": number, "outside_hosts": [ string ], "manual": string, "within_hosts": [ string ], "snats": [ string ] }, "name": string, "type": string } ], "segments": [ { "alert_notification": string, "id": number, "definition": [ string ], "client_component_id": number, "status": string, "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": number, "host_group_id": number, "location_id": number } ], "server_component_name": string, "name": string, "type": string, "monitored_metrics": [ { "id": number } ], "location_type": string, "server_component_id": number, "client_component_name": string } ], "id": number, "description": string, "name": string, "locked_by_user_id": number, "policies": [ { "id": number, "tuning_parameters": { "id": number, "tolerance_high": number, "name": string, "tolerance_low": number, "noise_floor": string, "duration": number, "trigger_on_decreases": string, "trigger_on_increases": string }, "name": string } ] } Example: { "components": [ { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "", "", "" ] }, "type": "LBRS", "name": "WebFarm", "id": 135 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "END_USERS", "name": "EndUsers", "id": 136 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "", "" ] }, "type": "LBRS", "name": "DBFarm", "id": 137 }, { "definition": { "within_hosts": [ "" ] }, "type": "SERVERS", "name": "LDAP-Servers", "id": 138 }, { "definition": { "load_balancer": 1, "vips": [ { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 80 }, { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 443 } ], "snat_type": "ALWAYS", "manual": false, "snats": [ "" ] }, "type": "LBVS", "name": "WebVIP", "id": 139 }, { "definition": { "load_balancer": 1, "vips": [ { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 0, "port": 0 } ], "snat_type": "ALWAYS", "manual": false, "snats": [ "" ] }, "type": "LBVS", "name": "DB-VIP", "id": 140 } ], "description": "Finance application", "id": 192, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "* Log Only", "high_alert_recipient": "* Log Only", "high_enabled": false, "low_enabled": false }, "policies": [ { "id": 352321689, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321690, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321691, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321692, "name": "FinancePortal_Web-LB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321721, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321722, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321723, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321724, "name": "FinancePortal_DB-LB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321725, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321726, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321727, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321728, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321729, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321730, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321731, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321732, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321733, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321734, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321735, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321736, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321737, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321738, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321739, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321740, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321741, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321742, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321743, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321744, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321745, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321746, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Seattle_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321747, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_LosAngeles_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321748, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Phoenix_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321749, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Columbus_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321750, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Austin_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321751, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Philadelphia_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321752, "name": "FinancePortal_Web_Hartford_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321753, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321754, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } }, { "id": 352321755, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321756, "name": "FinancePortal_DB_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321757, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Effncy_TCPRsts", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "rsts", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 5 } }, { "id": 352321758, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321759, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321760, "name": "FinancePortal_LDAP_UserExp_RspTime", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "resp", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 4 } } ], "segments": [ { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebVIP", "name": "Web-LB", "server_component_name": "WebFarm", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 186, "server_component_id": 135, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 139 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "DB-VIP", "name": "DB-LB", "server_component_name": "DBFarm", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 141, "server_component_id": 137, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 140 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "EndUsers", "name": "Web", "server_component_name": "WebVIP", "type": "FRONT_END", "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 174, "host_group_id": 0 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 175, "host_group_id": 1 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 176, "host_group_id": 2 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 177, "host_group_id": 3 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 178, "host_group_id": 5 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 179, "host_group_id": 6 }, { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 180, "host_group_id": 7 } ], "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 173, "server_component_id": 139, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 136, "location_type": "SUBSET" }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebFarm", "name": "DB", "server_component_name": "DB-VIP", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 147, "server_component_id": 140, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 135 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "WebFarm", "name": "LDAP", "server_component_name": "LDAP-Servers", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [], "id": 153, "server_component_id": 138, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 135 } ], "name": "Service_A" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ServiceConfig | <object> | Object representing a business service. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification | <object> | Alert notification flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. high_enabled |
<string> | High alert enabled flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low alert recipient. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. low_enabled |
<string> | Low alert enabled flag. | |
ServiceConfig.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High alert recipient. | |
ServiceConfig.components | <array of <object>> | Service components. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent] |
<object> | Components defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].id |
<number> | Service component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition |
<object> | Service component definition. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. snat_type |
<string> | Snat type. | Optional; Values: NOT_USED, SOMETIMES, ALWAYS |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips |
<array of <object>> | Vips if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer] |
<object> | Load balancer virtual server. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].port |
<number> | Port. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Protocol. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.vips [LBVirtualServer].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. load_balancer |
<number> | Load balancer if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. outside_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets excluded from component definition if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. outside_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.manual |
<string> | Manual flag. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. within_hosts |
<array of <string>> | Hosts/subnets included into component definition. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition. within_hosts[item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.snats |
<array of <string>> | Snats if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].definition.snats [item] |
<string> | Host/subnet string. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].name |
<string> | Service component name. | |
ServiceConfig.components [ServiceComponent].type |
<string> | Service component type. | Values: END_USERS, SERVERS, LBVS, LBRS |
ServiceConfig.segments | <array of <object>> | Service segments. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment] | <object> | Segments defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. alert_notification |
<string> | Alert notification flag. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. id |
<number> | Service segment id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. definition |
<array of <string>> | Segment definition. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. definition[item] |
<string> | Service segment definition. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. client_component_id |
<number> | Client component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. status |
<string> | Service segment status. | Optional; Values: ADDED, DROPPED, UNDECIDED |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations |
<array of <object>> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation] |
<object> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_type_id |
<number> | Host group type id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_id |
<number> | Host group id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation].location_id |
<number> | Location id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. server_component_name |
<string> | Server component name. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. name |
<string> | Service segment name. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. type |
<string> | Service segment type. | Optional; Values: FRONT_END, BACK_END |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics |
<array of <object>> | Monitored segment metrics. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric] |
<object> | Segment metrics. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric].id |
<number> | Metric id. | |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. location_type |
<string> | Location type. | Optional; Values: ALL, SUBSET |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. server_component_id |
<number> | Server component id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.segments[ServiceSegment]. client_component_name |
<string> | Client component name. | |
ServiceConfig.id | <number> | Service id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.description | <string> | Service description. | |
ServiceConfig.name | <string> | Service name. | |
ServiceConfig.locked_by_user_id | <number> | Account id of the user currently editing this Service if any. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies | <array of <object>> | Service policies. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy] | <object> | Policies defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy].id | <number> | Service policy id. | Optional |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters |
<object> | Tuning parameters. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.id |
<number> | Service policy parameter id. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_high |
<number> | Service policy high tolerance threshold. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.name |
<string> | Service policy parameter name. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_low |
<number> | Service policy low tolerance threshold. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.noise_floor |
<string> | Service policy noise floor. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.duration |
<number> | Service policy duration. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_decreases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on decreases. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_increases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on increases. | |
ServiceConfig.policies[ServicePolicy]. name |
<string> | Service policy name. |
Services: Get service thumbnail
Get service diagram as a PNG image.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services/{service_id}/thumbnail?width={number}&height={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
width | <number> | Image width in pixels (570 by default). | Optional |
height | <number> | Image height in pixels (270 by default). | Optional |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Services: Get policies
Manage policies of one business service.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services/{service_id}/policies?offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sorting field name. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "tuning_parameters": { "id": number, "tolerance_high": number, "name": string, "tolerance_low": number, "noise_floor": string, "duration": number, "trigger_on_decreases": string, "trigger_on_increases": string }, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": 352321572, "name": "Srv-1_Seg-1_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } }, { "id": 352321573, "name": "Srv-1_Seg-1_Effncy_TCPRetransBW", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "retransbw", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 9 } }, { "id": 352321574, "name": "Srv-1_Seg-2_Boston_Conn_ActiveConns", "tuning_parameters": { "noise_floor": 0, "name": "conns_active", "trigger_on_increases": true, "trigger_on_decreases": false, "duration": 1, "tolerance_high": 8, "tolerance_low": 7, "id": 11 } } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ServicePoliciesList | <array of <object>> | List of service policies defined for this business service. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy] | <object> | Policies defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy].id | <number> | Service policy id. | Optional |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters |
<object> | Tuning parameters. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.id |
<number> | Service policy parameter id. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_high |
<number> | Service policy high tolerance threshold. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.name |
<string> | Service policy parameter name. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.tolerance_low |
<number> | Service policy low tolerance threshold. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.noise_floor |
<string> | Service policy noise floor. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.duration |
<number> | Service policy duration. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_decreases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on decreases. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy]. tuning_parameters.trigger_on_increases |
<string> | Service policy trigger on increases. | |
ServicePoliciesList[ServicePolicy].name | <string> | Service policy name. |
Services: Get segments
Manage segments of one business service.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/services/{service_id}/segments?offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sorting field name. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "alert_notification": string, "id": number, "definition": [ string ], "client_component_id": number, "status": string, "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": number, "host_group_id": number, "location_id": number } ], "server_component_name": string, "name": string, "type": string, "monitored_metrics": [ { "id": number } ], "location_type": string, "server_component_id": number, "client_component_name": string } ] Example: [ { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "Comp-2", "name": "Seg-1", "server_component_name": "Comp-3", "type": "BACK_END", "monitored_metrics": [ { "id": 11 }, { "id": 9 } ], "id": 1003, "server_component_id": 1002, "alert_notification": true, "client_component_id": 1001 }, { "status": "ADDED", "definition": [], "client_component_name": "Comp-1", "name": "Seg-2", "server_component_name": "Comp-2", "type": "FRONT_END", "locations": [ { "host_group_type_id": 102, "location_id": 1010, "host_group_id": 0 } ], "monitored_metrics": [ { "id": 11 } ], "id": 1009, "server_component_id": 1001, "alert_notification": false, "client_component_id": 1000, "location_type": "SUBSET" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ServiceSegmentsList | <array of <object>> | List of segments defined for this business service. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment] | <object> | Segments defined for this business service. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. alert_notification |
<string> | Alert notification flag. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment].id | <number> | Service segment id. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. definition |
<array of <string>> | Segment definition. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. definition[item] |
<string> | Service segment definition. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. client_component_id |
<number> | Client component id. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. status |
<string> | Service segment status. | Optional; Values: ADDED, DROPPED, UNDECIDED |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. locations |
<array of <object>> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation] |
<object> | Segment locations. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_type_id |
<number> | Host group type id. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation]. host_group_id |
<number> | Host group id. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. locations[SegmentLocation].location_id |
<number> | Location id. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. server_component_name |
<string> | Server component name. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment].name | <string> | Service segment name. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment].type | <string> | Service segment type. | Optional; Values: FRONT_END, BACK_END |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics |
<array of <object>> | Monitored segment metrics. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric] |
<object> | Segment metrics. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. monitored_metrics[SegmentMetric].id |
<number> | Metric id. | |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. location_type |
<string> | Location type. | Optional; Values: ALL, SUBSET |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. server_component_id |
<number> | Server component id. | Optional |
ServiceSegmentsList[ServiceSegment]. client_component_name |
<string> | Client component name. |
Vnis: List VNIs
Get a list of Virtual Network Identifiers.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/vnisAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "description": "Customer A. Blue Network.", "name": "Blue_Network", "id": 100 }, { "description": "Customer B. Blue Network.", "name": "Red_Network", "id": 200 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
VNIs | <array of <object>> | List of VNIs (Virtual Network Identifiers of SDN setup). | |
VNIs[VNI] | <object> | Object representing a VNI. | Optional |
VNIs[VNI].id | <number> | ID of the VNI. | |
VNIs[VNI].description | <string> | Description of the VNI. | Optional |
VNIs[VNI].name | <string> | Name of the VNI. | Optional |
Vnis: Delete VNI
Delete a Virtual Network Identifier.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/vnis/{vni_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Vnis: Update VNIs
Update one or many Virtual Network Identifiers.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/vnisAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "description": "Customer A. Blue Network.", "name": "Blue_Network", "id": 100 }, { "description": "Customer B. Blue Network.", "name": "Red_Network", "id": 200 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
VNIs | <array of <object>> | List of VNIs (Virtual Network Identifiers of SDN setup). | |
VNIs[VNI] | <object> | Object representing a VNI. | Optional |
VNIs[VNI].id | <number> | ID of the VNI. | |
VNIs[VNI].description | <string> | Description of the VNI. | Optional |
VNIs[VNI].name | <string> | Name of the VNI. | Optional |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Vnis: Get VNI
Get a Virtual Network Identifier.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/vnis/{vni_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } Example: { "description": "Customer A. Blue Network.", "name": "Blue_Network", "id": 100 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
VNI | <object> | Object representing a VNI. | |
VNI.id | <number> | ID of the VNI. | |
VNI.description | <string> | Description of the VNI. | Optional |
VNI.name | <string> | Name of the VNI. | Optional |
Vnis: Update VNI
Update one Virtual Network Identifier.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/vnis/{vni_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } Example: { "description": "Customer A. Blue Network.", "name": "Blue_Network", "id": 100 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
VNI | <object> | Object representing a VNI. | |
VNI.id | <number> | ID of the VNI. | |
VNI.description | <string> | Description of the VNI. | Optional |
VNI.name | <string> | Name of the VNI. | Optional |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Recipients: List recipients
Get a list of recipients.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/recipientsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "snmp_trap": { "snmp_trap_addresses": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string } ], "version": string }, "name": string, "email": { "format": string, "address": string } } ] Example: [ { "id": -1, "name": "* Log Only" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Default" }, { "id": 2, "snmp_trap": { "snmp_trap_addresses": [ { "ipaddr": "", "port": 10 }, { "ipaddr": "", "port": 20 } ], "version": "V1" }, "email": { "address": "example@riverbed.com", "format": "EMAIL_FORMAT_PDF" }, "name": "example_name" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RecipientList | <array of <object>> | List of recipient. | |
RecipientList[Recipient] | <object> | Object representing a recipient. | Optional |
RecipientList[Recipient].id | <number> | Recipient Number. | |
RecipientList[Recipient].snmp_trap | <object> | Snmp trap recipient. | Optional |
RecipientList[Recipient].snmp_trap. snmp_trap_addresses |
<array of <object>> | List of SNMPtrapAddress. | |
RecipientList[Recipient].snmp_trap. snmp_trap_addresses[SNMPTrapAddress] |
<object> | Object representing a snmp trap address. | Optional |
RecipientList[Recipient].snmp_trap. snmp_trap_addresses[SNMPTrapAddress]. port |
<number> | Port number for the IP address. | |
RecipientList[Recipient].snmp_trap. snmp_trap_addresses[SNMPTrapAddress]. ipaddr |
<string> | IP address of a snmp trap recipient. | |
RecipientList[Recipient].snmp_trap. version |
<string> | snmp trap version, V1, V2, V3. | Values: V1, V2C, V3 |
RecipientList[Recipient].name | <string> | Recipient Notification Label. | |
RecipientList[Recipient].email | <object> | Email recipient. | Optional |
RecipientList[Recipient].email.format | <string> | Format of a recipient's email, PDF or HTML. | Values: EMAIL_FORMAT_PDF, EMAIL_FORMAT_HTML |
RecipientList[Recipient].email.address | <string> | Email address of a recipient. |
Recipients: Get recipient
Get a recipient by id.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/recipients/{id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "snmp_trap": { "snmp_trap_addresses": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string } ], "version": string }, "name": string, "email": { "format": string, "address": string } } Example: { "id": 128, "snmp_trap": { "snmp_trap_addresses": [ { "ipaddr": "", "port": 10 }, { "ipaddr": "", "port": 20 } ], "version": "V1" }, "email": { "address": "example@riverbed.com", "format": "EMAIL_FORMAT_PDF" }, "name": "example_name" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Recipient | <object> | Object representing a recipient. | |
Recipient.id | <number> | Recipient Number. | |
Recipient.snmp_trap | <object> | Snmp trap recipient. | Optional |
Recipient.snmp_trap.snmp_trap_addresses | <array of <object>> | List of SNMPtrapAddress. | |
Recipient.snmp_trap.snmp_trap_addresses [SNMPTrapAddress] |
<object> | Object representing a snmp trap address. | Optional |
Recipient.snmp_trap.snmp_trap_addresses [SNMPTrapAddress].port |
<number> | Port number for the IP address. | |
Recipient.snmp_trap.snmp_trap_addresses [SNMPTrapAddress].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address of a snmp trap recipient. | |
Recipient.snmp_trap.version | <string> | snmp trap version, V1, V2, V3. | Values: V1, V2C, V3 |
Recipient.name | <string> | Recipient Notification Label. | |
Recipient.email | <object> | Email recipient. | Optional |
Recipient.email.format | <string> | Format of a recipient's email, PDF or HTML. | Values: EMAIL_FORMAT_PDF, EMAIL_FORMAT_HTML |
Recipient.email.address | <string> | Email address of a recipient. |
Steelheads: Disable Steelhead polling
Disables data polling from Steelheads.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/sync/disableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SteelheadIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses object representing the list of Steelheads. | |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr] | <object> | IP address collection object representing the list of Steelheads. | Optional |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a Steelhead. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Enable Steelhead polling
Enables data polling from Steelheads.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/sync/enableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SteelheadIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses object representing the list of Steelheads. | |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr] | <object> | IP address collection object representing the list of Steelheads. | Optional |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a Steelhead. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Delete Steelheads global OAuth
Deletes global OAuth code.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/oauth_code/globalAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Get Steelheads OAuth codes
Get a list of steelheads CIDRs with OAuth code configured.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/oauth_codeAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "cidr": string } ] Example: [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "0/0" }, { "cidr": "10/8" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Cidrs | <array of <object>> | List of Cidr Objects. | |
Cidrs[Cidr] | <object> | Object representing an IP address, CIDR. | Optional |
Cidrs[Cidr].cidr | <string> | IP address, CIDR. |
Steelheads: Update Steelheads OAuth codes
Creates or Updates Oauth Codes for a list of Steelheads.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/oauth_codeAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "code": string, "cidr": string } ] Example: [ { "cidr": "", "code": "code_ip" }, { "cidr": "0/0", "code": "code_global" }, { "cidr": "10/8", "code": "code_region" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Oauthcodes | <array of <object>> | List of OAuth code Objects. | |
Oauthcodes[Oauthcode] | <object> | Object representing an IP address, CIDR and its OAuth code. | Optional |
Oauthcodes[Oauthcode].code | <string> | OAuth code. | |
Oauthcodes[Oauthcode].cidr | <string> | IP address, CIDR. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Sync Steelheads QoS data
Retrieves QoS data from Steelheads on which polling is enabled.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/qos/syncAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SteelheadIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses object representing the list of Steelheads. | |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr] | <object> | IP address collection object representing the list of Steelheads. | Optional |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a Steelhead. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Sync Steelhead apps
Retrieves application data from Steelheads on which polling is enabled.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/apps/syncAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SteelheadIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses object representing the list of Steelheads. | |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr] | <object> | IP address collection object representing the list of Steelheads. | Optional |
SteelheadIPAddrs[SteelheadIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a Steelhead. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Get Steelheads
Get a Steelhead QoS Global Configuration by IP address.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/{steelhead_ip}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "dpi": string, "marking": string, "sync": { "apps": { "enabled": string, "error_text": string, "last_sync_ts": number, "last_success_ts": number, "error_id": number, "state": string }, "qos": { "enabled": string, "error_text": string, "last_sync_ts": number, "last_success_ts": number, "error_id": number, "state": string } }, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "oauth_custom": string, "hier_mode": string, "shaping": string, "easy_mode": string, "bw_overcommit": string } Example: { "marking": false, "name": "SH-DataCenter", "ipaddr": "", "bw_overcommit": false, "sync": { "qos": { "last_sync_ts": 1370967843, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" }, "apps": { "last_sync_ts": 1370967843, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" } }, "shaping": true, "hier_mode": true, "oauth_custom": false, "dpi": true, "easy_mode": false }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Steelhead | <object> | Object representing a steelhead. | |
Steelhead.dpi | <string> | Flag indicating if Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelhead.marking | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Marking is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelhead.sync | <object> | Object representing Steelhead syncronization information. | |
Steelhead.sync.apps | <object> | Object representing Steelhead application syncronization information. | |
Steelhead.sync.apps.enabled | <string> | Flag - Enable application synchronization. | |
Steelhead.sync.apps.error_text | <string> | Error description. | |
Steelhead.sync.apps.last_sync_ts | <number> | Last attempted application synchronization time. | |
Steelhead.sync.apps.last_success_ts | <number> | Last successful application synchronization time. | |
Steelhead.sync.apps.error_id | <number> | Error ID. | |
Steelhead.sync.apps.state | <string> | Synchronization status. | Values: SYNC_INITIALIZING, SYNC_FAILED, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, SYNC_DISABLED, SYNC_NA |
Steelhead.sync.qos | <object> | Object representing Steelhead QoS syncronization information. | |
Steelhead.sync.qos.enabled | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS synchronization is enabled on this Steelhead. | |
Steelhead.sync.qos.error_text | <string> | Error description. | |
Steelhead.sync.qos.last_sync_ts | <number> | Last attempted QoS syncronization time. | |
Steelhead.sync.qos.last_success_ts | <number> | Last successful QoS syncronization time. | |
Steelhead.sync.qos.error_id | <number> | Error ID. | |
Steelhead.sync.qos.state | <string> | Synchronization status. | Values: SYNC_INITIALIZING, SYNC_FAILED, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, SYNC_DISABLED, SYNC_NA |
Steelhead.ipaddr | <string> | Steelhead IP address. | |
Steelhead.name | <string> | Steelhead name. | |
Steelhead.oauth_custom | <string> | Flag indicating if Custom OAuth code is configured on this Steelhead. | |
Steelhead.hier_mode | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Hierarchical Mode is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelhead.shaping | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Shaping is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelhead.easy_mode | <string> | Flag indicating which QoS Configuration Mode (Basic/Advanced) is set (Basic if true). | Optional |
Steelhead.bw_overcommit | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Bandwidth Overcommit is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelheads: Delete Steelheads OAuth codes
Deletes OAuth codes for a list of Steelheads.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/oauth_codeAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "cidr": string } ] Example: [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "0/0" }, { "cidr": "10/8" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Cidrs | <array of <object>> | List of Cidr Objects. | |
Cidrs[Cidr] | <object> | Object representing an IP address, CIDR. | Optional |
Cidrs[Cidr].cidr | <string> | IP address, CIDR. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Update Steelheads global OAuth
Creates or Updates global OAuth code.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/oauth_code/globalAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "code": string } Example: { "code": "code_global" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Globalcode | <object> | Global OAuth code object. | |
Globalcode.code | <string> | OAuth Code. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: List Steelheads
Get a list of Steelheads and their QoS global and application configuration.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheadsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "dpi": string, "marking": string, "sync": { "apps": { "enabled": string, "error_text": string, "last_sync_ts": number, "last_success_ts": number, "error_id": number, "state": string }, "qos": { "enabled": string, "error_text": string, "last_sync_ts": number, "last_success_ts": number, "error_id": number, "state": string } }, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "oauth_custom": string, "hier_mode": string, "shaping": string, "easy_mode": string, "bw_overcommit": string } ] Example: [ { "marking": false, "name": "", "ipaddr": "", "bw_overcommit": false, "sync": { "qos": { "last_sync_ts": 1370967813, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" }, "apps": { "last_sync_ts": 1370967813, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" } }, "shaping": true, "hier_mode": true, "oauth_custom": false, "dpi": false, "easy_mode": true }, { "marking": false, "name": "SH-DataCenter", "ipaddr": "", "bw_overcommit": false, "sync": { "qos": { "last_sync_ts": 1370967843, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" }, "apps": { "last_sync_ts": 1370967843, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" } }, "shaping": true, "hier_mode": true, "oauth_custom": false, "dpi": true, "easy_mode": false }, { "marking": false, "name": "SH-LosAngeles", "ipaddr": "", "bw_overcommit": false, "sync": { "qos": { "last_sync_ts": 1371583559, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" }, "apps": { "last_sync_ts": 1371583559, "enabled": true, "last_success_ts": 0, "state": "SYNC_FAILED", "error_id": 720897, "error_text": "28: Timeout was reached" } }, "shaping": true, "hier_mode": true, "oauth_custom": false, "dpi": false, "easy_mode": true } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Steelheads | <array of <object>> | List of Steelheads and their QoS and Application configuration data. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead] | <object> | Steelhead QoS and Application Configuration Data. | Optional |
Steelheads[Steelhead].dpi | <string> | Flag indicating if Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelheads[Steelhead].marking | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Marking is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync | <object> | Object representing Steelhead syncronization information. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.apps | <object> | Object representing Steelhead application syncronization information. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.apps.enabled | <string> | Flag - Enable application synchronization. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.apps. error_text |
<string> | Error description. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.apps. last_sync_ts |
<number> | Last attempted application synchronization time. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.apps. last_success_ts |
<number> | Last successful application synchronization time. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.apps.error_id | <number> | Error ID. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.apps.state | <string> | Synchronization status. | Values: SYNC_INITIALIZING, SYNC_FAILED, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, SYNC_DISABLED, SYNC_NA |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.qos | <object> | Object representing Steelhead QoS syncronization information. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.qos.enabled | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS synchronization is enabled on this Steelhead. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.qos. error_text |
<string> | Error description. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.qos. last_sync_ts |
<number> | Last attempted QoS syncronization time. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.qos. last_success_ts |
<number> | Last successful QoS syncronization time. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.qos.error_id | <number> | Error ID. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].sync.qos.state | <string> | Synchronization status. | Values: SYNC_INITIALIZING, SYNC_FAILED, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, SYNC_DISABLED, SYNC_NA |
Steelheads[Steelhead].ipaddr | <string> | Steelhead IP address. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].name | <string> | Steelhead name. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].oauth_custom | <string> | Flag indicating if Custom OAuth code is configured on this Steelhead. | |
Steelheads[Steelhead].hier_mode | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Hierarchical Mode is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelheads[Steelhead].shaping | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Shaping is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelheads[Steelhead].easy_mode | <string> | Flag indicating which QoS Configuration Mode (Basic/Advanced) is set (Basic if true). | Optional |
Steelheads[Steelhead].bw_overcommit | <string> | Flag indicating if QoS Bandwidth Overcommit is enabled on this Steelhead. | Optional |
Steelheads: Ping Steelhead
Pings a Steelhead by IP address.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/{steelhead_ip}/pingAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Steelheads: Check Steelheads global OAuth
Checks if the global OAuth code is configured.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/steelheads/oauth_code/globalAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "configured": string } Example: { "configured": true }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Oauthcodeglobal | <object> | Object representing the global OAuth code is configured. | |
Oauthcodeglobal.configured | <string> | True if the global ouath code is configured. |
Devices: Enable REST polling
Globally disable REST polling for all devices.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/devices/restsync/enableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Devices: Get device
Get a device by IP Address.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/devices/{device_ip}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "type_id": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "type": string, "version": string } Example: { "name": "MyNetflowDevice", "type_id": 2, "ipaddr": "", "version": "N/A", "type": "Netflow", "id": 123 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Device | <object> | Object representing a device. | |
Device.id | <number> | Device identifier (ID). Used internally in the product and in the API. | |
Device.type_id | <number> | Device type ID; a way to represent device type that is more friendly to programs. | |
Device.ipaddr | <string> | Device IP address. | |
Device.name | <string> | Device name, which usually comes from SNMP or DNS. | |
Device.type | <string> | Device type, e.g. SteelCentral Flow Gateway, SteelCentral NetShark or Netflow device. | |
Device.version | <string> | Version of the protocol used to communicate with the device. |
Devices: List devices
Get a list of devices.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/devices?type_id={number}&cidr={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type_id | <number> | Filter devices by device type. | Optional |
cidr | <string> | Filter devices by IP or Subnet (e.g. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "type_id": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "type": string, "version": string } ] Example: [ { "name": "MyNetflowDevice", "type_id": 2, "ipaddr": "", "version": "N/A", "type": "Netflow", "id": 123 }, { "name": "MySensorDevice", "type_id": 1, "ipaddr": "", "version": "M8.4", "type": "Sensor", "id": 124 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Devices | <array of <object>> | List of network devices that report data to Profiler. | |
Devices[Device] | <object> | One device from the list of devices that report data. | Optional |
Devices[Device].id | <number> | Device identifier (ID). Used internally in the product and in the API. | |
Devices[Device].type_id | <number> | Device type ID; a way to represent device type that is more friendly to programs. | |
Devices[Device].ipaddr | <string> | Device IP address. | |
Devices[Device].name | <string> | Device name, which usually comes from SNMP or DNS. | |
Devices[Device].type | <string> | Device type, e.g. SteelCentral Flow Gateway, SteelCentral NetShark or Netflow device. | |
Devices[Device].version | <string> | Version of the protocol used to communicate with the device. |
Devices: Check REST polling
Get global flag showing whether REST polling is enabled for all devices.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/devices/restsyncAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
DevicesRestSyncEnabled | <object> | Object representing global REST sync enabled flag for devices on Profiler. | |
DevicesRestSyncEnabled.enabled | <string> | Global REST sync enabled flag for devices on Profiler. |
Devices: Delete device
Delete a device by IP Address. The operation is asynchronous. The device will be deleted within few minutes to hours depending on how busy is the system.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/devices/{device_ip}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Devices: Disable REST polling
Globally enable REST polling for all devices.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/devices/restsync/disableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Dscps: List DSCPs
Get complete DSCP configuration.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/dscpsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "description": "Assured Forwarding Class 1 Medium Drop", "name": "AF12", "id": 12 }, { "description": "", "name": "", "id": 13 }, { "description": "Assured Forwarding Class 1 High Drop", "name": "AF13", "id": 14 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CDSCPDefs | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef] | <object> | Object representing DSCP information. | Optional |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef].id | <number> | ID of the DSCP. | |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef].description | <string> | Description of the DSCP. | |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef].name | <string> | Name of the DSCP. |
Dscps: Get DSCP
Get information about a specific DSCP.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/dscps/{dscp_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } Example: { "description": "Assured Forwarding Class 1 Low Drop", "name": "AF11", "id": 10 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
DSCPDef | <object> | Object representing DSCP information. | |
DSCPDef.id | <number> | ID of the DSCP. | |
DSCPDef.description | <string> | Description of the DSCP. | |
DSCPDef.name | <string> | Name of the DSCP. |
Dscps: Update DSCPs
Update DSCP configuration (only name and description can be updated).
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/dscpsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "description": "Assured Forwarding Class 1 Medium Drop", "name": "AF12", "id": 12 }, { "description": "", "name": "", "id": 13 }, { "description": "Assured Forwarding Class 1 High Drop", "name": "AF13", "id": 14 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CDSCPDefs | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef] | <object> | Object representing DSCP information. | Optional |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef].id | <number> | ID of the DSCP. | |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef].description | <string> | Description of the DSCP. | |
CDSCPDefs[DSCPDef].name | <string> | Name of the DSCP. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Dscps: Update DSCP
Update information for a specific DSCP.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/dscps/{dscp_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "description": string, "name": string } Example: { "description": "Assured Forwarding Class 1 Low Drop", "name": "AF11", "id": 10 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
DSCPDef | <object> | Object representing DSCP information. | |
DSCPDef.id | <number> | ID of the DSCP. | |
DSCPDef.description | <string> | Description of the DSCP. | |
DSCPDef.name | <string> | Name of the DSCP. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Load_Balancers: Import load balancers
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/import?overwrite={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
overwrite | <string> | If it is true, existing load balancer is overwritten (default is false). | Optional |
Provide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "password": string, "id": number, "username": string, "status": { "last_attempt_query": string, "last_status": number, "last_success_time": number, "last_attempt_time": number }, "virtualservers": [ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ], "name": string, "type": string, "hostportlist": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ] } ] Example: [ { "status": { "last_attempt_query": "list query via", "last_success_time": 1395081752, "last_status": 0, "last_attempt_time": 1395081752 }, "username": "admin", "name": "web server load_balancer", "hostportlist": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "password": "string", "type": "F5_LTM" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LoadBalancers | <array of <object>> | List of network load balancers data. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer] | <object> | Load balancer data. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].password | <string> | Password. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].id | <number> | Load balancer id assigned by the profiler. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].username | <string> | User name. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status | <object> | Object representing a load balancer status data. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_attempt_query |
<string> | Description of last query: load balancer target IP, query type. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_status |
<number> | Last retrieved load balancer status. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_success_time |
<number> | Last time when load balancer status is successfully queried. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_attempt_time |
<number> | Time stamp when the last query is conducted. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers |
<array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. This object is only available in load balancers export. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer] |
<object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].port |
<number> | Virtual server port. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].lbname |
<string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].vsname |
<string> | Virtual server name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].iplist |
<array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].iplist [item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].name | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].type | <string> | Load balancer type. Note: type SIMULATED is reserved for internal use only. | Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist | <array of <object>> | Load balancer management IP addresses and their ports. If used as a UI input, it could be either a DNS name or IP address. For SteelApp load balancer, a configurable network port is available. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort] |
<object> | Object representing IP address, its DNS name, and network port. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. When used for input, it can be either IP address or DNS name. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].name |
<string> | DNS name of an IP address. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "imported": number, "parsed": number }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LBImportRestuls | <object> | Object representing the result of importing load balancers. | |
LBImportRestuls.imported | <number> | number of load balancers imported into the database. | |
LBImportRestuls.parsed | <number> | number of load balancers found in the input text. |
Load_Balancers: List virtual servers
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/virtual_servers?offset={number}&lbid={number}&vs_name={string}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&vs_protocol={number}&vs_host={string}&vs_port={number}&limit={number}&exact_name={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting row number. | Optional |
lbid | <number> | load balancer id. If provided, all virtual servers of the requested load balancer are returned. | Optional |
vs_name | <string> | virtual server name. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sort by one of the following options: id (default), vs_name, vs_ip, vs_proto, and vs_port. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sort order: asc or desc (default). | Optional |
vs_protocol | <number> | virtual server protocol id (value range: 1 - 255). | Optional |
vs_host | <string> | virtual server host IP address or CIDR notation; DNS name is not supported. | Optional |
vs_port | <number> | virtual server port number (value range: 0 - 65535). If a zero is given, it is for all ports. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
exact_name | <string> | if it is true, exact vs_name match is performed. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ] Example: [ { "protocol": 6, "vsname": "tcp_all_ports", "port": 0, "lbname": "f5", "iplist": [ "" ], "id": 1000 }, { "protocol": 6, "vsname": "vs_http_perf", "port": 80, "lbname": "stingray", "iplist": [ "", "" ], "id": 1001 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
VirtualServers | <array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer] | <object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].port | <number> | Virtual server port. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].lbname | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].protocol | <number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].id | <number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].vsname | <string> | Virtual server name. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].iplist | <array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].iplist [item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Delete a load_balancer_id
Delete a network load balancer.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Load_Balancers: List of load balancers
Get a list of load balancers.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers?offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting row number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sort by one of the following options: id (default), name, iplist and type. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sort order: asc or desc (default). | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "password": string, "id": number, "username": string, "status": { "last_attempt_query": string, "last_status": number, "last_success_time": number, "last_attempt_time": number }, "virtualservers": [ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ], "name": string, "type": string, "hostportlist": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ] } ] Example: [ { "status": { "last_attempt_query": "list query via", "last_success_time": 1395081752, "last_status": 0, "last_attempt_time": 1395081752 }, "username": "admin", "name": "web server load_balancer", "hostportlist": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "password": "string", "type": "F5_LTM" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LoadBalancers | <array of <object>> | List of network load balancers data. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer] | <object> | Load balancer data. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].password | <string> | Password. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].id | <number> | Load balancer id assigned by the profiler. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].username | <string> | User name. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status | <object> | Object representing a load balancer status data. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_attempt_query |
<string> | Description of last query: load balancer target IP, query type. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_status |
<number> | Last retrieved load balancer status. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_success_time |
<number> | Last time when load balancer status is successfully queried. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_attempt_time |
<number> | Time stamp when the last query is conducted. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers |
<array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. This object is only available in load balancers export. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer] |
<object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].port |
<number> | Virtual server port. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].lbname |
<string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].vsname |
<string> | Virtual server name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].iplist |
<array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].iplist [item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].name | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].type | <string> | Load balancer type. Note: type SIMULATED is reserved for internal use only. | Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist | <array of <object>> | Load balancer management IP addresses and their ports. If used as a UI input, it could be either a DNS name or IP address. For SteelApp load balancer, a configurable network port is available. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort] |
<object> | Object representing IP address, its DNS name, and network port. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. When used for input, it can be either IP address or DNS name. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].name |
<string> | DNS name of an IP address. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Create a network load balancer
Create a network balancer.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancersAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "password": string, "id": number, "username": string, "status": { "last_attempt_query": string, "last_status": number, "last_success_time": number, "last_attempt_time": number }, "virtualservers": [ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ], "name": string, "type": string, "hostportlist": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ] } Example: { "status": { "last_attempt_query": "list query via", "last_success_time": 1395081752, "last_status": 0, "last_attempt_time": 1395081752 }, "username": "admin", "name": "web server load_balancer", "hostportlist": [ { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9070 }, { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9071 } ], "password": "string", "type": "STEELAPP" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LoadBalancer | <object> | Object representing a load balancer. | |
LoadBalancer.password | <string> | Password. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.id | <number> | Load balancer id assigned by the profiler. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.username | <string> | User name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status | <object> | Object representing a load balancer status data. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_query | <string> | Description of last query: load balancer target IP, query type. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_status | <number> | Last retrieved load balancer status. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_success_time | <number> | Last time when load balancer status is successfully queried. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_time | <number> | Time stamp when the last query is conducted. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers | <array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. This object is only available in load balancers export. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer] |
<object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].port |
<number> | Virtual server port. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].lbname |
<string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].vsname |
<string> | Virtual server name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist |
<array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist[item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.name | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.type | <string> | Load balancer type. Note: type SIMULATED is reserved for internal use only. | Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist | <array of <object>> | Load balancer management IP addresses and their ports. If used as a UI input, it could be either a DNS name or IP address. For SteelApp load balancer, a configurable network port is available. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort] | <object> | Object representing IP address, its DNS name, and network port. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].port | <number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort]. ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. When used for input, it can be either IP address or DNS name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].name | <string> | DNS name of an IP address. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "password": string, "id": number, "username": string, "status": { "last_attempt_query": string, "last_status": number, "last_success_time": number, "last_attempt_time": number }, "virtualservers": [ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ], "name": string, "type": string, "hostportlist": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ] } Example: { "status": { "last_attempt_query": "list query via", "last_success_time": 1395081752, "last_status": 0, "last_attempt_time": 1395081752 }, "username": "admin", "name": "web server load_balancer", "hostportlist": [ { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9070 }, { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9071 } ], "password": "string", "type": "STEELAPP" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LoadBalancer | <object> | Object representing a load balancer. | |
LoadBalancer.password | <string> | Password. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.id | <number> | Load balancer id assigned by the profiler. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.username | <string> | User name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status | <object> | Object representing a load balancer status data. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_query | <string> | Description of last query: load balancer target IP, query type. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_status | <number> | Last retrieved load balancer status. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_success_time | <number> | Last time when load balancer status is successfully queried. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_time | <number> | Time stamp when the last query is conducted. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers | <array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. This object is only available in load balancers export. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer] |
<object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].port |
<number> | Virtual server port. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].lbname |
<string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].vsname |
<string> | Virtual server name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist |
<array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist[item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.name | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.type | <string> | Load balancer type. Note: type SIMULATED is reserved for internal use only. | Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist | <array of <object>> | Load balancer management IP addresses and their ports. If used as a UI input, it could be either a DNS name or IP address. For SteelApp load balancer, a configurable network port is available. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort] | <object> | Object representing IP address, its DNS name, and network port. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].port | <number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort]. ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. When used for input, it can be either IP address or DNS name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].name | <string> | DNS name of an IP address. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Update load_balancers
Update network a load balancer (fields that can be updated are name, type, primary ip, secondary ip, user name, and password).
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "password": string, "id": number, "username": string, "status": { "last_attempt_query": string, "last_status": number, "last_success_time": number, "last_attempt_time": number }, "virtualservers": [ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ], "name": string, "type": string, "hostportlist": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ] } Example: { "status": { "last_attempt_query": "list query via", "last_success_time": 1395081752, "last_status": 0, "last_attempt_time": 1395081752 }, "username": "admin", "name": "web server load_balancer", "hostportlist": [ { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9070 }, { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9071 } ], "password": "string", "type": "STEELAPP" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LoadBalancer | <object> | Object representing a load balancer. | |
LoadBalancer.password | <string> | Password. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.id | <number> | Load balancer id assigned by the profiler. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.username | <string> | User name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status | <object> | Object representing a load balancer status data. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_query | <string> | Description of last query: load balancer target IP, query type. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_status | <number> | Last retrieved load balancer status. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_success_time | <number> | Last time when load balancer status is successfully queried. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_time | <number> | Time stamp when the last query is conducted. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers | <array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. This object is only available in load balancers export. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer] |
<object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].port |
<number> | Virtual server port. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].lbname |
<string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].vsname |
<string> | Virtual server name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist |
<array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist[item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.name | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.type | <string> | Load balancer type. Note: type SIMULATED is reserved for internal use only. | Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist | <array of <object>> | Load balancer management IP addresses and their ports. If used as a UI input, it could be either a DNS name or IP address. For SteelApp load balancer, a configurable network port is available. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort] | <object> | Object representing IP address, its DNS name, and network port. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].port | <number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort]. ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. When used for input, it can be either IP address or DNS name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].name | <string> | DNS name of an IP address. | Optional |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Load_Balancers: Detect a load balancer's SNATs that match a list of IP protocol port or CIDR notation specified by user
Detect a load balancer's SNATs that match a list of IP protocol port or CIDR notation specified by user.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/detect_snatsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "cidr": string, "ipprotoport": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } } ] Example: [ { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "" } }, { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 80 } }, { "cidr": "10/8" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IPProtoPortCidrList | <array of <object>> | Object representing a list of ip protocol port or cidr. | |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr] | <object> | Object representing ip protocol port or cidr. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. cidr |
<string> | Network CIDR (string). | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport |
<object> | Object representing ip protocol port. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.protocol |
<number> | Network protocol. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.ipaddr |
<string> | Network IP address. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "type": string, "snats": [ string ], "warning": string } Example: { "type": "SOMETIMES", "snats": [ "", "" ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SNATInfo | <object> | Object representing SNATs info and a possible operation related warning message. | |
SNATInfo.type | <string> | SNAT type that could be either NOT_USED, SOMETIMES, or ALWAYS. | Optional; Values: NOT_USED, SOMETIMES, ALWAYS |
SNATInfo.snats | <array of <string>> | Object representing a list of SNATs IP addresses. | Optional |
SNATInfo.snats[item] | <string> | IP Address. | Optional |
SNATInfo.warning | <string> | A possible warning message providing more details on the requested operation. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Detect load balancer's real servers that match a list of IP protocol port or CIDR notation specified by user
Detect load balancer's real servers that match a list of IP protocol port or CIDR notation specified by user.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/detect_realserversAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "cidr": string, "ipprotoport": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } } ] Example: [ { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "" } }, { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 80 } }, { "cidr": "10/8" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IPProtoPortCidrList | <array of <object>> | Object representing a list of ip protocol port or cidr. | |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr] | <object> | Object representing ip protocol port or cidr. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. cidr |
<string> | Network CIDR (string). | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport |
<object> | Object representing ip protocol port. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.protocol |
<number> | Network protocol. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.ipaddr |
<string> | Network IP address. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "realservers": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } ], "warning": string } Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RealServerListInfo | <object> | Object representing real server list info and a possible operation related warning message. | |
RealServerListInfo.realservers | <array of <object>> | Object representing real servers. | Optional |
RealServerListInfo.realservers [IPProtoPort] |
<object> | Object representing a real server which is an IPProtoPort. | Optional |
RealServerListInfo.realservers [IPProtoPort].port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
RealServerListInfo.realservers [IPProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Network protocol. | Optional |
RealServerListInfo.realservers [IPProtoPort].ipaddr |
<string> | Network IP address. | |
RealServerListInfo.warning | <string> | A possible warning message providing more details on the requested operation. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Refresh load balancer virtual servers
Refresh load balancer virtual servers.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/refreshAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Load_Balancers: List of virtual servers
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/virtual_servers?offset={number}&vs_name={string}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&vs_protocol={number}&vs_host={string}&vs_port={number}&limit={number}&exact_name={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting row number. | Optional |
vs_name | <string> | virtual server name. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sort by one of the following options: id (default), vs_name, vs_ip, vs_proto, and vs_port. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sort order: asc or desc (default). | Optional |
vs_protocol | <number> | virtual server protocol id (value range: 1 - 255). | Optional |
vs_host | <string> | virtual server host IP address or CIDR notation; DNS name is not supported. | Optional |
vs_port | <number> | virtual server port number (value range: 0 - 65535). If a zero is given, it is for all ports. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
exact_name | <string> | if it is true, exact vs_name match is performed. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ] Example: [ { "protocol": 6, "vsname": "tcp_all_ports", "port": 0, "lbname": "f5", "iplist": [ "" ], "id": 1000 }, { "protocol": 6, "vsname": "vs_http_perf", "port": 80, "lbname": "stingray", "iplist": [ "", "" ], "id": 1001 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
VirtualServers | <array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer] | <object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].port | <number> | Virtual server port. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].lbname | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].protocol | <number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].id | <number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].vsname | <string> | Virtual server name. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].iplist | <array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
VirtualServers[VirtualServer].iplist [item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Get a load balancer
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "password": string, "id": number, "username": string, "status": { "last_attempt_query": string, "last_status": number, "last_success_time": number, "last_attempt_time": number }, "virtualservers": [ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ], "name": string, "type": string, "hostportlist": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ] } Example: { "status": { "last_attempt_query": "list query via", "last_success_time": 1395081752, "last_status": 0, "last_attempt_time": 1395081752 }, "username": "admin", "name": "web server load_balancer", "hostportlist": [ { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9070 }, { "ipaddr": "", "port": 9071 } ], "password": "string", "type": "STEELAPP" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LoadBalancer | <object> | Object representing a load balancer. | |
LoadBalancer.password | <string> | Password. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.id | <number> | Load balancer id assigned by the profiler. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.username | <string> | User name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status | <object> | Object representing a load balancer status data. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_query | <string> | Description of last query: load balancer target IP, query type. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_status | <number> | Last retrieved load balancer status. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_success_time | <number> | Last time when load balancer status is successfully queried. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.status.last_attempt_time | <number> | Time stamp when the last query is conducted. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers | <array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. This object is only available in load balancers export. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer] |
<object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].port |
<number> | Virtual server port. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].lbname |
<string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].vsname |
<string> | Virtual server name. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist |
<array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
LoadBalancer.virtualservers [VirtualServer].iplist[item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.name | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancer.type | <string> | Load balancer type. Note: type SIMULATED is reserved for internal use only. | Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist | <array of <object>> | Load balancer management IP addresses and their ports. If used as a UI input, it could be either a DNS name or IP address. For SteelApp load balancer, a configurable network port is available. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort] | <object> | Object representing IP address, its DNS name, and network port. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].port | <number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort]. ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. When used for input, it can be either IP address or DNS name. | Optional |
LoadBalancer.hostportlist[HostPort].name | <string> | DNS name of an IP address. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Export load balancers
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/exportAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "password": string, "id": number, "username": string, "status": { "last_attempt_query": string, "last_status": number, "last_success_time": number, "last_attempt_time": number }, "virtualservers": [ { "port": number, "lbname": string, "protocol": number, "id": number, "vsname": string, "iplist": [ string ] } ], "name": string, "type": string, "hostportlist": [ { "port": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ] } ] Example: [ { "status": { "last_attempt_query": "list query via", "last_success_time": 1395081752, "last_status": 0, "last_attempt_time": 1395081752 }, "username": "admin", "name": "web server load_balancer", "hostportlist": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "password": "string", "type": "F5_LTM" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LoadBalancers | <array of <object>> | List of network load balancers data. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer] | <object> | Load balancer data. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].password | <string> | Password. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].id | <number> | Load balancer id assigned by the profiler. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].username | <string> | User name. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status | <object> | Object representing a load balancer status data. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_attempt_query |
<string> | Description of last query: load balancer target IP, query type. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_status |
<number> | Last retrieved load balancer status. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_success_time |
<number> | Last time when load balancer status is successfully queried. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].status. last_attempt_time |
<number> | Time stamp when the last query is conducted. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers |
<array of <object>> | Object representing a collection of virtual servers. This object is only available in load balancers export. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer] |
<object> | Virtual server configuration information. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].port |
<number> | Virtual server port. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].lbname |
<string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].protocol |
<number> | Virtual server protocol. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].vsname |
<string> | Virtual server name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].iplist |
<array of <string>> | Virtual server IP list. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer]. virtualservers[VirtualServer].iplist [item] |
<string> | IP Address. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].name | <string> | Load balancer name. | |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].type | <string> | Load balancer type. Note: type SIMULATED is reserved for internal use only. | Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist | <array of <object>> | Load balancer management IP addresses and their ports. If used as a UI input, it could be either a DNS name or IP address. For SteelApp load balancer, a configurable network port is available. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort] |
<object> | Object representing IP address, its DNS name, and network port. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address. When used for input, it can be either IP address or DNS name. | Optional |
LoadBalancers[LoadBalancer].hostportlist [HostPort].name |
<string> | DNS name of an IP address. | Optional |
Load_Balancers: Detect load balancers that match a list of IP protocol port or CIDR notation specified by user
Detect load balancers that match a list of IP protocol port or CIDR notation specified by user.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/load_balancers/detectAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "cidr": string, "ipprotoport": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } } ] Example: [ { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "" } }, { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 80 } }, { "cidr": "10/8" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IPProtoPortCidrList | <array of <object>> | Object representing a list of ip protocol port or cidr. | |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr] | <object> | Object representing ip protocol port or cidr. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. cidr |
<string> | Network CIDR (string). | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport |
<object> | Object representing ip protocol port. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.protocol |
<number> | Network protocol. | Optional |
IPProtoPortCidrList[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.ipaddr |
<string> | Network IP address. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists": [ { "id": number, "name": string, "type": string, "ipprotoport_cidr_list": [ { "cidr": string, "ipprotoport": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "ipaddr": string } } ] } ], "warning": string } Example: { "lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists": [ { "ipprotoport_cidr_list": [ { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "" } } ], "id": 0 }, { "ipprotoport_cidr_list": [ { "ipprotoport": { "ipaddr": "", "protocol": 6, "port": 80 } } ], "type": "STEELAPP", "id": 1 } ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo | <object> | Object representing a list of LBIPProtoPortCidrList and a possible operation related warning message. | |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists |
<array of <object>> | Object representing LBIPProtoPortCidrLists. | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList] |
<object> | a list of load balancer ip protocol port or cidr. | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList].id |
<number> | Load balancer database ID. | |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList].name |
<string> | Load balancer name. | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList].type |
<string> | Load balancer type. | Optional; Values: OTHER, SIMULATED, F5_LTM, STEELAPP |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList]. ipprotoport_cidr_list |
<array of <object>> | A list of ip protocol port or cidr notation. | |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList]. ipprotoport_cidr_list[IPProtoPortCidr] |
<object> | Object representing ip protocol port or cidr. | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList]. ipprotoport_cidr_list[IPProtoPortCidr]. cidr |
<string> | Network CIDR (string). | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList]. ipprotoport_cidr_list[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport |
<object> | Object representing ip protocol port. | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList]. ipprotoport_cidr_list[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.port |
<number> | Network port number. | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList]. ipprotoport_cidr_list[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.protocol |
<number> | Network protocol. | Optional |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo. lb_ipprotoport_cidr_lists [LBIPProtoPortCidrList]. ipprotoport_cidr_list[IPProtoPortCidr]. ipprotoport.ipaddr |
<string> | Network IP address. | |
LBIPProtoPortCidrListsInfo.warning | <string> | A possible warning message providing more details on the requested operation. | Optional |
Cbqos: Sync cbqos devices config
Retrieves configuration data from cbqos devices on which polling is enabled.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/cbqos/devices/config/syncAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CbqosIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses collection object representing the list of devices with cbqos settings. | |
CbqosIPAddrs[CbqosIPAddr] | <object> | IP address object representing a device with cbqos settings. | Optional |
CbqosIPAddrs[CbqosIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a device with cbqos settings. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Cbqos: Enable cbqos devices polling
Enables data polling from cbqos devices.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/cbqos/devices/sync/enableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "polling_interval": number, "use64bit": string, "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "", "use64bit": true, "polling_interval": 300 }, { "ipaddr": "", "use64bit": false, "polling_interval": 900 }, { "ipaddr": "", "use64bit": false, "polling_interval": 300 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CbqosConfigs | <array of <object>> | List of objects representing config information for enabling a device polling. | |
CbqosConfigs[CbqosConfig] | <object> | Object representing config information for enabling a device polling. | Optional |
CbqosConfigs[CbqosConfig]. polling_interval |
<number> | Time between two polls. | |
CbqosConfigs[CbqosConfig].use64bit | <string> | Use 64 bit counter. | |
CbqosConfigs[CbqosConfig].ipaddr | <string> | Device IP address. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Cbqos: Get cbqos device
Get a device with cbqos settings by device ip.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/cbqos/devices/{device_ip}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "polling_interval": number, "last_stats_resp_ts": number, "last_config_req_ts": number, "use64bit": string, "type_id": number, "last_stats_req_ts": number, "last_config_status": string, "last_stats_status": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "last_config_resp_ts": number } Example: { "last_stats_status": "TIMEOUT", "last_config_status": "OK", "name": "shark-Columbus", "type_id": 11, "ipaddr": "", "last_stats_resp_ts": 1450120092, "last_stats_req_ts": 1450120080, "last_config_resp_ts": 1450120060, "last_config_req_ts": 1450120050, "polling_interval": 300, "use64bit": false }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CbqosDevice | <object> | Object representing a device with cbqos settings. | |
CbqosDevice.polling_interval | <number> | Time between two polls. | |
CbqosDevice.last_stats_resp_ts | <number> | Timestamp of the last stats poll response. | |
CbqosDevice.last_config_req_ts | <number> | Timestamp of the last config poll request. | |
CbqosDevice.use64bit | <string> | Use 64 bit counter. | |
CbqosDevice.type_id | <number> | Device type id (2 - NetFlow, 11 - Cascade Shark, etc.) | |
CbqosDevice.last_stats_req_ts | <number> | Timestamp of the last stats poll request. | |
CbqosDevice.last_config_status | <string> | Status of the last config poll. | |
CbqosDevice.last_stats_status | <string> | Status of the last stats poll. | |
CbqosDevice.ipaddr | <string> | Device IP address. | |
CbqosDevice.name | <string> | Device name. | |
CbqosDevice.last_config_resp_ts | <number> | Timestamp of the last config poll response. |
Cbqos: Disable cbqos devices polling
Disables data polling from cbqos devices.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/cbqos/devices/sync/disableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CbqosIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses collection object representing the list of devices with cbqos settings. | |
CbqosIPAddrs[CbqosIPAddr] | <object> | IP address object representing a device with cbqos settings. | Optional |
CbqosIPAddrs[CbqosIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a device with cbqos settings. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Cbqos: List cbqos/devices
Get a list of devices with cbqos settings.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/cbqos/devices?offset={number}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting row number. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "polling_interval": number, "last_stats_resp_ts": number, "last_config_req_ts": number, "use64bit": string, "type_id": number, "last_stats_req_ts": number, "last_config_status": string, "last_stats_status": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "last_config_resp_ts": number } ] Example: [ { "last_stats_status": "TIMEOUT", "last_config_status": "OK", "name": "shark-Columbus", "type_id": 11, "ipaddr": "", "last_stats_resp_ts": 1450120092, "last_stats_req_ts": 1450120080, "last_config_resp_ts": 1450120060, "last_config_req_ts": 1450120050, "polling_interval": 300, "use64bit": false }, { "last_stats_status": "TIMEOUT", "last_config_status": "OK", "name": "WAN-RTR-Philadelphia", "type_id": 2, "ipaddr": "", "last_stats_resp_ts": 1450120032, "last_stats_req_ts": 1450120020, "last_config_resp_ts": 1450120010, "last_config_req_ts": 1450120005, "polling_interval": 900, "use64bit": true } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CbqosDevices | <array of <object>> | List of devices with their cbqos settings. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice] | <object> | Object representing a device with cbqos settings. | Optional |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice]. polling_interval |
<number> | Time between two polls. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice]. last_stats_resp_ts |
<number> | Timestamp of the last stats poll response. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice]. last_config_req_ts |
<number> | Timestamp of the last config poll request. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice].use64bit | <string> | Use 64 bit counter. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice].type_id | <number> | Device type id (2 - NetFlow, 11 - Cascade Shark, etc.) | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice]. last_stats_req_ts |
<number> | Timestamp of the last stats poll request. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice]. last_config_status |
<string> | Status of the last config poll. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice]. last_stats_status |
<string> | Status of the last stats poll. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice].ipaddr | <string> | Device IP address. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice].name | <string> | Device name. | |
CbqosDevices[CbqosDevice]. last_config_resp_ts |
<number> | Timestamp of the last config poll response. |
Ping: Ping
Simple test of service availability.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/pingAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Hns: Resolve IP addresses to names
Resolve IP addresses to names.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/hns/ip2nameAuthorization
This request does not require authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ string ] Example: [ "", "", "" ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IPAddrs | <array of <string>> | List of IP addresses. | |
IPAddrs[item] | <string> | IP address. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ [prop]: string } Example: { "": "DCCluster1-EH3", "": "SH-Austin", "": "shark-Austin" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IP2NameMap | <object> | IP address to name map. | |
IP2NameMap[prop] | <string> | Name resolved from IP address. | Optional |
Sharks: Enable Sharks polling
Enables data polling from Sharks.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/sharks/sync/enable?source={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
source | <string> | Get data from Shark or Alloy: 'shark' or 'alloy'(default 'shark'). | Optional |
Provide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SharkIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses object representing the list of all Sharks. | |
SharkIPAddrs[SharkIPAddr] | <object> | IP address collection object representing the list of all Sharks. | Optional |
SharkIPAddrs[SharkIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a Shark. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Sharks: Sync Sharks apps
Retrieves application data from Sharks on which polling is enabled.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/sharks/apps/sync?source={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
source | <string> | Get data from Shark or Alloy: 'shark' or 'alloy'(default 'shark'). | Optional |
Provide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SharkIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses object representing the list of all Sharks. | |
SharkIPAddrs[SharkIPAddr] | <object> | IP address collection object representing the list of all Sharks. | Optional |
SharkIPAddrs[SharkIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a Shark. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Sharks: Get Shark apps
Get configuration of a Shark by IP address.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/sharks/{shark_ip}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "sync": { "apps": { "enabled": string, "error_text": string, "last_sync_ts": number, "last_success_ts": number, "is_alloy": string, "error_id": number, "state": string } }, "ipaddr": string }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Shark | <object> | Object representing a Shark. | |
Shark.sync | <object> | Object representing Shark syncronization information. | |
Shark.sync.apps | <object> | Object representing Shark application syncronization information. | |
Shark.sync.apps.enabled | <string> | Flag indicating if application synchronization is enabled on this Shark. | |
Shark.sync.apps.error_text | <string> | Error description. | |
Shark.sync.apps.last_sync_ts | <number> | Last attempted application syncronization time. | |
Shark.sync.apps.last_success_ts | <number> | Last successful application syncronization time. | |
Shark.sync.apps.is_alloy | <string> | Device is AppResponse-based. | |
Shark.sync.apps.error_id | <number> | Error ID. | |
Shark.sync.apps.state | <string> | Synchronization status. | Values: SYNC_INITIALIZING, SYNC_FAILED, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, SYNC_DISABLED, SYNC_NA |
Shark.ipaddr | <string> | Shark IP address. |
Sharks: Ping Shark
Ping a Shark by IP address.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/sharks/{shark_ip}/pingAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Sharks: Disable Sharks polling
Disables data polling from Sharks.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/sharks/sync/disable?source={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
source | <string> | Get data from Shark or Alloy: 'shark' or 'alloy'(default 'shark'). | Optional |
Provide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SharkIPAddrs | <array of <object>> | IP addresses object representing the list of all Sharks. | |
SharkIPAddrs[SharkIPAddr] | <object> | IP address collection object representing the list of all Sharks. | Optional |
SharkIPAddrs[SharkIPAddr].ipaddr | <string> | IP address representing a Shark. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Sharks: List Sharks
Get a list of Sharks and their application configuration data.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/sharks?source={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
source | <string> | Get data from Shark or Alloy: 'shark' or 'alloy'(default 'shark'). | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "sync": { "apps": { "enabled": string, "error_text": string, "last_sync_ts": number, "last_success_ts": number, "is_alloy": string, "error_id": number, "state": string } }, "ipaddr": string } ] Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Sharks | <array of <object>> | List of Sharks and their configuration data. | |
Sharks[Shark] | <object> | Shark configuration data. | Optional |
Sharks[Shark].sync | <object> | Object representing Shark syncronization information. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps | <object> | Object representing Shark application syncronization information. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps.enabled | <string> | Flag indicating if application synchronization is enabled on this Shark. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps.error_text | <string> | Error description. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps.last_sync_ts | <number> | Last attempted application syncronization time. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps.last_success_ts | <number> | Last successful application syncronization time. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps.is_alloy | <string> | Device is AppResponse-based. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps.error_id | <number> | Error ID. | |
Sharks[Shark].sync.apps.state | <string> | Synchronization status. | Values: SYNC_INITIALIZING, SYNC_FAILED, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, SYNC_DISABLED, SYNC_NA |
Sharks[Shark].ipaddr | <string> | Shark IP address. |
Interfaces: Delete interfaces
Delete network interfaces with the given field values.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/interfacesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "ipaddr": string, "ifindex": number } ] Example: [ { "ifindex": 2, "ipaddr": "" }, { "ifindex": 3, "ipaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CInterfaceDeleteDefs | <array of <object>> | List of interfaces to delete. | |
CInterfaceDeleteDefs [CInterfaceDeleteDef] |
<object> | object representing interface to delete. | Optional |
CInterfaceDeleteDefs [CInterfaceDeleteDef].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address of interface to delete. | |
CInterfaceDeleteDefs [CInterfaceDeleteDef].ifindex |
<number> | interface's index of interface to delete. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Interfaces: List silent interfaces
Get all silent interafces by excluding all active interfaces listed in the given report.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/interfaces/silent?include_modified={string}&report_id={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
include_modified | <string> | if it is false, no modified interfaces will be considered silent (default is true). | Optional |
report_id | <string> | ID of the report containing all active interafces. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "mac": string, "id": number, "fast_data_tracked": string, "ifdescr": string, "outbound_speed": number, "ifalias_override": string, "user_inbound_speed": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "label": string, "user_outbound_speed": number, "ifalias": string, "inbound_speed": number, "ifindex": number } ] Example: [ { "name": "Router1", "ipaddr": "", "ifdescr": "6", "ifalias": "alias", "user_inbound_speed": 140736208929648, "inbound_speed": 140736208929120, "label": "4", "mac": "08:00:2b:01:02:04", "ifalias_override": "alias override", "fast_data_tracked": true, "ifindex": 2, "outbound_speed": 140736208929104, "user_outbound_speed": 44153724, "id": 3 }, { "name": "Router2", "ipaddr": "", "ifdescr": "6", "ifalias": "alias", "user_inbound_speed": 140736208929648, "inbound_speed": 140736208929120, "label": "unique", "mac": "08:00:2b:01:02:05", "ifalias_override": "alias override", "fast_data_tracked": false, "ifindex": 2, "outbound_speed": 140736208929104, "user_outbound_speed": 44153724, "id": 4 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CInterfaceDefs | <array of <object>> | List of interfaces. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef] | <object> | Object representing an interface. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].mac | <string> | Interface's mac address. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].id | <number> | Interface's ID. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. fast_data_tracked |
<string> | Flag, that shows if the interface is fast data source tracked. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ifdescr | <string> | Name (ifDescr). | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. outbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's reported outbound speed. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. ifalias_override |
<string> | ifAlias (Override). | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. user_inbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's inbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ipaddr | <string> | IP address of the interface. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].name | <string> | Device name. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].label | <string> | Interface's label. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. user_outbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's outbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ifalias | <string> | Description (ifAlias). | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. inbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's reported inbound speed. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ifindex | <number> | Interface's index. |
Interfaces: Delete interface
Delete one network interface. The operation is asynchronous. The interface will be deleted within few minutes to hours depending on how busy is the system.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/interfaces/{ip:ifindex}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Interfaces: Update interfaces
Update network interfaces (fields that can be update: label, inbound speed, outbound speed).
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/interfacesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "fast_data_tracked": string, "ifalias_override": string, "user_inbound_speed": number, "ipaddr": string, "label": string, "user_outbound_speed": number, "ifindex": number } ] Example: [ { "ipaddr": "", "user_inbound_speed": 140736208929648, "label": "hsdgs", "ifalias_override": "my alias override", "fast_data_tracked": true, "ifindex": 2, "user_outbound_speed": 44153724 }, { "ipaddr": "", "user_inbound_speed": 140736208929648, "label": "jhgvas", "ifalias_override": "my alias override", "fast_data_tracked": false, "ifindex": 3, "user_outbound_speed": 44153724 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs | <array of <object>> | List of update interfaces. | |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef] |
<object> | object representing update interface. | Optional |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef]. fast_data_tracked |
<string> | update the flag, that shows if the interface is fast data source tracked, will be updated within a minute or two. | Optional |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef].ifalias_override |
<string> | update interface's ifalias override. | Optional |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef]. user_inbound_speed |
<number> | update interface's inbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef].ipaddr |
<string> | update interface's IP address. | |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef].label |
<string> | update interface's label. | Optional |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef]. user_outbound_speed |
<number> | update interface's outbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceUpdateDefs [CInterfaceUpdateDef].ifindex |
<number> | update interface's index. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Interfaces: Get interface
Get one network interface.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/interfaces/{ip:ifindex}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "mac": string, "id": number, "fast_data_tracked": string, "ifdescr": string, "outbound_speed": number, "ifalias_override": string, "user_inbound_speed": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "label": string, "user_outbound_speed": number, "ifalias": string, "inbound_speed": number, "ifindex": number } Example: { "name": "Device1", "ipaddr": "", "ifdescr": "6", "ifalias": "alias", "user_inbound_speed": 140736208929648, "inbound_speed": 140736208929120, "label": "4", "mac": "08:00:2b:01:02:04", "ifalias_override": "my alias override", "fast_data_tracked": true, "ifindex": 2, "outbound_speed": 140736208929104, "user_outbound_speed": 44153724, "id": 2 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CInterfaceDef | <object> | Object representing an interface. | |
CInterfaceDef.mac | <string> | Interface's mac address. | |
CInterfaceDef.id | <number> | Interface's ID. | |
CInterfaceDef.fast_data_tracked | <string> | Flag, that shows if the interface is fast data source tracked. | Optional |
CInterfaceDef.ifdescr | <string> | Name (ifDescr). | |
CInterfaceDef.outbound_speed | <number> | Interface's reported outbound speed. | Optional |
CInterfaceDef.ifalias_override | <string> | ifAlias (Override). | Optional |
CInterfaceDef.user_inbound_speed | <number> | Interface's inbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceDef.ipaddr | <string> | IP address of the interface. | |
CInterfaceDef.name | <string> | Device name. | |
CInterfaceDef.label | <string> | Interface's label. | |
CInterfaceDef.user_outbound_speed | <number> | Interface's outbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceDef.ifalias | <string> | Description (ifAlias). | |
CInterfaceDef.inbound_speed | <number> | Interface's reported inbound speed. | Optional |
CInterfaceDef.ifindex | <number> | Interface's index. |
Interfaces: List interfaces
Get a list of all known network interfaces.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/interfaces?offset={number}&ipaddr={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
ipaddr | <string> | Filter network interfaces by an IP address. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "mac": string, "id": number, "fast_data_tracked": string, "ifdescr": string, "outbound_speed": number, "ifalias_override": string, "user_inbound_speed": number, "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "label": string, "user_outbound_speed": number, "ifalias": string, "inbound_speed": number, "ifindex": number } ] Example: [ { "name": "Router1", "ipaddr": "", "ifdescr": "6", "ifalias": "alias", "user_inbound_speed": 140736208929648, "inbound_speed": 140736208929120, "label": "4", "mac": "08:00:2b:01:02:04", "ifalias_override": "alias override", "fast_data_tracked": true, "ifindex": 2, "outbound_speed": 140736208929104, "user_outbound_speed": 44153724, "id": 3 }, { "name": "Router2", "ipaddr": "", "ifdescr": "6", "ifalias": "alias", "user_inbound_speed": 140736208929648, "inbound_speed": 140736208929120, "label": "unique", "mac": "08:00:2b:01:02:05", "ifalias_override": "alias override", "fast_data_tracked": false, "ifindex": 2, "outbound_speed": 140736208929104, "user_outbound_speed": 44153724, "id": 4 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CInterfaceDefs | <array of <object>> | List of interfaces. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef] | <object> | Object representing an interface. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].mac | <string> | Interface's mac address. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].id | <number> | Interface's ID. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. fast_data_tracked |
<string> | Flag, that shows if the interface is fast data source tracked. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ifdescr | <string> | Name (ifDescr). | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. outbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's reported outbound speed. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. ifalias_override |
<string> | ifAlias (Override). | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. user_inbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's inbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ipaddr | <string> | IP address of the interface. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].name | <string> | Device name. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].label | <string> | Interface's label. | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. user_outbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's outbound speed declared by the user. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ifalias | <string> | Description (ifAlias). | |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef]. inbound_speed |
<number> | Interface's reported inbound speed. | Optional |
CInterfaceDefs[CInterfaceDef].ifindex | <number> | Interface's index. |
Autonomous_Systems: Delete autonomous_system
Delete a private Autonomous System. The data is cached, please do a system restart after using this operation .../system/restart.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/autonomous_systems/{number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Autonomous_Systems: Get autonomous_system
Get a Autonomous System by AS Number.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/autonomous_systems/{number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "is_public": string, "name": string } Example: { "is_public": false, "name": "RVBD-AS", "id": 64530 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
BGPAS | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
BGPAS.id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | |
BGPAS.is_public | <string> | Flag indicating if the Autonomous System is public. | |
BGPAS.name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. |
Autonomous_Systems: List autonomous_systems
Get a list of Autonomous Systems.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/autonomous_systems?offset={number}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting row number. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "is_public": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "is_public": true, "name": "IANA-RSVD-0", "id": 0 }, { "is_public": true, "name": "LVLT-1", "id": 1 }, { "is_public": true, "name": "UDEL-DCN", "id": 2 }, { "is_public": true, "name": "MIT-GATEWAYS", "id": 3 }, { "is_public": true, "name": "ISI-AS", "id": 4 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
BGPASList | <array of <object>> | List of Autonomous Systems. | |
BGPASList[BGPAS] | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
BGPASList[BGPAS].id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | |
BGPASList[BGPAS].is_public | <string> | Flag indicating if the Autonomous System is public. | |
BGPASList[BGPAS].name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. |
Autonomous_Systems: Update autonomous_system
Update a private Autonomous System. The data is cached, please do a system restart after using this operation .../system/restart.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/autonomous_systems/{number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "is_public": string, "name": string } Example: { "is_public": false, "name": "RVBD-AS", "id": 64530 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
BGPAS | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
BGPAS.id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | |
BGPAS.is_public | <string> | Flag indicating if the Autonomous System is public. | |
BGPAS.name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Autonomous_Systems: Create autonomous_systems
Create a new private Autonomous System. The data is cached, please do a system restart after using this operation .../system/restart.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/autonomous_systemsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "is_public": string, "name": string } Example: { "is_public": false, "name": "RVBD-AS", "id": 64530 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
BGPAS | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
BGPAS.id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | |
BGPAS.is_public | <string> | Flag indicating if the Autonomous System is public. | |
BGPAS.name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "is_public": string, "name": string } Example: { "is_public": false, "name": "RVBD-AS", "id": 64530 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
BGPAS | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
BGPAS.id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | |
BGPAS.is_public | <string> | Flag indicating if the Autonomous System is public. | |
BGPAS.name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. |
User_Defined_Policies: Enable policy
Enable a user defined policy.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/{id}/enableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
User_Defined_Policies: Export all policies
Export all user defined policies in one operation.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/exportAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } ] Example: [ { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetailList | <array of <object>> | List/Export of User defined policy objects. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail] | <object> | User defined policy object, includes traffic filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification |
<object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification.low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_zone_name |
<string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule.days [item] |
<string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_start |
<number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_end |
<number> | End time. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_zone_id |
<number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts_count |
<string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports |
<array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups[CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups[CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups[CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols |
<array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols[CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols[CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols[CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.role |
<string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts |
<array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.cidrs |
<array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.cidrs[item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts_count |
<string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.role |
<string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts |
<array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.cidrs |
<array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.cidrs[item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups[CInterfaceGroup]. path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups[CInterfaceGroup]. group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps |
<array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps[CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. metric |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. severity |
<number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. scope |
<string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. type |
<string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. direction |
<string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. value |
<string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. duration |
<number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. rate |
<string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
User_Defined_Policies: Get policy
Get a user defined policy.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/{id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } Example: { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetail | <object> | Object representing a User defined policy, includes traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetail.revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports | <array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups | <array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols | <array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices | <array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.negated | <string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups | <array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces | <array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications | <object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetail.description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetail.name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetail.type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetail.threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetail.threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetail.threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetail.threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetail.threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetail.threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
User_Defined_Policies: Create policy
Create a new user defined policy.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policiesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } Example: { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetail | <object> | Object representing a User defined policy, includes traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetail.revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports | <array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups | <array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols | <array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices | <array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.negated | <string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups | <array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces | <array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications | <object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetail.description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetail.name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetail.type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetail.threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetail.threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetail.threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetail.threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetail.threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetail.threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } Example: { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetail | <object> | Object representing a User defined policy, includes traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetail.revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports | <array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups | <array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols | <array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices | <array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.negated | <string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups | <array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces | <array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications | <object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetail.description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetail.name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetail.type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetail.threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetail.threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetail.threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetail.threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetail.threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetail.threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
User_Defined_Policies: Create policies
Create multiple user defined policies in one operation.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/importAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } ] Example: [ { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetailList | <array of <object>> | List/Export of User defined policy objects. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail] | <object> | User defined policy object, includes traffic filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification |
<object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification.low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail]. alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_zone_name |
<string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule.days [item] |
<string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_start |
<number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_end |
<number> | End time. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].schedule. time_zone_id |
<number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts_count |
<string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports |
<array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. ports[CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups[CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups[CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. groups[CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols |
<array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols[CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols[CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.ports. protocols[CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.role |
<string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts |
<array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.cidrs |
<array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.cidrs[item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces_path.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. client_hosts_count |
<string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.role |
<string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts |
<array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.cidrs |
<array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.cidrs[item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. server_hosts.host_groups [CFullHostGroup].group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups[CInterfaceGroup]. path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.groups[CInterfaceGroup]. group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps |
<array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters.dscps. dscps[CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications |
<object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.negated |
<string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].filters. applications.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. metric |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. severity |
<number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. scope |
<string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. type |
<string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. direction |
<string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. value |
<string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. duration |
<number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetailList[RuleDetail].threshold. rate |
<string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
User_Defined_Policies: List of policies
Get a list of user defined policies.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies?offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&name={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting row number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sort by one of the following options: name (default), enabled, severity, type. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sort order: asc (default) or desc. | Optional |
name | <string> | Filter to list to one policy with this name. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } ] Example: [ { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "enabled": true, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "description": "Description text" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleList | <array of <object>> | List of User defined policy objects. | |
RuleList[Rule] | <object> | User defined policy object. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleList[Rule].name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleList[Rule].type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleList[Rule].threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
User_Defined_Policies: Delete all policies
Delete all user defined policies.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/clearAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
User_Defined_Policies: Delete policy
Delete a user defined policy. Note: policies are marked as deleted. A GET after delete will not return 404, it will return the policy with deleted flag se to true.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/{id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
User_Defined_Policies: Update policy
Update a user defined policy. Note: after update the policy id changes. The historty_id property will point to the old id.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/{id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } Example: { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetail | <object> | Object representing a User defined policy, includes traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetail.revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports | <array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups | <array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols | <array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices | <array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.negated | <string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups | <array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces | <array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications | <object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetail.description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetail.name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetail.type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetail.threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetail.threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetail.threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetail.threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetail.threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetail.threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } Example: { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetail | <object> | Object representing a User defined policy, includes traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetail.revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports | <array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups | <array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols | <array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices | <array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.negated | <string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups | <array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces | <array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications | <object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetail.description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetail.name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetail.type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetail.threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetail.threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetail.threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetail.threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetail.threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetail.threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
User_Defined_Policies: List of policy revisions
Get a list of user defined policy revisions. When a policies is modified or deleted it stays in the system for historical reasons. This resources allows getting older policy revisions.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/revisions?offset={number}&id={string}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&name={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting row number. | Optional |
id | <string> | Filter to revision from this policy. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sort by one of the following options: name (default), enabled, severity, type. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sort order: asc (default) or desc. | Optional |
name | <string> | Filter to list to one policy with this name. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } ] Example: [ { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "enabled": true, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "description": "Description text" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleList | <array of <object>> | List of User defined policy objects. | |
RuleList[Rule] | <object> | User defined policy object. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleList[Rule].schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleList[Rule].name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleList[Rule].type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleList[Rule].threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleList[Rule].threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
User_Defined_Policies: Get policy revision
Get a user defined policy revision.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/revisions/{revision_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient_id": number, "low_alert_recipient_id": number, "high_alert_recipient": string, "medium_alert_recipient": string }, "id": number, "schedule": { "time_zone_name": string, "days": [ string ], "time_start": number, "time_end": number, "time_zone_id": number }, "deleted": string, "revision_id": number, "filters": { "server_hosts_count": string, "ports": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ] }, "client_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "client_hosts_count": string, "server_hosts": { "role": string, "negated": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "cidrs": [ string ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": number, "group_name": string, "group_id": number, "group_type_name": string } ] }, "interfaces": { "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "negated": string, "groups": [ { "path": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "direction": string, "ifindex": number } ] }, "dscps": { "negated": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ] }, "applications": { "negated": string, "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } }, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string, "threshold": { "metric": string, "severity": number, "scope": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "value": string, "duration": number, "rate": string } } Example: { "name": "HostPolicy1", "schedule": { "time_zone_id": 160, "time_zone_name": "America/New_York", "time_start": 0, "time_end": 86399, "days": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "deleted": false, "description": "Description text", "enabled": true, "filters": { "server_hosts": { "negated": true, "role": "SERVER", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ] }, "dscps": { "dscps": [ { "code_point": 10, "name": "AF11" }, { "code_point": 14, "name": "AF13" } ], "negated": false }, "interfaces": { "negated": false, "interfaces": [ { "ifindex": 1, "direction": "INBOUND", "ipaddr": "" } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": "" } ], "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN", "group_id": 2 } ] }, "server_hosts_count": "PERHOST", "applications": { "negated": false, "applications": [ { "tunneled": false, "id": 617, "name": "Facebook" }, { "tunneled": false, "id": 603, "name": "WEB" } ] }, "interfaces_path": { "negated": true, "groups": [ { "path": "/WAN/Optimized", "group_id": 3 } ] }, "client_hosts_count": "AGGREGATE", "client_hosts": { "negated": false, "role": "CLIENT", "hosts": [ { "ipaddr": "" }, { "ipaddr": "" } ], "cidrs": [ "" ], "host_groups": [ { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 5, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Boston" }, { "group_type_id": 102, "group_id": 4, "group_type_name": "ByLocation", "group_name": "Dallas" } ] }, "ports": { "negated": false, "protocols": [ { "id": 6, "name": "tcp" } ], "ports": [ { "protocol": 17, "name": "udp/80", "port": 80 } ], "groups": [ { "group_id": 2, "name": "Email" } ] } }, "threshold": { "direction": "EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A", "severity": 100, "metric": "BYTES", "value": 1, "rate": "PERSEC", "duration": 1, "type": "ABOVE" }, "revision_id": 12023, "type": "HOST", "id": 12024, "alert_notification": { "low_alert_recipient": "Default", "high_alert_recipient": "Mark", "high_alert_recipient_id": 65, "medium_alert_recipient": "* Owner", "medium_alert_recipient_id": 2, "low_alert_recipient_id": 1 } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RuleDetail | <object> | Object representing a User defined policy, includes traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.enabled | <string> | When true the policy is enabled and it will be monitored by the system. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification | <object> | Object that includes an alert notification information. | |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient |
<string> | Low recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Medium recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | High recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. low_alert_recipient_id |
<number> | Low recipient id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. high_alert_recipient |
<string> | High recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.alert_notification. medium_alert_recipient |
<string> | Medium recipient name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.id | <number> | Policy identifier. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule | <object> | Object that includes policy schedule information (when to track and fire events). | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_name | <string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.schedule.days | <array of <string>> | List of days. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.days[item] | <string> | Day of the week. | Optional; Values: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_start | <number> | Start time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_end | <number> | End time. | |
RuleDetail.schedule.time_zone_id | <number> | Time zone id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.deleted | <string> | When true the policy is marked deleted. Deleted policies are kept for historical reasons and can be retrieved using the API. | Optional |
RuleDetail.revision_id | <number> | When the policy is edited, this id is incremented. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters | <object> | Object that includes all traffic filters. | |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the server hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.ports | <object> | Object that includes all traffic port/protocol/port group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports | <array of <object>> | List of port objects (Protocol/port). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the ports/protocols/port groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups | <array of <object>> | List of port group objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols | <array of <object>> | List of protocol objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.ports.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic client host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group in network path filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices |
<array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. negated |
<string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups |
<array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. groups[CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces |
<array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces_path. interfaces[CInterfaceDirection]. ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.client_hosts_count | <string> | Statistics: flag to indicate how to count the client hosts ('per host' or 'in aggregate'). | Optional; Values: AGGREGATE, PERHOST |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts | <object> | Object that includes all traffic server host/cidr/host group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.role | <string> | flag indicating if the hosts/cidrs/groups should be treated as client or server or both. | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the hosts/cidrs/groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts | <array of <object>> | List of Hosts objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs | <array of <string>> | List of CIDR objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts.cidrs [item] |
<string> | CIDR object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Host Groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing host group type and host group. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_id |
<number> | Host Group type id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_name |
<string> | Host Group name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host Group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.server_hosts. host_groups[CFullHostGroup]. group_type_name |
<string> | Host Group type name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces | <object> | Object that includes all traffic interface/device/interface group filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices | <array of <object>> | List of Device objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.negated | <string> | flag indicating if the interfaces/devices/interface groups should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups | <array of <object>> | List of interface groups objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup] |
<object> | Interface group object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].path |
<string> | Full interface group path, e.g. /MyViews/Boston/Cambridge/subgroup1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.groups [CInterfaceGroup].group_id |
<number> | Interface group id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces | <array of <object>> | List of interface objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection] |
<object> | Interface object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ipaddr |
<string> | IP Address of the interface. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].name |
<string> | Name of the interface, DNS and interface label can be used, e.g. myinterface:port1. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].direction |
<string> | Direction of the interface. | Optional; Values: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, BOTH |
RuleDetail.filters.interfaces.interfaces [CInterfaceDirection].ifindex |
<number> | Ifindex. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps | <object> | Object that includes all traffic dscp filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the DSCPs should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps | <array of <object>> | List of DSCP objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.dscps.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications | <object> | Object that includes all traffic application filters. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications.negated | <string> | Boolean flag indication whether the applications should be included (false) or excluded (true). | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications |
<array of <object>> | List of application objects. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
RuleDetail.filters.applications. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
RuleDetail.description | <string> | Policy description. | |
RuleDetail.name | <string> | Policy name. Must be unique in the system. | |
RuleDetail.type | <string> | Policy type. | Values: HOST, INTERFACE, RESPONSE_TIME |
RuleDetail.threshold | <object> | Object that includes threshold information (what metric to be tracked and how). | |
RuleDetail.threshold.severity | <number> | Threshold severity - the bigger the number the more serious the events would be considered (min 0, max 100, default 100). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.scope | <string> | Threshold scope: INDIVIDUAL: the threshold violates if any individual host violates; AVERAGE: the threshold violates if the average for the group violates (applies for response type policies only, default INDIVIDUAL). | Optional; Values: INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGE |
RuleDetail.threshold.type | <string> | Set to Below when the policy needs to trigger when the metric value goes below the threshold otherwise the policy triggers when the metric value goes above the threshold. | Values: ABOVE, BELOW |
RuleDetail.threshold.direction | <string> | Tracked direction. | Optional; Values: A2B, B2A, EITHER_A2B_OR_B2A, A2B_PLUS_B2A, IN, OUT, IN_OR_OUT |
RuleDetail.threshold.value | <string> | Threshold value. | |
RuleDetail.threshold.duration | <number> | Number of consecutive minutes that metric must violate before an event is triggered (min 1, default 1). | Optional |
RuleDetail.threshold.rate | <string> | Threshold rate (seconds, minutes, milliseconds). | Optional; Values: PERMS, PERSEC, PERMIN |
User_Defined_Policies: Disable policy
Disable a user defined policy.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/user_defined_policies/{id}/disableAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: List reports
Get a list of reports with their respective status.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reportsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "run_time": number, "error_text": string, "remaining_seconds": number, "saved": string, "id": number, "status": string, "percent": number, "user_id": number, "size": number, "name": string, "template_id": number } ] Example: [ { "status": "completed", "user_id": 1, "name": "", "percent": 100, "id": 1000, "remaining_seconds": 0, "run_time": 1352494550, "saved": false, "template_id": 952, "error_text": "", "size": 140 }, { "status": "completed", "user_id": 1, "name": "Host Information Report", "percent": 100, "id": 1001, "remaining_seconds": 0, "run_time": 1352494550, "saved": true, "template_id": 952, "error_text": "", "size": 140 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportInfoList | <array of <object>> | List of report objects. | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo] | <object> | Object representing report information. | Optional |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].run_time | <number> | Time when the report was run (Unix time). | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].error_text | <string> | A report can be completed with an error. Error message may provide more detailed info. | Optional |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo]. remaining_seconds |
<number> | Number of seconds remaining to run the report. Even if this number is 0, the report may not yet be completed, so check 'status' to make sure what the status is. | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].saved | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the report was saved. | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].id | <number> | ID of the report. To be used in the API. | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].status | <string> | Status of the report. | Values: completed, running, waiting |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].percent | <number> | Progress of the report represented by percentage of report completion. | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the report. | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].size | <number> | Size of the report in kilobytes. | |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].name | <string> | Name of the report. Could be given by a user or automatically generated by the system. | Optional |
ReportInfoList[ReportInfo].template_id | <number> | ID of the template that the report is based on. |
Reporting: Get widget
Get one widget from the template section.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/widgets/{widget_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } Example: { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidget | <object> | Widget specification. | |
TMWidget.config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidget.config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidget.config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidget.widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidget.criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidget.criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort] | <object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port | <number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name | <string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService] | <object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protoports_groups | <string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame | <object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes | <array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.split_direction | <string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_successes | <string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns[item] | <number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs | <string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice] | <object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice].name | <string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_failures | <string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups | <array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame.type | <string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service.name | <string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service.service_id | <number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies | <array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies[item] | <number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations | <array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.case_insensitive | <string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location | <object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location.name | <string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_type | <string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser].name | <string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments | <array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].mac | <string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr | <string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].name | <string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] | <object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface] | <object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name | <string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications | <array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidget.attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.user_attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.user_attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes [item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.user_attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidget.user_attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.user_attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
Reporting: Get factory widget
Get configuration of a stock widget.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/widgets/{widget_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } Example: { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidget | <object> | Widget specification. | |
TMWidget.config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidget.config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidget.config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidget.widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidget.criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidget.criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort] | <object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port | <number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name | <string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService] | <object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protoports_groups | <string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame | <object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes | <array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.split_direction | <string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_successes | <string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns[item] | <number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs | <string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice] | <object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice].name | <string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_failures | <string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups | <array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame.type | <string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service.name | <string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service.service_id | <number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies | <array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies[item] | <number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations | <array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.case_insensitive | <string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location | <object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location.name | <string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_type | <string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser].name | <string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments | <array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].mac | <string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr | <string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].name | <string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] | <object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface] | <object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name | <string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications | <array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidget.attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.user_attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.user_attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes [item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.user_attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidget.user_attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.user_attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
Reporting: List directions
Get a list of directions that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/directionsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "inn", "name": "in" }, { "id": "out", "name": "out" }, { "id": "c2s", "name": "client to server" }, { "id": "s2c", "name": "server to client" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Directions | <array of <object>> | List of directions. | |
Directions[Direction] | <object> | Object representing a direction. | Optional |
Directions[Direction].id | <string> | ID of a direction. To be used in the API. | |
Directions[Direction].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a direction. |
Reporting: Update template
Update reporting template.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } Example: { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpec | <object> | Reporting template specification object. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.id | <number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.auto_disabled_on | <string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout | <array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.description | <string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.user_id | <number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpec.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_section_id | <number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard | <object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.interface | <string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.type | <string> | Dashboard template type. | Values: WATCHED_IFACE, APP_PERFORMANCE, SSO, NET_OPERATIONS, SERVICE, OVERALL_WAN, VOIP_CALL, DEFAULT |
ReportTemplateSpec.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_widget_id | <number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.version | <string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.timestamp | <string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections | <array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection] | <object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns [item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img | <object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail | <object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full | <object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } Example: { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpec | <object> | Reporting template specification object. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.id | <number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.auto_disabled_on | <string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout | <array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.description | <string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.user_id | <number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpec.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_section_id | <number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard | <object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.interface | <string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.type | <string> | Dashboard template type. | Values: WATCHED_IFACE, APP_PERFORMANCE, SSO, NET_OPERATIONS, SERVICE, OVERALL_WAN, VOIP_CALL, DEFAULT |
ReportTemplateSpec.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_widget_id | <number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.version | <string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.timestamp | <string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections | <array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection] | <object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns [item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img | <object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail | <object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full | <object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. |
Reporting: List categories
Get a list of categories that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/categoriesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "idx", "name": "index" }, { "id": "key", "name": "key" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Categories | <array of <object>> | List of categories. | |
Categories[Category] | <object> | Object representing a category. | Optional |
Categories[Category].id | <string> | ID of a category. To be used in the API. | |
Categories[Category].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a category. |
Reporting: Create a report containing current dashboard data
Create a report containing current dashboard data.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/livedataAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: Get user attributes
Get user-specific template attributes.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/widgets/{widget_id}/user_attributesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number } Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidgetAttributes | <object> | Set of widget attributes. | |
TMWidgetAttributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidgetAttributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidgetAttributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidgetAttributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidgetAttributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidgetAttributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
Reporting: List statictics
Get a list of statistics that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/statisticsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "tot", "name": "total" }, { "id": "avg", "name": "average" }, { "id": "pek", "name": "peak" }, { "id": "min", "name": "min" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Statistics | <array of <object>> | List of statistics. | |
Statistics[Statistic] | <object> | Object representing a statistic. | Optional |
Statistics[Statistic].id | <string> | ID of a statistic. To be used in the API. | |
Statistics[Statistic].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a statistic. |
Reporting: Create report synchronously
Generate a new report and get data in one operation.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/synchronousAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "criteria": { "traffic_expression": string, "time_frame": { "time_interval": string, "resolution": string, "end": number, "expression": string, "start": number, "time_zone": string }, "query": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "sort_direction": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "role": string, "show_ttl": string, "group_by": string, "case_insensitive": string, "switch_name": string, "macs": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "direction": string, "users": [ { "name": string } ], "switch_ports": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "macless_ports": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "ignore_dhcp": string, "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "area": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "realm": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "queries": [ { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "sort_direction": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "role": string, "show_ttl": string, "group_by": string, "case_insensitive": string, "switch_name": string, "macs": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "direction": string, "users": [ { "name": string } ], "switch_ports": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "macless_ports": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "ignore_dhcp": string, "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "area": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "realm": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } ], "deprecated": { [prop]: string }, "fast_data_source": string }, "timeout": number, "name": string, "template_id": number } Example: { "criteria": { "time_frame": { "end": 1404247682, "start": 1404246782, "resolution": "1min" }, "queries": [ { "sort_column": 33, "realm": "traffic_summary", "group_by": "hos", "limit": 1000, "columns": [ 5, 33 ] }, { "realm": "traffic_time_series", "columns": [ 33 ], "applications": [ { "name": "WEB" }, { "name": "SSL" } ] }, { "realm": "traffic_overall_time_series", "columns": [ 33 ] } ] }, "template_id": 184 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportInputs | <object> | ReportInputs object. | |
ReportInputs.criteria | <object> | Criteria neeed to run the report. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Time frame object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. time_interval |
<string> | Time interval pipe-separated string (example: 'last|1|hour'). | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. If not specified a resolution will automatically be selected based on time frame of the report. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame.end | <number> | Report end time (unix time). | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame.start | <number> | Report start time (unix time). | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. time_zone |
<string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query | <object> | Query object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports | <array of <object>> | Query ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Query port_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/port_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | Query CBQoS classes. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpasscope | <string> | Query autonomous system scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.wan_group | <string> | Query WAN group. Can be any Interface Group under /WAN. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. traffic_expression |
<string> | Query-specific traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Query include non-optimized. Include non-optimized sites in a WAN query. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.columns | <array of <number>> | Query columns. Can be many of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.columns [item] |
<number> | Query column. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. sort_direction |
<string> | Query sort direction. Can be one of ASC, DESC. ASC will return bottom talkers. DESC will return top talkers (default). | Optional; Values: ASC, DESC |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Query autonomous system pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Query application_servers. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_servers. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices | <array of <object>> | Query devices. Can be one of GET /reporting/devices. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query application_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system and host group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Query autonomous system. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.role | <string> | Query role. Can be one of /reporting/roles. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.show_ttl | <string> | Query show TTL. Only applicable to flow list report format. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.group_by | <string> | Query group_by. Can be one of GET /reporting/group_bys. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. case_insensitive |
<string> | Query user case insensitivity. Whether to search for users in a case-insensitive fashion. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.switch_name | <string> | Query switch name. Can be an IP address or a name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.macs | <string> | Query MAC addresses. Host MAC addresses, only apply to switch_port requests. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_type |
<string> | Query host group type. Required for "host group (gro)" "host group pairs (gpp)" and "host group pairs with ports (gpr)" queries. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.direction | <string> | Query direction. Can be one of GET /reporting/directions. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.users | <array of <object>> | Query time host users. Can be one of GET /reporting/time host user. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.users[CUser]. name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.switch_ports | <string> | Query switch ports. Switch port addresses. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.sort_column | <number> | Query sort column. Can be one of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Query network_segments. Can be one of GET /reporting/network_segments. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. macless_ports |
<string> | Query macless ports. Include switch ports without a MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts | <array of <object>> | Query hosts. Can be one of GET /reporting/hosts. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ignore_dhcp | <string> | Query ignore DHCP. Use only switch port polling for ARP Bindings. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Query host pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.area | <string> | Query area. Can be one of GET /reporting/areas. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols | <array of <object>> | Query protocols. Can be one of GET /reporting/protocols. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.centricity | <string> | Query centricity. Can be one of GET /reporting/centricities. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.limit | <number> | Query data limit. Maximum number of rows to be returned. Default value: 10000. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Query interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Query host_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.realm | <string> | Query realm. Can be one of GET /reporting/realms. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps | <array of <object>> | Query dscps. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscps. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications | <array of <object>> | Query applications. Can be one of GET /reporting/applications. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries | <array of <object>> | Array of Query objects. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter] |
<object> | Report Query. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports |
<array of <object>> | Query ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query port_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/port_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | Query CBQoS classes. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpasscope |
<string> | Query autonomous system scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].wan_group |
<string> | Query WAN group. Can be any Interface Group under /WAN. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].traffic_expression |
<string> | Query-specific traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Query include non-optimized. Include non-optimized sites in a WAN query. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].columns |
<array of <number>> | Query columns. Can be many of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].columns[item] |
<number> | Query column. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].sort_direction |
<string> | Query sort direction. Can be one of ASC, DESC. ASC will return bottom talkers. DESC will return top talkers (default). | Optional; Values: ASC, DESC |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Query application_servers. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_servers. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices |
<array of <object>> | Query devices. Can be one of GET /reporting/devices. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice]. name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query application_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system and host group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].role |
<string> | Query role. Can be one of /reporting/roles. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].show_ttl |
<string> | Query show TTL. Only applicable to flow list report format. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].group_by |
<string> | Query group_by. Can be one of GET /reporting/group_bys. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].case_insensitive |
<string> | Query user case insensitivity. Whether to search for users in a case-insensitive fashion. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].switch_name |
<string> | Query switch name. Can be an IP address or a name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].macs |
<string> | Query MAC addresses. Host MAC addresses, only apply to switch_port requests. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_type |
<string> | Query host group type. Required for "host group (gro)" "host group pairs (gpp)" and "host group pairs with ports (gpr)" queries. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].direction |
<string> | Query direction. Can be one of GET /reporting/directions. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users |
<array of <object>> | Query time host users. Can be one of GET /reporting/time host user. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].switch_ports |
<string> | Query switch ports. Switch port addresses. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].sort_column |
<number> | Query sort column. Can be one of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Query network_segments. Can be one of GET /reporting/network_segments. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].macless_ports |
<string> | Query macless ports. Include switch ports without a MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts |
<array of <object>> | Query hosts. Can be one of GET /reporting/hosts. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost]. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ignore_dhcp |
<string> | Query ignore DHCP. Use only switch port polling for ARP Bindings. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].area |
<string> | Query area. Can be one of GET /reporting/areas. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols |
<array of <object>> | Query protocols. Can be one of GET /reporting/protocols. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].centricity |
<string> | Query centricity. Can be one of GET /reporting/centricities. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].limit |
<number> | Query data limit. Maximum number of rows to be returned. Default value: 10000. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query host_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].realm |
<string> | Query realm. Can be one of GET /reporting/realms. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps |
<array of <object>> | Query dscps. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscps. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications |
<array of <object>> | Query applications. Can be one of GET /reporting/applications. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.deprecated | <object> | Map with legacy criteria attributes that will not be supported soon. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.deprecated[prop] | <string> | ReportDeprecatedFilters map value. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.fast_data_source | <string> | Options to force using fast (pre-computed) interfaces data. FORCE: force using only fast data. ON: use fast data when possible, fallback to slower traffic query. OFF: never use fast data. By default it is ON. | Optional; Values: FORCE, ON, OFF |
ReportInputs.timeout | <number> | Used when doing POST to /reporting/reports/synchronous. Timeout (# of seconds) to wait for the repot to complete, it the report does not complete the operation will return and the client needs to wait for progress. | Optional |
ReportInputs.name | <string> | Report name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.template_id | <number> | Template ID. Can be one of GET /reporting/templates. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "queries": [ { "actual_end_time": number, "data": [ [ string ] ], "data_size": number, "totals": [ string ], "actual_start_time": number } ], "info": { "run_time": number, "error_text": string, "remaining_seconds": number, "saved": string, "id": number, "status": string, "percent": number, "user_id": number, "size": number, "name": string, "template_id": number } } Example: { "info": { "status": "completed", "user_id": 1, "name": "", "percent": 100, "id": 4776, "remaining_seconds": 0, "run_time": 1404248112, "saved": false, "template_id": 184, "error_text": "", "size": 68 }, "queries": [ { "data": [ [ "", "1772226.76458" ], [ "", "837179.645833" ] ], "data_size": 2, "totals": [ "", "13468043.5906" ] }, { "data": [ [ "1404246900", "761145.883333", "295159.5" ], [ "1404246960", "781774.483333", "338582.75" ], [ "1404247020", "936568.983333", "240805" ], [ "1404247080", "848997.183333", "239956.016667" ], [ "1404247140", "966685.133333", "289431.1" ], [ "1404247200", "782460.6", "263017.35" ], [ "1404247260", "763241", "283707.716667" ], [ "1404247320", "919111.183333", "316550.666667" ], [ "1404247380", "868125.816667", "328541.466667" ], [ "1404247440", "903302.883333", "254661.683333" ], [ "1404247500", "997295.483333", "287660.733333" ], [ "1404247560", "870767.5", "310042.95" ], [ "1404247620", "855725", "219515" ], [ "1404247680", "897158.466667", "284758.483333" ], [ "1404247740", "738258.833333", "274042.85" ], [ "1404247800", "871363.666667", "318390.283333" ] ], "data_size": 16, "totals": [ "", "860123.88125", "284051.471875" ] }, { "data": [ [ "1404246900", "6504597.66667" ], [ "1404246960", "6608432.01667" ], [ "1404247020", "6743953.4" ], [ "1404247080", "6511449.36667" ], [ "1404247140", "7097525.13333" ], [ "1404247200", "6914061.36667" ], [ "1404247260", "6655675.9" ], [ "1404247320", "6891936.41667" ], [ "1404247380", "6774957.88333" ], [ "1404247440", "6849686.76667" ], [ "1404247500", "6860683.15" ], [ "1404247560", "6628106.46667" ], [ "1404247620", "6644355.31667" ], [ "1404247680", "6704957.16667" ], [ "1404247740", "6543321.96667" ], [ "1404247800", "6811653.9" ] ], "data_size": 16, "totals": [ "", "6734084.61771" ] } ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SynchronousReportInfo | <object> | Object representing report information. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries | <array of <object>> | Data for all queries. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults] |
<object> | Data for a query. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].actual_end_time |
<number> | Actual end time of the response data. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].data |
<array of <array of <string>>> | Two-dimensional data array. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].data[Row] |
<array of <string>> | One row in the list of rows. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].data[Row][item] |
<string> | One value datum. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].data_size |
<number> | Number of rows in the data array. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].totals |
<array of <string>> | Object representing a row of total values (totals). | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].totals[item] |
<string> | One total datum. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.queries [DataResults].actual_start_time |
<number> | Actual start time of the response data. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.info | <object> | Object representing report information. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.run_time | <number> | Time when the report was run (Unix time). | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.error_text | <string> | A report can be completed with an error. Error message may provide more detailed info. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.info. remaining_seconds |
<number> | Number of seconds remaining to run the report. Even if this number is 0, the report may not yet be completed, so check 'status' to make sure what the status is. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.saved | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the report was saved. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.id | <number> | ID of the report. To be used in the API. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.status | <string> | Status of the report. | Values: completed, running, waiting |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.percent | <number> | Progress of the report represented by percentage of report completion. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the report. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.size | <number> | Size of the report in kilobytes. | |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.name | <string> | Name of the report. Could be given by a user or automatically generated by the system. | Optional |
SynchronousReportInfo.info.template_id | <number> | ID of the template that the report is based on. |
Reporting: Set section layout
Set the layout of widgets in a grid in the template section.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/layoutAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMFlowLines | <array of <object>> | Object representing visual layout of widgets in a secion. | |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].flow_items | <array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes | <object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: List widgets
Get the widgets located in the template section.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/widgetsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ] Example: [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidgets | <array of <object>> | List of TMWidget objects. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget] | <object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns [item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. layout |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
Reporting: Delete report
Delete a report.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/{report_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: List realms
Get a list of realms.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/realmsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "traffic_summary", "name": "traffic summary" }, { "id": "traffic_flow_list", "name": "traffic flow list" }, { "id": "traffic_overall_time_series", "name": "traffic overall time series" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Realms | <array of <object>> | List of type of report queries (realms) that could be requested and run. | |
Realms[Realm] | <object> | Object representing a realm. | Optional |
Realms[Realm].id | <string> | ID of a realm. To be used in the API. | |
Realms[Realm].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a realm. |
Reporting: Delete widget
Delete one widget from the template section.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/widgets/{widget_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: Update widget
Update one widget in the template section.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/widgets/{widget_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } Example: { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidget | <object> | Widget specification. | |
TMWidget.config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidget.config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidget.config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidget.widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidget.criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidget.criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort] | <object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port | <number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name | <string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService] | <object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protoports_groups | <string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame | <object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes | <array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.split_direction | <string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_successes | <string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns[item] | <number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs | <string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice] | <object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice].name | <string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_failures | <string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups | <array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame.type | <string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service.name | <string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service.service_id | <number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies | <array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies[item] | <number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations | <array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.case_insensitive | <string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location | <object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location.name | <string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_type | <string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser].name | <string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments | <array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].mac | <string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr | <string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].name | <string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] | <object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface] | <object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name | <string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications | <array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidget.attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.user_attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.user_attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes [item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.user_attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidget.user_attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.user_attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: List centricities
Get a list of centricities that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/centricitiesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "hos", "name": "host" }, { "id": "int", "name": "interface" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Centricities | <array of <object>> | List of centricities. | |
Centricities[Centricity] | <object> | Object representing a centricity. | Optional |
Centricities[Centricity].id | <string> | ID of a centricity. To be used in the API. | |
Centricities[Centricity].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a centricity. |
Reporting: Import templates
Import reporting templates.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/importAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } ] Example: [ { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpecs | <array of <object>> | List of ReportTemplateSpec objects. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec] | <object> | One ReportTemplateSpes object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. id |
<number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. scheduled |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. auto_disabled_on |
<string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing |
<object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing.users |
<array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing.users[item] |
<number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. description |
<string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. user_id |
<number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. shared |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. live |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. last_added_section_id |
<number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard |
<object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard.interface |
<string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard.type |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. name |
<string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. last_added_widget_id |
<number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. version |
<string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. disabled |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. timestamp |
<string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections |
<array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection] |
<object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup]. group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns[item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup]. group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img |
<object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.thumbnail |
<object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.thumbnail.src |
<string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.full |
<object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.full.src |
<string> | Relative URL of an image. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: List units
Get a list of units that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/unitsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "byt", "name": "bytes" }, { "id": "pkt", "name": "packet" }, { "id": "con", "name": "conntions" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Units | <array of <object>> | List of units. | |
Units[Unit] | <object> | Object representing a unit. | Optional |
Units[Unit].id | <string> | ID of a unit. To be used in the API. | |
Units[Unit].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a unit. |
Reporting: Create template
Create a new reporting template.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templatesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } Example: { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpec | <object> | Reporting template specification object. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.id | <number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.auto_disabled_on | <string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout | <array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.description | <string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.user_id | <number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpec.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_section_id | <number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard | <object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.interface | <string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.type | <string> | Dashboard template type. | Values: WATCHED_IFACE, APP_PERFORMANCE, SSO, NET_OPERATIONS, SERVICE, OVERALL_WAN, VOIP_CALL, DEFAULT |
ReportTemplateSpec.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_widget_id | <number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.version | <string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.timestamp | <string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections | <array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection] | <object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns [item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img | <object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail | <object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full | <object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "schedule_type": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "name": string, "disabled": string, "next_run": number } Example: { "user_id": 1, "live": true, "id": 1000, "name": "My Template" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplate | <object> | A template for running reports. | |
ReportTemplate.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within this template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.schedule_type | <string> | Type of template scheduling. | Optional; Values: Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly |
ReportTemplate.id | <number> | ID of the template. | |
ReportTemplate.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.description | <string> | Description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplate.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplate.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplate.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that data collection for the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.next_run | <number> | Next run time for the template if the template is scheduled to run. | Optional |
Reporting: Get reporting end times
List end times for each data source.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/timestampsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "data_resolution": string, "end_time": number, "datasource": string, "start_time": number } ] Example: [ { "data_resolution": "day", "start_time": 0, "end_time": 1383105600, "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, { "data_resolution": "15mins", "start_time": 0, "end_time": 1383160500, "datasource": "SERVICE" }, { "data_resolution": "min", "start_time": 0, "end_time": 1383161280, "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, { "data_resolution": "6hours", "start_time": 0, "end_time": 1383148800, "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, { "data_resolution": "hour", "start_time": 0, "end_time": 1383159600, "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, { "data_resolution": "15mins", "start_time": 0, "end_time": 1383160500, "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, { "data_resolution": "15mins", "start_time": 1383150500, "end_time": 1383160500, "datasource": "FDS_TRAFFIC" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTimestamps | <array of <object>> | Collection of ReportTimestamp objects. | |
ReportTimestamps[ReportTimestamp] | <object> | Object representing report timing information. | Optional |
ReportTimestamps[ReportTimestamp]. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. (can be: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month). | Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTimestamps[ReportTimestamp]. end_time |
<number> | Report end time (unix time). | |
ReportTimestamps[ReportTimestamp]. datasource |
ReportTimestamps[ReportTimestamp]. start_time |
<number> | Report start time (unix time). |
Reporting: List severities
Get a list of severities that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/severitiesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "nav", "name": "not available" }, { "id": "nml", "name": "normal" }, { "id": "low", "name": "low" }, { "id": "med", "name": "medium" }, { "id": "hgh", "name": "high" }, { "id": "all", "name": "all" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Severities | <array of <object>> | List of severities. | |
Severities[Severity] | <object> | Object representing a severity. | Optional |
Severities[Severity].id | <string> | ID of a severity. To be used in the API. | |
Severities[Severity].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a severity. |
Reporting: Get query data
Get data for one or many columns from this query.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/{report_id}/queries/{query_id}?columns={string}&offset={number}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
columns | <string> | Comma-separated list of column ids. | Optional |
offset | <number> | Start row. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "actual_end_time": number, "data": [ [ string ] ], "data_size": number, "totals": [ string ], "actual_start_time": number } Example: { "data": [ [ "|", "6878717.15556", "7041.06111111" ], [ "|", "1996165.24167", "2049.01388889" ] ], "data_size": 3744, "totals": [ "", "20293913.8417", "23577.3055556" ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
DataResults | <object> | Object representing a 2-dimensional array of query data and totals. | |
DataResults.actual_end_time | <number> | Actual end time of the response data. | Optional |
DataResults.data | <array of <array of <string>>> | Two-dimensional data array. | |
DataResults.data[Row] | <array of <string>> | One row in the list of rows. | Optional |
DataResults.data[Row][item] | <string> | One value datum. | Optional |
DataResults.data_size | <number> | Number of rows in the data array. | Optional |
DataResults.totals | <array of <string>> | Object representing a row of total values (totals). | Optional |
DataResults.totals[item] | <string> | One total datum. | Optional |
DataResults.actual_start_time | <number> | Actual start time of the response data. | Optional |
Reporting: List group bys
Get a list of reporting summarizations (group bys).
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/group_bysAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "hos", "name": "host" }, { "id": "hop", "name": "host pair" }, { "id": "gro", "name": "host group" }, { "id": "gpp", "name": "host group pair" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
GroupBys | <array of <object>> | List of reporting summarizations (group-bys). | |
GroupBys[GroupBy] | <object> | Object representing a group by. | Optional |
GroupBys[GroupBy].id | <string> | ID of a group by. To be used in the API. | |
GroupBys[GroupBy].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a group by. |
Reporting: Create widget
Create a new widget in the template section.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/widgetsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } Example: { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidget | <object> | Widget specification. | |
TMWidget.config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidget.config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidget.config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidget.widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidget.criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidget.criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort] | <object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port | <number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name | <string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService] | <object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protoports_groups | <string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame | <object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes | <array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.split_direction | <string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_successes | <string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns[item] | <number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs | <string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice] | <object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice].name | <string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_failures | <string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups | <array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame.type | <string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service.name | <string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service.service_id | <number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies | <array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies[item] | <number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations | <array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.case_insensitive | <string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location | <object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location.name | <string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_type | <string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser].name | <string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments | <array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].mac | <string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr | <string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].name | <string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] | <object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface] | <object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name | <string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications | <array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidget.attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.user_attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.user_attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes [item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.user_attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidget.user_attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.user_attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } Example: { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidget | <object> | Widget specification. | |
TMWidget.config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidget.config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidget.config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidget.widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidget.criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidget.criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort] | <object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port | <number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name | <string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService] | <object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protoports_groups | <string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame | <object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes | <array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.split_direction | <string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_successes | <string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns[item] | <number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs | <string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice] | <object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice].name | <string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_failures | <string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups | <array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame.type | <string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service.name | <string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service.service_id | <number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies | <array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies[item] | <number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations | <array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.case_insensitive | <string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location | <object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location.name | <string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_type | <string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser].name | <string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments | <array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].mac | <string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr | <string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].name | <string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] | <object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface] | <object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name | <string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications | <array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidget.attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.user_attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.user_attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes [item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.user_attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidget.user_attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.user_attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
Reporting: List columns
Get a list of columns.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/columns?metric={string}&statistic={string}&severity={string}&role={string}&category={string}&group_by={string}&direction={string}&area={string}¢ricity={string}&unit={string}&rate={string}&realm={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
metric | <string> | Filter the list of columns by metric. | Optional |
statistic | <string> | Filter the list of columns by statistic. | Optional |
severity | <string> | Filter the list of columns by severity. | Optional |
role | <string> | Filter the list of columns by role. | Optional |
category | <string> | Filter the list of columns by category. | Optional |
group_by | <string> | Filter the list of columns by group by. | Optional |
direction | <string> | Filter the list of columns by direction. | Optional |
area | <string> | Filter the list of columns by area. | Optional |
centricity | <string> | Filter the list of columns by centricity. | Optional |
unit | <string> | Filter the list of columns by unit. | Optional |
rate | <string> | Filter the list of columns by rate. | Optional |
realm | <string> | Filter the list of columns by realm. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "metric": string, "cli_srv": string, "comparison_parameter": string, "internal": string, "id": number, "strid": string, "statistic": string, "severity": string, "role": string, "category": string, "name": string, "comparison": string, "sortable": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "available": string, "context": string, "area": string, "has_others": string, "unit": string, "name_type": string, "rate": string } ] Example: [ { "strid": "ID_TOTAL_BYTES", "metric": "net_bw", "rate": "count", "statistic": "total", "id": 30, "unit": "bytes", "category": "data", "severity": "none", "area": "none", "internal": false, "role": "none", "cli_srv": "none", "type": "int", "available": false, "direction": "none", "comparison": "none", "sortable": true, "name": "Total Bytes", "comparison_parameter": "", "has_others": false, "context": false, "name_type": "colname_parts" }, { "strid": "ID_TOTAL_PKTS", "metric": "net_bw", "rate": "count", "statistic": "total", "id": 31, "unit": "pkts", "category": "data", "severity": "none", "area": "none", "internal": false, "role": "none", "cli_srv": "none", "type": "int", "available": false, "direction": "none", "comparison": "none", "sortable": true, "name": "Total Packets", "comparison_parameter": "", "has_others": false, "context": false, "name_type": "colname_parts" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Columns | <array of <object>> | List of reporting query columns. | |
Columns[Column] | <object> | A column for reporting query. | Optional |
Columns[Column].metric | <string> | Column 'metric'. See 'reporting/metrics'. | |
Columns[Column].cli_srv | <string> | Text flag indicating if the column is for the clients or servers. | |
Columns[Column].comparison_parameter | <string> | Parameter for column comparison. | |
Columns[Column].internal | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the column is internal to the system. | |
Columns[Column].id | <number> | System ID for the column. Used in the API. | |
Columns[Column].strid | <string> | String ID for the column. Not used by the API, but easier for the human user to see. | |
Columns[Column].statistic | <string> | Column 'statistic'. See 'reporting/statistics'. | |
Columns[Column].severity | <string> | Column 'severity'. See 'reporting/severities. | |
Columns[Column].role | <string> | Column 'role'. See 'reporting/roles'. | |
Columns[Column].category | <string> | Column 'category'. See 'reporting/categories'. | |
Columns[Column].name | <string> | Column name. Format used for column names is similar to the format used for column data. | |
Columns[Column].comparison | <string> | Column 'comparison'. See 'reporting/comparisons'. | |
Columns[Column].sortable | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if this data can be sorted on this column when running the template. | |
Columns[Column].type | <string> | Type of the column data. See 'reporting/types'. | |
Columns[Column].direction | <string> | Column 'direction'. See 'reporting/directions'. | |
Columns[Column].available | <string> | Boolean flag indicating that the data for the column is available without the need to re-run the template. | |
Columns[Column].context | <string> | Internal flag used for formatting certain kinds of data. | |
Columns[Column].area | <string> | Column 'area'. See 'reporting/area'. | |
Columns[Column].has_others | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the column's 'other' row can be computed. | |
Columns[Column].unit | <string> | Column 'unit'. See 'reporting/units'. | |
Columns[Column].name_type | <string> | Type of the column name. See 'reporting/types'. | |
Columns[Column].rate | <string> | Column 'rate'. See 'reporting/rates'. |
Reporting: Get section layout
Get the layout of the template section.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/layoutAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMFlowLines | <array of <object>> | Object representing visual layout of widgets in a secion. | |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].flow_items | <array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes | <object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
TMFlowLines[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
Reporting: Get report
Get information for report. Includes progress information for running reports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/{report_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "run_time": number, "error_text": string, "remaining_seconds": number, "saved": string, "id": number, "status": string, "percent": number, "user_id": number, "size": number, "name": string, "template_id": number } Example: { "status": "completed", "user_id": 1, "name": "Host Information Report", "percent": 100, "id": 1001, "remaining_seconds": 0, "run_time": 1352494550, "saved": true, "template_id": 952, "error_text": "", "size": 140 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportInfo | <object> | Object representing report information. | |
ReportInfo.run_time | <number> | Time when the report was run (Unix time). | |
ReportInfo.error_text | <string> | A report can be completed with an error. Error message may provide more detailed info. | Optional |
ReportInfo.remaining_seconds | <number> | Number of seconds remaining to run the report. Even if this number is 0, the report may not yet be completed, so check 'status' to make sure what the status is. | |
ReportInfo.saved | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the report was saved. | |
ReportInfo.id | <number> | ID of the report. To be used in the API. | |
ReportInfo.status | <string> | Status of the report. | Values: completed, running, waiting |
ReportInfo.percent | <number> | Progress of the report represented by percentage of report completion. | |
ReportInfo.user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the report. | |
ReportInfo.size | <number> | Size of the report in kilobytes. | |
ReportInfo.name | <string> | Name of the report. Could be given by a user or automatically generated by the system. | Optional |
ReportInfo.template_id | <number> | ID of the template that the report is based on. |
Reporting: Get template configuration
Get template configuration data.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/configAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } Example: { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpec | <object> | Reporting template specification object. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.id | <number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.auto_disabled_on | <string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout | <array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.description | <string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.user_id | <number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpec.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_section_id | <number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard | <object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.interface | <string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.type | <string> | Dashboard template type. | Values: WATCHED_IFACE, APP_PERFORMANCE, SSO, NET_OPERATIONS, SERVICE, OVERALL_WAN, VOIP_CALL, DEFAULT |
ReportTemplateSpec.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_widget_id | <number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.version | <string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.timestamp | <string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections | <array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection] | <object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns [item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img | <object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail | <object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full | <object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. |
Reporting: Clone template
Clone the specified reporting template.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/copy?name={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
template | <number> | ID of the template being cloned. | |
name | <string> | A new unique name for the copy. | Optional |
Do not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "schedule_type": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "name": string, "disabled": string, "next_run": number } Example: { "user_id": 1, "live": true, "id": 1000, "name": "My Template" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplate | <object> | A template for running reports. | |
ReportTemplate.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within this template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.schedule_type | <string> | Type of template scheduling. | Optional; Values: Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly |
ReportTemplate.id | <number> | ID of the template. | |
ReportTemplate.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.description | <string> | Description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplate.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplate.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplate.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that data collection for the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.next_run | <number> | Next run time for the template if the template is scheduled to run. | Optional |
Reporting: Delete template
Delete reporting template.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "schedule_type": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "name": string, "disabled": string, "next_run": number } Example: { "user_id": 1, "live": true, "id": 1000, "name": "My Template" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplate | <object> | A template for running reports. | |
ReportTemplate.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within this template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.schedule_type | <string> | Type of template scheduling. | Optional; Values: Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly |
ReportTemplate.id | <number> | ID of the template. | |
ReportTemplate.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.description | <string> | Description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplate.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplate.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplate.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that data collection for the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplate.next_run | <number> | Next run time for the template if the template is scheduled to run. | Optional |
Reporting: List templates
Get a list of templates.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates?offset={number}&access={string}&filter={string}&live={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
access | <string> | Get only template with the specified access level: 'public' or 'private'. | Optional |
filter | <string> | Apply a named filter: 'owned' to get only templates owned by the current user. | Optional |
live | <string> | Filter only live (dashboard) templates. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "traffic_expression": string, "schedule_type": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "name": string, "disabled": string, "next_run": number } ] Example: [ { "scheduled": false, "live": false, "id": 184, "name": "Default template for class QUERY" }, { "scheduled": true, "next_run": 1352328480, "user_id": 1, "live": true, "schedule_type": "Hourly", "id": 1000, "name": "My Template" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplates | <array of <object>> | List of templates available on the system. | |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate] | <object> | One template in the list of templates. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate]. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within this template. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate]. schedule_type |
<string> | Type of template scheduling. | Optional; Values: Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].id | <number> | ID of the template. | |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate]. scheduled |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].sharing. users |
<array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].sharing. users[item] |
<number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate]. description |
<string> | Description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that data collection for the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplates[ReportTemplate].next_run | <number> | Next run time for the template if the template is scheduled to run. | Optional |
Reporting: Get factory widgets
Get a list of all available stock widget configurations.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/widgetsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ] Example: [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidgets | <array of <object>> | List of TMWidget objects. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget] | <object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns [item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. layout |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidgets[TMWidget].timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
Reporting: Export templates
Export all reporting templates.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/exportAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } ] Example: [ { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpecs | <array of <object>> | List of ReportTemplateSpec objects. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec] | <object> | One ReportTemplateSpes object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. id |
<number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. scheduled |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. auto_disabled_on |
<string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing |
<object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing.users |
<array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing.users[item] |
<number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. description |
<string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. user_id |
<number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. shared |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. live |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. last_added_section_id |
<number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard |
<object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard.interface |
<string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard.type |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. name |
<string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. last_added_widget_id |
<number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. version |
<string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. disabled |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. timestamp |
<string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections |
<array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection] |
<object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup]. group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns[item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup]. group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img |
<object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.thumbnail |
<object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.thumbnail.src |
<string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.full |
<object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.full.src |
<string> | Relative URL of an image. |
Reporting: Get Dashboard templates
Get build in templates (Dashboard templates).
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/builtinAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } ] Example: [ { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpecs | <array of <object>> | List of ReportTemplateSpec objects. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec] | <object> | One ReportTemplateSpes object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. id |
<number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. scheduled |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. auto_disabled_on |
<string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing |
<object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing.users |
<array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sharing.users[item] |
<number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. description |
<string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. user_id |
<number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. shared |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. live |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. last_added_section_id |
<number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard |
<object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard.interface |
<string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. wizard.type |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. name |
<string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. last_added_widget_id |
<number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. version |
<string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. disabled |
<string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. timestamp |
<string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections |
<array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection] |
<object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup]. group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns[item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup]. group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. sections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img |
<object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.thumbnail |
<object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.thumbnail.src |
<string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.full |
<object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpecs[ReportTemplateSpec]. img.full.src |
<string> | Relative URL of an image. |
Reporting: Get report config
Get configuration information for one report. Includes criteria, layout and GUI attributes.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/{report_id}/configAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "criteria": { "traffic_expression": string, "time_frame": { "time_interval": string, "resolution": string, "end": number, "expression": string, "start": number, "time_zone": string }, "query": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "sort_direction": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "role": string, "show_ttl": string, "group_by": string, "case_insensitive": string, "switch_name": string, "macs": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "direction": string, "users": [ { "name": string } ], "switch_ports": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "macless_ports": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "ignore_dhcp": string, "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "area": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "realm": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "queries": [ { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "sort_direction": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "role": string, "show_ttl": string, "group_by": string, "case_insensitive": string, "switch_name": string, "macs": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "direction": string, "users": [ { "name": string } ], "switch_ports": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "macless_ports": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "ignore_dhcp": string, "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "area": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "realm": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } ], "deprecated": { [prop]: string }, "fast_data_source": string }, "attributes": { [prop]: string }, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "query_id": string, "id": string, "type": string, "attributes": { [prop]: string } } ], "layout": [ { "items": [ { "id": string } ], "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string, "line_spacing": string } ], "attributes": { [prop]: string } } ] } Example: { "attributes": { "title": "Report name" }, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "type": "table", "query_id": "0:sum_hos_non_non_non_non_non_non_non_33_d_0", "id": "sum_hos_non_non_non_non_non_non_non_tbl_0_0", "attributes": { "page_size": "20", "sort_col": "33", "col_order": "6,33,34" } } ], "attributes": { "sort_desc": "1" }, "layout": [ { "items": [ { "id": "sum_hos_non_non_non_non_non_non_non_tbl_0_0" } ] } ] } ], "criteria": { "time_frame": { "end": 1352320191, "start": 1352319891 }, "query": { "sort_column": 33, "realm": "traffic_summary", "group_by": "hos", "columns": [ 6, 33, 34 ], "centricity": "hos" } } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportConfig | <object> | Object representing report configuration. | |
ReportConfig.criteria | <object> | Report criteria. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Time frame object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.time_frame. time_interval |
<string> | Time interval pipe-separated string (example: 'last|1|hour'). | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.time_frame. resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. If not specified a resolution will automatically be selected based on time frame of the report. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.time_frame.end | <number> | Report end time (unix time). | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.time_frame. expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.time_frame.start | <number> | Report start time (unix time). | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.time_frame. time_zone |
<string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query | <object> | Query object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.ports | <array of <object>> | Query ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Query port_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/port_groups. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | Query CBQoS classes. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpasscope | <string> | Query autonomous system scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pairs. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.wan_group | <string> | Query WAN group. Can be any Interface Group under /WAN. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. traffic_expression |
<string> | Query-specific traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Query include non-optimized. Include non-optimized sites in a WAN query. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.columns | <array of <number>> | Query columns. Can be many of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.columns [item] |
<number> | Query column. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. sort_direction |
<string> | Query sort direction. Can be one of ASC, DESC. ASC will return bottom talkers. DESC will return top talkers (default). | Optional; Values: ASC, DESC |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Query autonomous system pairs. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Query application_servers. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_servers. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.devices | <array of <object>> | Query devices. Can be one of GET /reporting/devices. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query application_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system and host group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_interfaces. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Query autonomous system. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.role | <string> | Query role. Can be one of /reporting/roles. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.show_ttl | <string> | Query show TTL. Only applicable to flow list report format. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.group_by | <string> | Query group_by. Can be one of GET /reporting/group_bys. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. case_insensitive |
<string> | Query user case insensitivity. Whether to search for users in a case-insensitive fashion. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.switch_name | <string> | Query switch name. Can be an IP address or a name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.macs | <string> | Query MAC addresses. Host MAC addresses, only apply to switch_port requests. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_type |
<string> | Query host group type. Required for "host group (gro)" "host group pairs (gpp)" and "host group pairs with ports (gpr)" queries. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.direction | <string> | Query direction. Can be one of GET /reporting/directions. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.users | <array of <object>> | Query time host users. Can be one of GET /reporting/time host user. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.users[CUser]. name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.switch_ports | <string> | Query switch ports. Switch port addresses. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.sort_column | <number> | Query sort column. Can be one of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Query network_segments. Can be one of GET /reporting/network_segments. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query. macless_ports |
<string> | Query macless ports. Include switch ports without a MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.hosts | <array of <object>> | Query hosts. Can be one of GET /reporting/hosts. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.ignore_dhcp | <string> | Query ignore DHCP. Use only switch port polling for ARP Bindings. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Query host pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pairs. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.area | <string> | Query area. Can be one of GET /reporting/areas. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.protocols | <array of <object>> | Query protocols. Can be one of GET /reporting/protocols. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.centricity | <string> | Query centricity. Can be one of GET /reporting/centricities. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.limit | <number> | Query data limit. Maximum number of rows to be returned. Default value: 10000. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Query interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/interfaces. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Query host_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_groups. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.realm | <string> | Query realm. Can be one of GET /reporting/realms. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.dscps | <array of <object>> | Query dscps. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscps. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.applications | <array of <object>> | Query applications. Can be one of GET /reporting/applications. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries | <array of <object>> | Array of Query objects. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter] |
<object> | Report Query. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports |
<array of <object>> | Query ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query port_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/port_groups. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | Query CBQoS classes. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpasscope |
<string> | Query autonomous system scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pairs. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].wan_group |
<string> | Query WAN group. Can be any Interface Group under /WAN. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].traffic_expression |
<string> | Query-specific traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Query include non-optimized. Include non-optimized sites in a WAN query. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].columns |
<array of <number>> | Query columns. Can be many of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].columns[item] |
<number> | Query column. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].sort_direction |
<string> | Query sort direction. Can be one of ASC, DESC. ASC will return bottom talkers. DESC will return top talkers (default). | Optional; Values: ASC, DESC |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system pairs. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Query application_servers. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_servers. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices |
<array of <object>> | Query devices. Can be one of GET /reporting/devices. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice]. name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query application_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system and host group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_interfaces. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].role |
<string> | Query role. Can be one of /reporting/roles. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].show_ttl |
<string> | Query show TTL. Only applicable to flow list report format. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].group_by |
<string> | Query group_by. Can be one of GET /reporting/group_bys. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].case_insensitive |
<string> | Query user case insensitivity. Whether to search for users in a case-insensitive fashion. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].switch_name |
<string> | Query switch name. Can be an IP address or a name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].macs |
<string> | Query MAC addresses. Host MAC addresses, only apply to switch_port requests. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_type |
<string> | Query host group type. Required for "host group (gro)" "host group pairs (gpp)" and "host group pairs with ports (gpr)" queries. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].direction |
<string> | Query direction. Can be one of GET /reporting/directions. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users |
<array of <object>> | Query time host users. Can be one of GET /reporting/time host user. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].switch_ports |
<string> | Query switch ports. Switch port addresses. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].sort_column |
<number> | Query sort column. Can be one of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Query network_segments. Can be one of GET /reporting/network_segments. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].macless_ports |
<string> | Query macless ports. Include switch ports without a MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts |
<array of <object>> | Query hosts. Can be one of GET /reporting/hosts. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost]. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ignore_dhcp |
<string> | Query ignore DHCP. Use only switch port polling for ARP Bindings. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pairs. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].area |
<string> | Query area. Can be one of GET /reporting/areas. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols |
<array of <object>> | Query protocols. Can be one of GET /reporting/protocols. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].centricity |
<string> | Query centricity. Can be one of GET /reporting/centricities. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].limit |
<number> | Query data limit. Maximum number of rows to be returned. Default value: 10000. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/interfaces. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query host_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_groups. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].realm |
<string> | Query realm. Can be one of GET /reporting/realms. | |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps |
<array of <object>> | Query dscps. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscps. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications |
<array of <object>> | Query applications. Can be one of GET /reporting/applications. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.deprecated | <object> | Map with legacy criteria attributes that will not be supported soon. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.deprecated[prop] | <string> | ReportDeprecatedFilters map value. | Optional |
ReportConfig.criteria.fast_data_source | <string> | Options to force using fast (pre-computed) interfaces data. FORCE: force using only fast data. ON: use fast data when possible, fallback to slower traffic query. OFF: never use fast data. By default it is ON. | Optional; Values: FORCE, ON, OFF |
ReportConfig.attributes | <object> | Report attributes. | |
ReportConfig.attributes[prop] | <string> | Report attributes value. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections | <array of <object>> | Report sections. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection] | <object> | One section of a report. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of section widgets. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. widgets[ReportWidget] |
<object> | One widget from a list of widgets. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. widgets[ReportWidget].query_id |
<string> | Query ID for the query that the widget is based on. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. widgets[ReportWidget].id |
<string> | Widget ID used to reference a widget from the API. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. widgets[ReportWidget].type |
<string> | Visual type of the widget. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. widgets[ReportWidget].attributes |
<object> | Widget attributes. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. widgets[ReportWidget].attributes[prop] |
<string> | Attribute value in the map. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Section widget layout. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine].items |
<array of <object>> | List of items (widgets) on the line. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine].items [ReportLayoutItem] |
<object> | One item in the list of layout items. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine].items [ReportLayoutItem].id |
<string> | ID of the layout item. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine].wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine].full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine].item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. layout[ReportLayoutLine].line_spacing |
<string> | Line spacing. | Optional |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. attributes |
<object> | Section attributes. | |
ReportConfig.sections[ReportSection]. attributes[prop] |
<string> | Attribute value in the map. | Optional |
Reporting: List areas
Get a list of areas that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/areasAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "wan", "name": "wan" }, { "id": "lan", "name": "lan" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Areas | <array of <object>> | List of areas. | |
Areas[Area] | <object> | Object representing an area. | Optional |
Areas[Area].id | <string> | ID of an area. To be used in the API. | |
Areas[Area].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a area. |
Reporting: Update user attributes
Merge user-specific template attributes with the new attribute values.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}/widgets/{widget_id}/user_attributesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number } Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidgetAttributes | <object> | Set of widget attributes. | |
TMWidgetAttributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidgetAttributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidgetAttributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidgetAttributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidgetAttributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidgetAttributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidgetAttributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: List metrics
Get a list of metrics that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/metricsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "nbw", "name": "net bandwidth" }, { "id": "nrt", "name": "net rtt" }, { "id": "rtm", "name": "response time" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Metrics | <array of <object>> | List of metrics. | |
Metrics[Metric] | <object> | Object representing a metric. | Optional |
Metrics[Metric].id | <string> | ID of a metric. To be used in the API. | |
Metrics[Metric].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a metric. |
Reporting: List rates
Get a list of rates that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/ratesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "cnt", "name": "count" }, { "id": "psc", "name": "per second" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Rates | <array of <object>> | List of rates. | |
Rates[Rate] | <object> | Object representing a rate. | Optional |
Rates[Rate].id | <string> | ID of a rate. To be used in the API. | |
Rates[Rate].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a rate. |
Reporting: Get template section
Get the specific section from the template.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sections/{section_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMSection | <object> | One section in the report layout. | |
TMSection.widgets | <array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget] | <object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].config. datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].config. visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].config. widget_type |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. ports[CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. ports[CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. ports[CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. services[CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. services[CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. services[CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. port_groups[CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. port_groups[CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. port_groups[CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. columns[item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service.name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service.service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pairs[CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protocols[CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protocols[CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protocols[CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces[CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces[CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces[CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces[CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_groups[CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_groups[CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_groups[CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscps[CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. layout |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_bytes |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.layout |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_through_bytes |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMSection.widgets[TMWidget].timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
TMSection.section_id | <number> | Section ID. | |
TMSection.layout | <array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items | <array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine].attributes | <object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
TMSection.layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
Reporting: Get template sections
Get a list of sections in the template.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}/sectionsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ] Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMSections | <array of <object>> | List of TMSection objects. | |
TMSections[TMSection] | <object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets | <array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget] | <object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. config.widget_type |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort]. dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.services[CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.port_groups[CPortGroup]. group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.columns[item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_pairs[CBGPASPair]. client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.devices[CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service.service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.protocols[CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.host_groups[CHostGroup]. group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.dscps[CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. criteria.applications[CApplication]. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_bytes |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.layout |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.format_through_bytes |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_bytes |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.layout |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.format_through_bytes |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. user_attributes.modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].widgets[TMWidget]. timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].section_id | <number> | Section ID. | |
TMSections[TMSection].layout | <array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
TMSections[TMSection].layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
Reporting: Get template
Get a template.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/{template_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "traffic_expression": string, "id": number, "scheduled": string, "auto_disabled_on": string, "sharing": { "users": [ number ] }, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ], "description": string, "user_id": number, "shared": string, "live": string, "last_added_section_id": number, "wizard": { "interface": string, "type": string }, "name": string, "last_added_widget_id": number, "version": string, "disabled": string, "timestamp": string, "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } ], "section_id": number, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": number } ], "attributes": { "wrappable": string, "full_width": string, "item_spacing": string } } ] } ], "img": { "thumbnail": { "src": string }, "full": { "src": string } } } Example: { "live": true, "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] } ], "name": "VOIP - Call Quality and Usage", "user_id": 1, "timestamp": "1383141976.674345", "last_added_widget_id": 6, "traffic_expression": "app VoIP-RTP", "version": "1.1", "shared": "Private", "sections": [ { "widgets": [ { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674428", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 803 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "line_scale": "LINEAR", "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 2 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674459", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 781 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 1, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 3 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Quality", "timestamp": "1383141976.674497", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 766 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "min", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "min" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 4 }, { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Traffic Volume", "timestamp": "1383141976.674527", "criteria": { "traffic_expression": "", "columns": [ 33 ], "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_day", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "extend_to_zero": false, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF", "line_style": "STACKED" }, "config": { "widget_type": "TRAFFIC_OVERALL", "visualization": "LINE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 5 }, { "title": "Host Group Pairs", "timestamp": "1383141976.674566", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "host_group_type": "ByLocation", "limit": 100, "sort_desc": true, "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "height": 400, "edge_thickness": true, "pan_zoomable": true, "n_items": 10, "layout": "HORIZONTAL_TREE", "moveable_nodes": true, "show_images": true, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "HOST_GROUP_PAIRS", "visualization": "CONN_GRAPH", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 6 } ], "layout": [ { "flow_items": [ { "id": 1 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 4 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 5 } ] }, { "flow_items": [ { "id": 6 } ] } ], "section_id": 1 } ], "id": 5217, "description": "" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportTemplateSpec | <object> | Reporting template specification object. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression applied to all widgets within the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.id | <number> | ID of the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.scheduled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is scheduled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.auto_disabled_on | <string> | Timestamp when the template was auto-disabled due to idle usage. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing | <object> | List of the users the template is shared with (see ReportTemplateSharing). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users | <array of <number>> | List of the users a template is shared with. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sharing.users[item] | <number> | User ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout | <array of <object>> | Layout information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine] | <object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. flow_items[TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.layout[TMFlowLine]. attributes.item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.description | <string> | Human-readable description of the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.user_id | <number> | User ID of the template owner. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.shared | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is shared with other users. | Optional; Values: Private, Public, Users |
ReportTemplateSpec.live | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is a dashboard. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_section_id | <number> | ID of the last layout section added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard | <object> | Template wizard properties. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.interface | <string> | Watched interface for type WATCHED_IFACE type dashboards. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.wizard.type | <string> | Dashboard template type. | Values: WATCHED_IFACE, APP_PERFORMANCE, SSO, NET_OPERATIONS, SERVICE, OVERALL_WAN, VOIP_CALL, DEFAULT |
ReportTemplateSpec.name | <string> | Human-readable name of the template. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.last_added_widget_id | <number> | ID of the last widget added to the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.version | <string> | Version of the specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.disabled | <string> | Flag indicating that the template is disabled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.timestamp | <string> | Report time stamp (unix time). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections | <array of <object>> | List of layout sections. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection] | <object> | One TMSection object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets |
<array of <object>> | List of widgets that belong to the section. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget] |
<object> | One TMWidget object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config |
<object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.datasource |
<string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.visualization |
<string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].config.widget_type |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].widget_id |
<number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria |
<object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.compare_to |
<string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services |
<array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService] |
<object> | One CService object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.services [CService].service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. protoports_groups |
<string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame |
<object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. comparison_time_frame.type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpasscope |
<string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.wan_group |
<string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. traffic_expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. split_direction |
<string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_successes |
<string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns |
<array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.columns [item] |
<number> | Column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. hosts_groups_cidrs |
<string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices |
<array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_failures |
<string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame |
<object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service |
<object> | Watched service. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.service. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.severity |
<number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.role |
<string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies |
<array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. event_policies[item] |
<number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations |
<array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_locations[CServiceLocation]. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. case_insensitive |
<string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location |
<object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. service_location.location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_type |
<string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users |
<array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.users [CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_desc |
<string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.sort_column |
<number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts |
<array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.hosts [CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.auto_update |
<string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols |
<array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.centricity |
<string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.limit |
<number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps |
<array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria.dscps [CDSCP].code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications |
<array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].criteria. applications[CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].title |
<string> | Widget title. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes |
<object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes.colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes |
<object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. pan_zoomable |
<string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_scale |
<string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. show_images |
<string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes |
<array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. open_nodes[item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. line_style |
<string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. layout |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. width |
<number> | Widget width. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. height |
<number> | Widget height. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. edge_thickness |
<string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. extend_to_zero |
<string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. collapsible |
<string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. high_threshold |
<string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. n_items |
<number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. colspan |
<number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. low_threshold |
<string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. moveable_nodes |
<string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. orientation |
<string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].user_attributes. modal_links |
<number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. widgets[TMWidget].timestamp |
<string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. section_id |
<number> | Section ID. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout |
<array of <object>> | Internal section layout. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine] |
<object> | One horizontal line of widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items |
<array of <object>> | List of line items. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem] |
<object> | Object replesenting one layout item. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].flow_items [TMFlowItem].id |
<number> | Widget ID. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes |
<object> | List of line attributes. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. wrappable |
<string> | Flag allowing wrapping. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. full_width |
<string> | Flag representing width of the layout line. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.sections[TMSection]. layout[TMFlowLine].attributes. item_spacing |
<string> | Item spacing between widgets. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img | <object> | Images associaled with the template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail | <object> | A thumbnail-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.thumbnail.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. | |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full | <object> | A full-size image for the report template. | Optional |
ReportTemplateSpec.img.full.src | <string> | Relative URL of an image. |
Reporting: Get report view (PDF, CSV)
Get GUI view of a report (PDF, CSV).
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/{report_id}/viewAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Reporting: List roles
Get a list of roles that this version of the API supports.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/rolesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": string, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "id": "cli", "name": "client" }, { "id": "srv", "name": "server" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Roles | <array of <object>> | List of roles. | |
Roles[Role] | <object> | Object representing a roles. | Optional |
Roles[Role].id | <string> | ID of a role. To be used in the API. | |
Roles[Role].name | <string> | Human-readable name of a role. |
Reporting: Copy widget
Copy a widget from one template to another.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/templates/widgets/copy?dest_template={number}&src_template={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
widget | <number> | ID of the widget being copied. | |
dest_template | <number> | Destination template ID. | |
src_template | <number> | Source template ID. |
Do not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "config": { "datasource": string, "visualization": string, "widget_type": string }, "widget_id": number, "criteria": { "compare_to": string, "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "services": [ { "name": string, "service_id": number } ], "protoports_groups": string, "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "interfaces_groups_devices": string, "comparison_time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "split_direction": string, "include_successes": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "hosts_groups_cidrs": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "include_failures": string, "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "time_frame": { "data_resolution": string, "refresh_interval": string, "type": string }, "service": { "name": string, "service_id": number }, "severity": number, "role": string, "event_policies": [ number ], "service_locations": [ { "name": string, "location_id": string } ], "case_insensitive": string, "service_location": { "name": string, "location_id": string }, "include_backend_segments": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "users": [ { "name": string } ], "sort_desc": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "auto_update": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "title": string, "attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "user_attributes": { "pan_zoomable": string, "line_scale": string, "format_bytes": string, "show_images": string, "open_nodes": [ string ], "line_style": string, "layout": string, "width": number, "height": number, "percent_of_total": string, "edge_thickness": string, "display_host_group_type": string, "extend_to_zero": string, "collapsible": string, "format_through_bytes": string, "high_threshold": string, "n_items": number, "colspan": number, "low_threshold": string, "moveable_nodes": string, "orientation": string, "modal_links": number }, "timestamp": string } Example: { "title": "VoIP-RTP: Applications", "timestamp": "1383141976.674383", "criteria": { "sort_column": 33, "traffic_expression": "", "limit": 100, "columns": [ 17, 33, 34, 757, 766, 781, 803 ], "centricity": "host", "time_frame": { "data_resolution": "15mins", "type": "last_hour", "refresh_interval": "15mins" } }, "attributes": { "colspan": 2, "n_items": 20, "format_bytes": "UI_PREF" }, "config": { "widget_type": "APPS", "visualization": "TABLE", "datasource": "TRAFFIC" }, "widget_id": 1 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TMWidget | <object> | Widget specification. | |
TMWidget.config | <object> | Widget configuration: data source type, widget type, and visualization type. | |
TMWidget.config.datasource | <string> | Data source type. | Values: TRAFFIC, WAN, SERVICE, EVENTS, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, FDS_TRAFFIC |
TMWidget.config.visualization | <string> | Visualization type. | Values: TABLE, PIE, BAR, LINE, CONN_GRAPH, TREE_TABLE, INVISIBLE |
TMWidget.widget_id | <number> | Internal widget ID within a dashboard. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria | <object> | Query criteria for the widget. | |
TMWidget.criteria.compare_to | <string> | Flag to enable comparison feature for Bar, Table and Line widgets. | Optional; Values: LAST_DAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_4WEEKS |
TMWidget.criteria.ports | <array of <object>> | Watched ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort] | <object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].port | <number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.ports[CProtoPort].name | <string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services | <array of <object>> | Watched services. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService] | <object> | One CService object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. name |
<string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.services[CService]. service_id |
<number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protoports_groups | <string> | Watched combination of protocols, ports, groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched port groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. interfaces_groups_devices |
<string> | Watched combination of interfaces, groups, devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame | <object> | Not used any more. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.comparison_time_frame. type |
<string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes | <array of <object>> | CBQoS Classes. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpasscope | <string> | Autonomous System Scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched group pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.wan_group | <string> | WAN group used in WAN Optimization widgets. Can be one of '/WAN', '/WAN/Optimized', '/WAN/Non-optimized'. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.split_direction | <string> | Split inbound/outbound or received/transmitted data. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_successes | <string> | Include successful requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include WAN non optimized sites. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns | <array of <number>> | List of column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.columns[item] | <number> | Column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts_groups_cidrs | <string> | Watched combination of hosts, host groups and cidrs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System Pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and servers. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices | <array of <object>> | Watched devices. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice] | <object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.devices[CDevice].name | <string> | Device name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of applications and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.include_failures | <string> | Include failed requests in active directory report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups | <array of <object>> | List of Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of DSCPs and interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS] | <object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].id | <number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.bgpas[CBGPAS].name | <string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Widget time frame specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. data_resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: flow, min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame. refresh_interval |
<string> | Report refresh interval. It can be one of: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month. | Optional; Values: min, 5mins, 15mins, hour, 6hours, day, week, month |
TMWidget.criteria.time_frame.type | <string> | Type of time frame. Can be one of: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month. | Optional; Values: last_min, last_5mins, last_15mins, last_hour, last_6hours, last_12hours, last_day, last_week, last_month, previous_hour, previous_day, previous_week, previous_month |
TMWidget.criteria.service | <object> | Watched service. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service.name | <string> | Service name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service.service_id | <number> | Service ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.severity | <number> | Minimum severity filter for an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.role | <string> | Which host roles to include in a report ('CLIENT_SERVER', 'CLIENT', 'SERVER'). | Optional; Values: CLIENT_SERVER, CLIENT, SERVER |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies | <array of <number>> | List of event policies to include in an event report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.event_policies[item] | <number> | Event policy ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations | <array of <object>> | Watched service locations. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation] |
<object> | One CServiceLocation object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].name |
<string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_locations [CServiceLocation].location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.case_insensitive | <string> | Case-insensitive usernames in an identity report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location | <object> | Watched service location. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location.name | <string> | Service location name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.service_location. location_id |
<string> | Service location ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria. include_backend_segments |
<string> | Flag indicating whether to include back-end segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_type | <string> | Host group type used. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host pairs, applications, and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pair_app_ports [CHostPairAppPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users | <array of <object>> | Watched users. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.users[CUser].name | <string> | Active Directory user name. | |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_desc | <string> | Sorting direction (true for descending, false for ascending). | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.sort_column | <number> | Sorting column ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports | <array of <object>> | Watched combinations of host groups pairs and ports. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments | <array of <object>> | Watched network segments. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts | <array of <object>> | Watched hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].mac | <string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].ipaddr | <string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.hosts[CHost].name | <string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Watched host pairs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair] | <object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_pairs[CHostPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.auto_update | <string> | Flag to enable updating daily top-n Line widgets. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols | <array of <object>> | Watched protocols. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol] | <object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.protocols[CProtocol]. name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.centricity | <string> | Centricity used to run the report. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.limit | <number> | Maximum number of data rows in the report for the widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Watched interfaces. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface] | <object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.interfaces[CInterface]. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Watched host groups. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps | <array of <object>> | Watched DSCPs. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP].name | <string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications | <array of <object>> | Watched applications. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
TMWidget.criteria.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
TMWidget.title | <string> | Widget title. | |
TMWidget.attributes | <object> | Widget common attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.open_nodes[item] | <string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.percent_of_total | <string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.format_through_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating throughput values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes | <object> | User-specific attributes. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.pan_zoomable | <string> | Flag making the graph interactive. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_scale | <string> | Line scale for a line chart (can be: LINEAR, LOG). | Optional; Values: LINEAR, LOG |
TMWidget.user_attributes.format_bytes | <string> | What unit to use for formating traffic values (BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF). | Optional; Values: BITS, BYTES, KBITS, KBYTES, MBITS, MBYTES, GBITS, GBYTES, AUTOBITS, AUTOBYTES, UI_PREF |
TMWidget.user_attributes.show_images | <string> | Flag showing images in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes | <array of <string>> | List of open node IDs for a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.open_nodes [item] |
<string> | ID of an expanded nodes in a tree widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.line_style | <string> | Line chart style (can be: LINE, STACKED). | Optional; Values: LINE, STACKED |
TMWidget.user_attributes.width | <number> | Widget width. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.height | <number> | Widget height. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. percent_of_total |
<string> | Flag including the 'total' item in a pie chart. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.edge_thickness | <string> | Widget edge thickness. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. display_host_group_type |
<string> | Default host grouping type for displaying grouped hosts. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.extend_to_zero | <string> | Flag: extending the Y-axis to zero. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.collapsible | <string> | Flag indicating if the widget is collapsible. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes. format_through_bytes |
TMWidget.user_attributes.high_threshold | <string> | High threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.n_items | <number> | Maximum number of items shown. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.colspan | <number> | How many columns the widget occupies in layout. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.low_threshold | <string> | Low threshold on the chart (in bytes). | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.moveable_nodes | <string> | Flag allowing the user to reposition nodes in a connection graph. | Optional |
TMWidget.user_attributes.orientation | <string> | Bar chart orientation (can be: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL). | Optional; Values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL |
TMWidget.user_attributes.modal_links | <number> | Flag adding modal links on a widget. | Optional |
TMWidget.timestamp | <string> | Widget time stamp specification. | Optional |
Reporting: Get report queries
Get information for all queries run as part of this report. Each query has a list of columns.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/{report_id}/queriesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "metric": string, "actual_log": string, "columns": [ { "metric": string, "cli_srv": string, "comparison_parameter": string, "internal": string, "id": number, "strid": string, "statistic": string, "severity": string, "role": string, "category": string, "name": string, "comparison": string, "sortable": string, "type": string, "direction": string, "available": string, "context": string, "area": string, "has_others": string, "unit": string, "name_type": string, "rate": string } ], "id": string, "statistic": string, "role": string, "group_by": string, "actual_t0": number, "parent_id": string, "actual_t1": number, "type": string, "sort_col": number, "direction": string, "sort_desc": string, "area": string, "unit": string, "rate": string } ] Example: [ { "direction": "none", "actual_log": "flow", "actual_t0": 1352319840, "sort_desc": true, "area": "none", "metric": "none", "sort_col": 33, "parent_id": "", "rate": "none", "group_by": "hos", "role": "none", "columns": [ { "strid": "ID_AVG_BYTES", "metric": "net_bw", "rate": "persec", "statistic": "avg", "id": 33, "unit": "bytes", "category": "data", "severity": "none", "area": "none", "internal": false, "role": "none", "cli_srv": "none", "type": "float", "available": true, "direction": "none", "comparison": "none", "sortable": true, "name": "Avg Bytes/s", "comparison_parameter": "", "has_others": false, "context": false, "name_type": "colname_parts" }, { "strid": "ID_AVG_BYTES_RTX", "metric": "rtx", "rate": "persec", "statistic": "avg", "id": 391, "unit": "bytes", "category": "data", "severity": "none", "area": "none", "internal": false, "role": "none", "cli_srv": "none", "type": "float", "available": false, "direction": "none", "comparison": "none", "sortable": true, "name": "Avg Retrans Bytes/s", "comparison_parameter": "", "has_others": false, "context": false, "name_type": "colname_parts" } ], "statistic": "none", "type": "summary", "id": "0:sum_hos_non_non_non_non_non_non_non_33_d_0", "unit": "none", "actual_t1": 1352320200 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Queries | <array of <object>> | List of queries. Query is one tabular unit of report data. | |
Queries[Query] | <object> | A query. | Optional |
Queries[Query].metric | <string> | Query 'metric'. See 'reporting/metrics'. | |
Queries[Query].actual_log | <string> | Type of data log file that was used to get data for the query. | |
Queries[Query].columns | <array of <object>> | List of columns that consitute the query. See 'reporting/columns'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column] | <object> | A column for reporting query. | Optional |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].metric | <string> | Column 'metric'. See 'reporting/metrics'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].cli_srv | <string> | Text flag indicating if the column is for the clients or servers. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column]. comparison_parameter |
<string> | Parameter for column comparison. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].internal | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the column is internal to the system. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].id | <number> | System ID for the column. Used in the API. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].strid | <string> | String ID for the column. Not used by the API, but easier for the human user to see. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].statistic | <string> | Column 'statistic'. See 'reporting/statistics'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].severity | <string> | Column 'severity'. See 'reporting/severities. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].role | <string> | Column 'role'. See 'reporting/roles'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].category | <string> | Column 'category'. See 'reporting/categories'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].name | <string> | Column name. Format used for column names is similar to the format used for column data. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column]. comparison |
<string> | Column 'comparison'. See 'reporting/comparisons'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].sortable | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if this data can be sorted on this column when running the template. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].type | <string> | Type of the column data. See 'reporting/types'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].direction | <string> | Column 'direction'. See 'reporting/directions'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].available | <string> | Boolean flag indicating that the data for the column is available without the need to re-run the template. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].context | <string> | Internal flag used for formatting certain kinds of data. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].area | <string> | Column 'area'. See 'reporting/area'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column]. has_others |
<string> | Boolean flag indicating if the column's 'other' row can be computed. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].unit | <string> | Column 'unit'. See 'reporting/units'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].name_type | <string> | Type of the column name. See 'reporting/types'. | |
Queries[Query].columns[Column].rate | <string> | Column 'rate'. See 'reporting/rates'. | |
Queries[Query].id | <string> | ID for the query. Used in the API. | |
Queries[Query].statistic | <string> | Query 'statistic'. See 'reporting/statistics'. | |
Queries[Query].role | <string> | Query 'role'. See 'reporting/roles.'. | |
Queries[Query].group_by | <string> | Grouping of data in the query. See 'reporting/group_bys'. | |
Queries[Query].actual_t0 | <number> | Actual start time for data in the query. This could be different from the requested start time because of time interval snapping and other similar features. | |
Queries[Query].parent_id | <string> | Query ID of the query that preceeded this query and influenced data selection for it. For example, if one runs a query that returns time-series data for top 10 protocols in the network, the first query that would need to run is the one to pick top 10 protocols. That query would be the parent one to the follow-up query to get time-series data for those selected 10 protocols. | |
Queries[Query].actual_t1 | <number> | Actual end time for the data in the query. See 'actual_t0' for more detail. | |
Queries[Query].type | <string> | Internal value. Reserved. | |
Queries[Query].sort_col | <number> | ID of that column that was used to sort the query when it ran. | |
Queries[Query].direction | <string> | Query 'direction. See 'reporting/directions'. | |
Queries[Query].sort_desc | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the sorting was in the descending order. | |
Queries[Query].area | <string> | Query 'area'. See 'reporting/areas'. | |
Queries[Query].unit | <string> | Query 'unit'. See 'reporting/units'. | |
Queries[Query].rate | <string> | Query 'rate'. See 'reporting/rates. |
Reporting: Create active interfaces report
Generate a new report with all interfaces active during the past duration.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reports/active_interfaces?duration={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
duration | <number> | Duration time in seconds. | Optional |
Do not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "run_time": number, "error_text": string, "remaining_seconds": number, "saved": string, "id": number, "status": string, "percent": number, "user_id": number, "size": number, "name": string, "template_id": number } Example: { "status": "completed", "user_id": 1, "name": "Host Information Report", "percent": 100, "id": 1001, "remaining_seconds": 0, "run_time": 1352494550, "saved": true, "template_id": 952, "error_text": "", "size": 140 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportInfo | <object> | Object representing report information. | |
ReportInfo.run_time | <number> | Time when the report was run (Unix time). | |
ReportInfo.error_text | <string> | A report can be completed with an error. Error message may provide more detailed info. | Optional |
ReportInfo.remaining_seconds | <number> | Number of seconds remaining to run the report. Even if this number is 0, the report may not yet be completed, so check 'status' to make sure what the status is. | |
ReportInfo.saved | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the report was saved. | |
ReportInfo.id | <number> | ID of the report. To be used in the API. | |
ReportInfo.status | <string> | Status of the report. | Values: completed, running, waiting |
ReportInfo.percent | <number> | Progress of the report represented by percentage of report completion. | |
ReportInfo.user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the report. | |
ReportInfo.size | <number> | Size of the report in kilobytes. | |
ReportInfo.name | <string> | Name of the report. Could be given by a user or automatically generated by the system. | Optional |
ReportInfo.template_id | <number> | ID of the template that the report is based on. |
Reporting: Create report
Generate a new report.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/reporting/reportsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "criteria": { "traffic_expression": string, "time_frame": { "time_interval": string, "resolution": string, "end": number, "expression": string, "start": number, "time_zone": string }, "query": { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "sort_direction": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "role": string, "show_ttl": string, "group_by": string, "case_insensitive": string, "switch_name": string, "macs": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "direction": string, "users": [ { "name": string } ], "switch_ports": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "macless_ports": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "ignore_dhcp": string, "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "area": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "realm": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] }, "queries": [ { "ports": [ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ], "dscp_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "port_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "cbqos_classes": [ { "id": string } ], "bgpasscope": string, "host_group_pairs": [ { "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "wan_group": string, "traffic_expression": string, "include_non_optimized_sites": string, "columns": [ number ], "sort_direction": string, "bgpas_pairs": [ { "server": { "id": number, "name": string }, "client": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "application_servers": [ { "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "devices": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "application_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } } ], "bgpas_host_groups": [ { "host_group": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "bgpas": { "id": number, "name": string } } ], "host_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "dscp_interfaces": [ { "interface": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dscp": { "name": string, "code_point": number } } ], "bgpas": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "role": string, "show_ttl": string, "group_by": string, "case_insensitive": string, "switch_name": string, "macs": string, "host_group_type": string, "host_pair_app_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "app": { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string }, "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "direction": string, "users": [ { "name": string } ], "switch_ports": string, "sort_column": number, "host_group_pair_ports": [ { "port": { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string }, "server": { "name": string, "group_id": number }, "client": { "name": string, "group_id": number } } ], "network_segments": [ { "src": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number }, "dst": { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } } ], "macless_ports": string, "hosts": [ { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } ], "ignore_dhcp": string, "host_pairs": [ { "server": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string }, "client": { "mac": string, "ipaddr": string, "name": string } } ], "area": string, "protocols": [ { "id": number, "name": string } ], "centricity": string, "limit": number, "interfaces": [ { "ipaddr": string, "name": string, "ifindex": number } ], "host_groups": [ { "name": string, "group_id": number } ], "realm": string, "dscps": [ { "name": string, "code_point": number } ], "applications": [ { "id": number, "code": string, "name": string, "tunneled": string } ] } ], "deprecated": { [prop]: string }, "fast_data_source": string }, "timeout": number, "name": string, "template_id": number } Example: { "criteria": { "time_frame": { "end": 1404247682, "start": 1404246782, "resolution": "1min" }, "queries": [ { "sort_column": 33, "realm": "traffic_summary", "group_by": "hos", "limit": 1000, "columns": [ 5, 33 ] }, { "realm": "traffic_time_series", "columns": [ 33 ], "applications": [ { "name": "WEB" }, { "name": "SSL" } ] }, { "realm": "traffic_overall_time_series", "columns": [ 33 ] } ] }, "template_id": 184 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportInputs | <object> | ReportInputs object. | |
ReportInputs.criteria | <object> | Criteria neeed to run the report. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.traffic_expression | <string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame | <object> | Time frame object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. time_interval |
<string> | Time interval pipe-separated string (example: 'last|1|hour'). | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. resolution |
<string> | Report data resolution. It can be one of: flow, 1min, 5min, 15min, hour, 6hour, day, week, month. If not specified a resolution will automatically be selected based on time frame of the report. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame.end | <number> | Report end time (unix time). | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. expression |
<string> | Traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame.start | <number> | Report start time (unix time). | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.time_frame. time_zone |
<string> | Time zone name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query | <object> | Query object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports | <array of <object>> | Query ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ports [CProtoPort].name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].app. tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_app_ports[CDSCPAppPort].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups | <array of <object>> | Query port_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/port_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | Query CBQoS classes. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. cbqos_classes[CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpasscope | <string> | Query autonomous system scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pairs[CHostGroupPair]. client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.wan_group | <string> | Query WAN group. Can be any Interface Group under /WAN. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. traffic_expression |
<string> | Query-specific traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Query include non-optimized. Include non-optimized sites in a WAN query. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.columns | <array of <number>> | Query columns. Can be many of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.columns [item] |
<number> | Query column. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. sort_direction |
<string> | Query sort direction. Can be one of ASC, DESC. ASC will return bottom talkers. DESC will return top talkers (default). | Optional; Values: ASC, DESC |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs | <array of <object>> | Query autonomous system pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Query application_servers. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_servers. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices | <array of <object>> | Query devices. Can be one of GET /reporting/devices. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices [CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices [CDevice].ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.devices [CDevice].name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query application_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. application_ports[CApplicationPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system and host group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. bgpas_host_groups[CBGPASHostGroup]. bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].port. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].server. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_ports[CHostPairPort].client. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface]. interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. dscp_interfaces[CDSCPInterface].dscp. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas | <array of <object>> | Query autonomous system. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.bgpas [CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.role | <string> | Query role. Can be one of /reporting/roles. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.show_ttl | <string> | Query show TTL. Only applicable to flow list report format. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.group_by | <string> | Query group_by. Can be one of GET /reporting/group_bys. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. case_insensitive |
<string> | Query user case insensitivity. Whether to search for users in a case-insensitive fashion. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.switch_name | <string> | Query switch name. Can be an IP address or a name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.macs | <string> | Query MAC addresses. Host MAC addresses, only apply to switch_port requests. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_type |
<string> | Query host group type. Required for "host group (gro)" "host group pairs (gpp)" and "host group pairs with ports (gpr)" queries. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.direction | <string> | Query direction. Can be one of GET /reporting/directions. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.users | <array of <object>> | Query time host users. Can be one of GET /reporting/time host user. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.users[CUser] | <object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.users[CUser]. name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.switch_ports | <string> | Query switch ports. Switch port addresses. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.sort_column | <number> | Query sort column. Can be one of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Query network_segments. Can be one of GET /reporting/network_segments. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].src. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. network_segments[CNetworkSegment].dst. ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query. macless_ports |
<string> | Query macless ports. Include switch ports without a MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts | <array of <object>> | Query hosts. Can be one of GET /reporting/hosts. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost] | <object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.hosts[CHost]. name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.ignore_dhcp | <string> | Query ignore DHCP. Use only switch port polling for ARP Bindings. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs | <array of <object>> | Query host pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.area | <string> | Query area. Can be one of GET /reporting/areas. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols | <array of <object>> | Query protocols. Can be one of GET /reporting/protocols. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.centricity | <string> | Query centricity. Can be one of GET /reporting/centricities. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.limit | <number> | Query data limit. Maximum number of rows to be returned. Default value: 10000. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces | <array of <object>> | Query interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups | <array of <object>> | Query host_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.realm | <string> | Query realm. Can be one of GET /reporting/realms. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps | <array of <object>> | Query dscps. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscps. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP] | <object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP]. name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications | <array of <object>> | Query applications. Can be one of GET /reporting/applications. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.query.applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries | <array of <object>> | Array of Query objects. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter] |
<object> | Report Query. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports |
<array of <object>> | Query ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort] |
<object> | One CProtoPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ports[CProtoPort]. name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort] |
<object> | One CDSCPAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_app_ports [CDSCPAppPort].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query port_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/port_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup] |
<object> | One CPortGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup].name |
<string> | Name of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].port_groups [CPortGroup].group_id |
<number> | ID of the port group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes |
<array of <object>> | Query CBQoS classes. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS] |
<object> | Object representing a CBQoS class. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].cbqos_classes [CCBQOSCLASS].id |
<string> | CBQoS class id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpasscope |
<string> | Query autonomous system scope. | Optional; Values: ALL, PRIVATE, PUBLIC |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_pairs [CHostGroupPair].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].wan_group |
<string> | Query WAN group. Can be any Interface Group under /WAN. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].traffic_expression |
<string> | Query-specific traffic expression. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. include_non_optimized_sites |
<string> | Query include non-optimized. Include non-optimized sites in a WAN query. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].columns |
<array of <number>> | Query columns. Can be many of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].columns[item] |
<number> | Query column. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].sort_direction |
<string> | Query sort direction. Can be one of ASC, DESC. ASC will return bottom talkers. DESC will return top talkers (default). | Optional; Values: ASC, DESC |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair] |
<object> | Pair of Autonomous Systems. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server |
<object> | Object representing a server Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].server.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client |
<object> | Object representing a client Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_pairs [CBGPASPair].client.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers |
<array of <object>> | Query application_servers. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_servers. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer] |
<object> | One CApplicationServer object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server |
<object> | Server specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. application_servers [CApplicationServer].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices |
<array of <object>> | Query devices. Can be one of GET /reporting/devices. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice] |
<object> | One CDevice object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice]. ipaddr |
<string> | Device IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].devices[CDevice]. name |
<string> | Device name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query application_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/application_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort] |
<object> | One CApplicationPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].application_ports [CApplicationPort].app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system and host group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup] |
<object> | Object representing Autonomous System and Host Group. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group |
<object> | Object representing a Host Group. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].host_group.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas_host_groups [CBGPASHostGroup].bgpas.name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pair_ports [CHostPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query dscp_interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscp_interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface] |
<object> | One CDSCPInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface |
<object> | Interface specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].interface.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp |
<object> | DSCP specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscp_interfaces [CDSCPInterface].dscp.code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas |
<array of <object>> | Query autonomous system. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS] |
<object> | Object representing a Autonomous System. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS].id |
<number> | Autonomous System Number. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].bgpas[CBGPAS].name |
<string> | Autonomous System Name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].role |
<string> | Query role. Can be one of /reporting/roles. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].show_ttl |
<string> | Query show TTL. Only applicable to flow list report format. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].group_by |
<string> | Query group_by. Can be one of GET /reporting/group_bys. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].case_insensitive |
<string> | Query user case insensitivity. Whether to search for users in a case-insensitive fashion. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].switch_name |
<string> | Query switch name. Can be an IP address or a name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].macs |
<string> | Query MAC addresses. Host MAC addresses, only apply to switch_port requests. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_group_type |
<string> | Query host group type. Required for "host group (gro)" "host group pairs (gpp)" and "host group pairs with ports (gpr)" queries. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_pair_app_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pair_app_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort] |
<object> | One CHostPairAppPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app |
<object> | Application specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. app.tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server |
<object> | Server host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client |
<object> | Client host specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_pair_app_ports[CHostPairAppPort]. client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].direction |
<string> | Query direction. Can be one of GET /reporting/directions. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users |
<array of <object>> | Query time host users. Can be one of GET /reporting/time host user. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users[CUser] |
<object> | One CUser object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].users[CUser].name |
<string> | Active Directory user name. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].switch_ports |
<string> | Query switch ports. Switch port addresses. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].sort_column |
<number> | Query sort column. Can be one of GET /reporting/columns. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports |
<array of <object>> | Query host_group_pair_ports. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_group_pair_ports. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort] |
<object> | One CHostGroupPairPort object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port |
<object> | Port specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.port |
<number> | Port specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.protocol |
<number> | Protocol specification. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].port.name |
<string> | Protocol + port combination name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server |
<object> | Server host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].server.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client |
<object> | Client host group specification. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter]. host_group_pair_ports [CHostGroupPairPort].client.group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments |
<array of <object>> | Query network_segments. Can be one of GET /reporting/network_segments. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment] |
<object> | One CNetworkSegment object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src |
<object> | Segment source. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].src.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst |
<object> | Segment destination. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].network_segments [CNetworkSegment].dst.ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].macless_ports |
<string> | Query macless ports. Include switch ports without a MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts |
<array of <object>> | Query hosts. Can be one of GET /reporting/hosts. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost] |
<object> | One CHost object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost].mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost]. ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].hosts[CHost].name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].ignore_dhcp |
<string> | Query ignore DHCP. Use only switch port polling for ARP Bindings. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs |
<array of <object>> | Query host pairs. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_pairs. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair] |
<object> | One CHostPair object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server |
<object> | Specification of the server host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].server.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client |
<object> | Specification of the client host. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.mac |
<string> | Host MAC address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.ipaddr |
<string> | Host IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_pairs [CHostPair].client.name |
<string> | Host name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].area |
<string> | Query area. Can be one of GET /reporting/areas. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols |
<array of <object>> | Query protocols. Can be one of GET /reporting/protocols. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol] |
<object> | Object representing Protocol information. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol].id |
<number> | ID of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].protocols [CProtocol].name |
<string> | Name of the Protocol. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].centricity |
<string> | Query centricity. Can be one of GET /reporting/centricities. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].limit |
<number> | Query data limit. Maximum number of rows to be returned. Default value: 10000. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces |
<array of <object>> | Query interfaces. Can be one of GET /reporting/interfaces. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface] |
<object> | One CInterface object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].ipaddr |
<string> | Interface IP address. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].name |
<string> | Interface name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].interfaces [CInterface].ifindex |
<number> | Interface index. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups |
<array of <object>> | Query host_groups. Can be one of GET /reporting/host_groups. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup] |
<object> | One CHostGroup object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup].name |
<string> | Host group name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].host_groups [CHostGroup].group_id |
<number> | Host group ID. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].realm |
<string> | Query realm. Can be one of GET /reporting/realms. | |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps |
<array of <object>> | Query dscps. Can be one of GET /reporting/dscps. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP] |
<object> | One CDSCP object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP].name |
<string> | DSCP name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].dscps[CDSCP]. code_point |
<number> | DSCP code point. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications |
<array of <object>> | Query applications. Can be one of GET /reporting/applications. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication] |
<object> | One CApplication object. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].id |
<number> | Application id. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].code |
<string> | Application code. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].name |
<string> | Application name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.queries [ReportQueryFilter].applications [CApplication].tunneled |
<string> | Flag: is the application tunneled. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.deprecated | <object> | Map with legacy criteria attributes that will not be supported soon. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.deprecated[prop] | <string> | ReportDeprecatedFilters map value. | Optional |
ReportInputs.criteria.fast_data_source | <string> | Options to force using fast (pre-computed) interfaces data. FORCE: force using only fast data. ON: use fast data when possible, fallback to slower traffic query. OFF: never use fast data. By default it is ON. | Optional; Values: FORCE, ON, OFF |
ReportInputs.timeout | <number> | Used when doing POST to /reporting/reports/synchronous. Timeout (# of seconds) to wait for the repot to complete, it the report does not complete the operation will return and the client needs to wait for progress. | Optional |
ReportInputs.name | <string> | Report name. | Optional |
ReportInputs.template_id | <number> | Template ID. Can be one of GET /reporting/templates. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "run_time": number, "error_text": string, "remaining_seconds": number, "saved": string, "id": number, "status": string, "percent": number, "user_id": number, "size": number, "name": string, "template_id": number } Example: { "status": "completed", "user_id": 1, "name": "Host Information Report", "percent": 100, "id": 1001, "remaining_seconds": 0, "run_time": 1352494550, "saved": true, "template_id": 952, "error_text": "", "size": 140 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ReportInfo | <object> | Object representing report information. | |
ReportInfo.run_time | <number> | Time when the report was run (Unix time). | |
ReportInfo.error_text | <string> | A report can be completed with an error. Error message may provide more detailed info. | Optional |
ReportInfo.remaining_seconds | <number> | Number of seconds remaining to run the report. Even if this number is 0, the report may not yet be completed, so check 'status' to make sure what the status is. | |
ReportInfo.saved | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the report was saved. | |
ReportInfo.id | <number> | ID of the report. To be used in the API. | |
ReportInfo.status | <string> | Status of the report. | Values: completed, running, waiting |
ReportInfo.percent | <number> | Progress of the report represented by percentage of report completion. | |
ReportInfo.user_id | <number> | ID of the user who owns the report. | |
ReportInfo.size | <number> | Size of the report in kilobytes. | |
ReportInfo.name | <string> | Name of the report. Could be given by a user or automatically generated by the system. | Optional |
ReportInfo.template_id | <number> | ID of the template that the report is based on. |
Host_Group_Types: Get host group members
Get a list of hosts in a specified host group.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}/groups/{group_id}/members?offset={number}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "idaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "idaddr": "" }, { "idaddr": "" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupMembers | <array of <object>> | List of host group members. | |
HostGroupMembers[HostGroupMember] | <object> | Object representing a host group memeber. | Optional |
HostGroupMembers[HostGroupMember].idaddr | <string> | Host group memeber's IP address. |
Host_Group_Types: Get host group type
Get one host grouping type.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "favorite": string, "id": number, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string } Example: { "favorite": true, "description": "Groups based on the location of their member hosts, such as NY, Dallas, DataCenter1, etc.", "type": "User-created", "name": "ByLocation", "id": 102 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupType | <object> | Object representing a host group type. | |
HostGroupType.favorite | <string> | If the host group type is favorite. | |
HostGroupType.id | <number> | Host group type's ID. | |
HostGroupType.description | <string> | Host group type's description. | |
HostGroupType.name | <string> | Host group type's name. | |
HostGroupType.type | <string> | Host group type's type. | Values: User-created, System-created |
Host_Group_Types: Get host group
Get one host group.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}/groups/{group_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "id": number, "name": string } Example: { "name": "Columbus", "id": 6 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroup | <object> | Object representing a host group. | |
HostGroup.id | <number> | Host group's ID. | |
HostGroup.name | <string> | Host group's name. |
Host_Group_Types: Delete host group type
Delete one host grouping type.
DELETE https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Host_Group_Types: List host group types
Get a list of host grouping types.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types?favorite={string}&offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
favorite | <string> | Show only host grouping types with specific state of the 'favorite' flag. | Optional |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sorting field name. | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
type | <string> | Show only host grouping types of type: 'User-created' or 'System-created'. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "favorite": string, "id": number, "description": string, "name": string, "type": string } ] Example: [ { "favorite": true, "description": "Groups based on the function of their member hosts, such as Email, Web, etc. ", "type": "User-created", "name": "ByFunction", "id": 100 }, { "favorite": true, "description": "Groups based on the location of their member hosts, such as NY, Dallas, DataCenter1, etc.", "type": "User-created", "name": "ByLocation", "id": 102 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypes | <array of <object>> | List of host group types. | |
HostGroupTypes[HostGroupType] | <object> | Object representing a host group type. | Optional |
HostGroupTypes[HostGroupType].favorite | <string> | If the host group type is favorite. | |
HostGroupTypes[HostGroupType].id | <number> | Host group type's ID. | |
HostGroupTypes[HostGroupType]. description |
<string> | Host group type's description. | |
HostGroupTypes[HostGroupType].name | <string> | Host group type's name. | |
HostGroupTypes[HostGroupType].type | <string> | Host group type's type. | Values: User-created, System-created |
Host_Group_Types: List host groups
Get a list of host groups for a given host grouping type.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}/groups?offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sorting field name (default: 'name'). | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "name": "Austin", "id": 13 }, { "name": "Columbus", "id": 6 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroups | <array of <object>> | List of host groups. | |
HostGroups[HostGroup] | <object> | Object representing a host group. | Optional |
HostGroups[HostGroup].id | <number> | Host group's ID. | |
HostGroups[HostGroup].name | <string> | Host group's name. |
Host_Group_Types: Get host group type config
Get host grouping type configuration.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}/configAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "name": string, "cidr": string } ] Example: [ { "cidr": "", "name": "Seattle" }, { "cidr": "", "name": "LosAngeles" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypeDefs | <array of <object>> | List of host group type definitions. | |
HostGroupTypeDefs[HostGroupTypeDef] | <object> | Object representing host group type's definition. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeDefs[HostGroupTypeDef].name | <string> | Host group type definition's name. | |
HostGroupTypeDefs[HostGroupTypeDef].cidr | <string> | Host group type defiintion's CIDRs. |
Host_Group_Types: Get favorite flag
Get favorite flag.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}/favoriteAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "favorite": string } Example: { "favorite": true }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypeFavorite | <object> | Object representing a host group type favorite flag. | |
HostGroupTypeFavorite.favorite | <string> | Favorite flag. |
Host_Group_Types: Create host group type
Create a new host grouping type.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_typesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "favorite": string, "config": [ { "name": string, "cidr": string } ], "description": string, "name": string } Example: { "favorite": true, "name": "ByLocation", "description": "Groups based on the location of their member hosts, such as NY, Dallas, DataCenter1, etc." }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypeUp | <object> | Object representing a new host group type. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.favorite | <string> | If new host group type is favorite. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.config | <array of <object>> | Optional configuration of the grouptype. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef] | <object> | Object representing host group type's definition. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef]. name |
<string> | Host group type definition's name. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef]. cidr |
<string> | Host group type defiintion's CIDRs. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.description | <string> | New host group type's description. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.name | <string> | New host group type's name. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "favorite": string, "config": [ { "name": string, "cidr": string } ], "description": string, "name": string } Example: { "favorite": true, "name": "ByLocation", "description": "Groups based on the location of their member hosts, such as NY, Dallas, DataCenter1, etc." }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypeUp | <object> | Object representing a new host group type. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.favorite | <string> | If new host group type is favorite. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.config | <array of <object>> | Optional configuration of the grouptype. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef] | <object> | Object representing host group type's definition. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef]. name |
<string> | Host group type definition's name. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef]. cidr |
<string> | Host group type defiintion's CIDRs. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.description | <string> | New host group type's description. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.name | <string> | New host group type's name. |
Host_Group_Types: Set host group type config
Update host grouping type configuration.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}/configAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "name": string, "cidr": string } ] Example: [ { "cidr": "", "name": "Seattle" }, { "cidr": "", "name": "LosAngeles" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypeDefs | <array of <object>> | List of host group type definitions. | |
HostGroupTypeDefs[HostGroupTypeDef] | <object> | Object representing host group type's definition. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeDefs[HostGroupTypeDef].name | <string> | Host group type definition's name. | |
HostGroupTypeDefs[HostGroupTypeDef].cidr | <string> | Host group type defiintion's CIDRs. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Host_Group_Types: Update host group type
Update one host grouping type.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "favorite": string, "config": [ { "name": string, "cidr": string } ], "description": string, "name": string } Example: { "favorite": true, "name": "ByLocation", "description": "Groups based on the location of their member hosts, such as NY, Dallas, DataCenter1, etc." }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypeUp | <object> | Object representing a new host group type. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.favorite | <string> | If new host group type is favorite. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.config | <array of <object>> | Optional configuration of the grouptype. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef] | <object> | Object representing host group type's definition. | Optional |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef]. name |
<string> | Host group type definition's name. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.config[HostGroupTypeDef]. cidr |
<string> | Host group type defiintion's CIDRs. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.description | <string> | New host group type's description. | |
HostGroupTypeUp.name | <string> | New host group type's name. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Host_Group_Types: Update favorite flag
Update favorite flag.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/host_group_types/{host_group_type_id}/favoriteAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
{ "favorite": string } Example: { "favorite": true }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HostGroupTypeFavorite | <object> | Object representing a host group type favorite flag. | |
HostGroupTypeFavorite.favorite | <string> | Favorite flag. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Applications: Get application
Get configuration of a specific application.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/applications/{application_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "id": number, "name": string, "priority": number, "sources": [ { "id": number } ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Application | <object> | Object representing an application. | |
Application.enabled | <string> | if the application enabled. | |
Application.id | <number> | Application's ID. | |
Application.name | <string> | Application's name. | |
Application.priority | <number> | Application's priority. | |
Application.sources | <array of <object>> | Application's sources. | |
Application.sources[ApplicationSourceId] | <object> | Object representing an application source ID. | Optional |
Application.sources[ApplicationSourceId]. id |
<number> | ID of application source's ID. |
Applications: Get application sources
List all application sources.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/applications/sources?offset={number}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "id": number, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "name": "Sensor", "id": 100 }, { "name": "Shark", "id": 3 }, { "name": "Steelhead", "id": 2 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ApplicationSources | <array of <object>> | List of application sources. | |
ApplicationSources[ApplicationSource] | <object> | Object representing an application sources. | Optional |
ApplicationSources[ApplicationSource].id | <number> | Application source's ID. | |
ApplicationSources[ApplicationSource]. name |
<string> | Application source's name. |
Applications: List applications
Get a list of all supported applications.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/applications?enabled={string}&offset={number}&sortby={string}&sort={string}&sources={string}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
enabled | <string> | Show only enabled or disabled applications (use 'true' or 'false'). | Optional |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
sortby | <string> | Sorting field name (default: 'name'). | Optional |
sort | <string> | Sorting direction: 'asc' or 'desc' (default: 'asc'). | Optional |
sources | <string> | Filter the applications by source ID. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "enabled": string, "id": number, "name": string, "priority": number, "sources": [ { "id": number } ] } ] Example: []
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Applications | <array of <object>> | List of applications. | |
Applications[Application] | <object> | Object representing an application. | Optional |
Applications[Application].enabled | <string> | if the application enabled. | |
Applications[Application].id | <number> | Application's ID. | |
Applications[Application].name | <string> | Application's name. | |
Applications[Application].priority | <number> | Application's priority. | |
Applications[Application].sources | <array of <object>> | Application's sources. | |
Applications[Application].sources [ApplicationSourceId] |
<object> | Object representing an application source ID. | Optional |
Applications[Application].sources [ApplicationSourceId].id |
<number> | ID of application source's ID. |
Port_Names: Update port names
Update system port names.
PUT https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/port_namesAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyProvide a request body with the following structure:
[ { "port": number, "protocol": number, "name": string } ] Example: [ { "protocol": 6, "name": "smtp", "port": 25 }, { "protocol": 6, "name": "nsw-fe", "port": 27 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CPortNameDefs | <array of <object>> | List of port name definitions. | |
CPortNameDefs[CPortNameDef] | <object> | Object representing port name definitions. | Optional |
CPortNameDefs[CPortNameDef].port | <number> | Port name's port. | |
CPortNameDefs[CPortNameDef].protocol | <number> | Port name's protocol. | |
CPortNameDefs[CPortNameDef].name | <string> | Port name's name. |
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Port_Names: List port names
Get the system port names.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/port_names?offset={number}&limit={number}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
offset | <number> | Starting element number. | Optional |
name | <string> | Filter port names by the name specified. | Optional |
limit | <number> | Number of rows to be returned. | Optional |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "port": number, "server_port": string, "protocol": number, "avg_bytes_ps": number, "name": string, "grouped": string } ] Example: [ { "protocol": 6, "name": "smtp", "grouped": false, "server_port": true, "avg_bytes_ps": 32767, "port": 25 }, { "protocol": 6, "name": "nsw-fe", "grouped": false, "server_port": false, "avg_bytes_ps": 32767, "port": 27 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
CPortNames | <array of <object>> | List of PortNames objects. | |
CPortNames[CPortName] | <object> | Object representing port name information. | Optional |
CPortNames[CPortName].port | <number> | Port name's port. | |
CPortNames[CPortName].server_port | <string> | Defined as server port. | |
CPortNames[CPortName].protocol | <number> | Port name's protocol. | |
CPortNames[CPortName].avg_bytes_ps | <number> | Speed information of port name. | |
CPortNames[CPortName].name | <string> | Port name's name. | |
CPortNames[CPortName].grouped | <string> | Used in port groups. |
System: Start all processes (one module)
Start all system processes on one module on Enterprise systems. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/{module}/status" to poll for status. The {module} can be either the IP Address or the module name.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/{module}/startAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Get status of all processes
Get status of all system processes. On Enterprise systems, get system process statuses on all modules.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/statusAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "process_id": string, "process_name": string, "module_name": string, "status": string, "module_ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "process_id": "25096", "process_name": "memmonitor", "status": "Running" }, { "process_name": "healthd", "status": "Stopped" }, { "process_id": "25092", "process_name": "diskmon", "status": "Running" }, { "process_id": "25123", "process_name": "dispatcher", "status": "Running" }, { "process_name": "analyzer", "status": "Stopped" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SystemStatus | <array of <object>> | SystemStatus object. | |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess] | <object> | SystemProcess object. | Optional |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].process_id | <string> | Process ID. | Optional |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].process_name | <string> | Process name. | |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].module_name | <string> | Module name. Available on Enterprise systems only. | Optional |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].status | <string> | Process status. | Values: Running, Stopped |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess]. module_ipaddr |
<string> | Module IP address. Available on Enterprise systems only. | Optional |
System: Kill all processes
Kill all system processes. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/status" to poll for status. On Enterprise systems, kill system processes on all modules. Warning: this operation can result in data being corrupted.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/killAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Restart all processes
Restart all system processes. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/status" to poll for status. On Enterprise systems, stop system processes on all modules.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/restartAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Start all processes
Start all system processes. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/status" to poll for status. On Enterprise systems, start system processes on all modules.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/startAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Restart all processes (one module)
Restart all system processes on one module on Enterprise systems. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/{module}/status" to poll for status. The {module} can be either the IP Address or the module name.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/{module}/restartAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Stop all processes (one module)
Stop all system processes on one module on Enterprise systems. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/{module}/status" to poll for status. The {module} can be either the IP Address or the module name.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/{module}/stopAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Get status of all processes (one module)
Get status of all system processes on one module on Enterprise systems. The {module} can be either the IP Address or the module name.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/{module}/statusAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "process_id": string, "process_name": string, "module_name": string, "status": string, "module_ipaddr": string } ] Example: [ { "process_id": "25096", "process_name": "memmonitor", "status": "Running" }, { "process_name": "healthd", "status": "Stopped" }, { "process_id": "25092", "process_name": "diskmon", "status": "Running" }, { "process_id": "25123", "process_name": "dispatcher", "status": "Running" }, { "process_name": "analyzer", "status": "Stopped" } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SystemStatus | <array of <object>> | SystemStatus object. | |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess] | <object> | SystemProcess object. | Optional |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].process_id | <string> | Process ID. | Optional |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].process_name | <string> | Process name. | |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].module_name | <string> | Module name. Available on Enterprise systems only. | Optional |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess].status | <string> | Process status. | Values: Running, Stopped |
SystemStatus[SystemProcess]. module_ipaddr |
<string> | Module IP address. Available on Enterprise systems only. | Optional |
System: Shutdown
Shutdown the system. The operation is asynchronous.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/shutdownAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Reboot
Reboot the system. The operation is asynchronous.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/rebootAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Stop all processes
Stop all system processes. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/status" to poll for status. On Enterprise systems, stop system processes on all modules.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/stopAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
System: Kill all processes (one module)
Kill all system processes on one module on Enterprise systems. The operation is asynchronous. Use "GET system/{module}/status" to poll for status. The {module} can be either the IP Address or the module name. Warning: this operation can result in data being corrupted.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/system/{module}/killAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Request BodyDo not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Users: List users
Get a list of user accounts.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/usersAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
[ { "enabled": string, "last_name": string, "id": number, "last_login": number, "authentication_type": string, "username": string, "authorization_type": string, "role": string, "first_name": string, "traffic_filter": string, "last_access": number, "view_packet_details": string, "last_authentication": number, "view_user_information": string, "login_timeout": number } ] Example: [ { "username": "admin", "last_authentication": 1352313328, "first_name": "Jonh", "last_name": "Smith", "authorization_type": "Local", "enabled": true, "id": 123, "authentication_type": "Local", "last_login": 1352313328, "login_timeout": 900, "view_user_information": true, "role": "Administrator", "last_access": 1352313328 }, { "username": "admin2", "last_authentication": 1352313328, "first_name": "Mark", "last_name": "Greg", "authorization_type": "Local", "enabled": true, "id": 124, "authentication_type": "Local", "last_login": 1352313328, "login_timeout": 900, "view_user_information": true, "role": "Administrator", "last_access": 1352313328 } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Users | <array of <object>> | List of user accounts on the system. | |
Users[User] | <object> | User account. | Optional |
Users[User].enabled | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the user account is enabled. | |
Users[User].last_name | <string> | Last name of the user. | |
Users[User].id | <number> | Numeric ID of the user that the system uses internally and in the API. | |
Users[User].last_login | <number> | Time of last login. Unix time (epoch). | |
Users[User].authentication_type | <string> | Type of authentication for the user, such as Local or RADIUS. | Values: Local, Remote |
Users[User].username | <string> | User name (short name) that identifies the user to the system, such as 'admin'. | |
Users[User].authorization_type | <string> | Type of authorization for the user, such as Local or RADIUS. | Values: Local, Remote |
Users[User].role | <string> | Role of the user. Defines permissions. | Values: Developer, Administrator, Operator, Monitor, Event_Viewer, Dashboard_Viewer, Restricted |
Users[User].first_name | <string> | First name of the user. | |
Users[User].traffic_filter | <string> | Traffic expression. Only applicable to Restricted role. | Optional |
Users[User].last_access | <number> | Time of last access to the system. Unix time (epoch). | |
Users[User].view_packet_details | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the user has access to packet data. | Optional |
Users[User].last_authentication | <number> | Time of last authentication. Unix time (epoch). | |
Users[User].view_user_information | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the user has access to identity information, such as Active Directory information. | Optional |
Users[User].login_timeout | <number> | Timeout (in seconds) during which the user cannot log in to the system because of security policies. |
Users: Re-authenticate user
Re-authenticate user account. Requires basic authentication.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/users/re_authenticateAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Users: Get user
User account by user ID.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/users/{user_id}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "enabled": string, "last_name": string, "id": number, "last_login": number, "authentication_type": string, "username": string, "authorization_type": string, "role": string, "first_name": string, "traffic_filter": string, "last_access": number, "view_packet_details": string, "last_authentication": number, "view_user_information": string, "login_timeout": number } Example: { "username": "admin", "last_authentication": 1352313328, "first_name": "Jonh", "last_name": "Smith", "authorization_type": "Local", "enabled": true, "id": 123, "authentication_type": "Local", "last_login": 1352313328, "login_timeout": 900, "view_user_information": true, "role": "Administrator", "last_access": 1352313328 }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
User | <object> | User account. | |
User.enabled | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the user account is enabled. | |
User.last_name | <string> | Last name of the user. | |
User.id | <number> | Numeric ID of the user that the system uses internally and in the API. | |
User.last_login | <number> | Time of last login. Unix time (epoch). | |
User.authentication_type | <string> | Type of authentication for the user, such as Local or RADIUS. | Values: Local, Remote |
User.username | <string> | User name (short name) that identifies the user to the system, such as 'admin'. | |
User.authorization_type | <string> | Type of authorization for the user, such as Local or RADIUS. | Values: Local, Remote |
User.role | <string> | Role of the user. Defines permissions. | Values: Developer, Administrator, Operator, Monitor, Event_Viewer, Dashboard_Viewer, Restricted |
User.first_name | <string> | First name of the user. | |
User.traffic_filter | <string> | Traffic expression. Only applicable to Restricted role. | Optional |
User.last_access | <number> | Time of last access to the system. Unix time (epoch). | |
User.view_packet_details | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the user has access to packet data. | Optional |
User.last_authentication | <number> | Time of last authentication. Unix time (epoch). | |
User.view_user_information | <string> | Boolean flag indicating if the user has access to identity information, such as Active Directory information. | Optional |
User.login_timeout | <number> | Timeout (in seconds) during which the user cannot log in to the system because of security policies. |
Users: Test RADIUS user
Test a RADIUS user.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/users/radius/test_user?password={string}&username={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
password | <string> | RADIUS password. | |
username | <string> | RADIUS username. |
Provide a request body with the following structure:
{ "password": string, "username": string } Example: { "username": "testusername", "password": "testpassword" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RemoteTestUserRequest | <object> | RemoteTestUserRequest object. | |
RemoteTestUserRequest.password | <string> | password. | |
RemoteTestUserRequest.username | <string> | user name. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "role_id": number, "error_message": string, "permission": string, "server_type": number, "role": string, "details": string, "permission_id": string, "server_ip": string, "authenticated": string, "attributes": [ { [prop]: string } ], "authorized": string } Example: { "error_message": "", "authenticated": true, "server_type": 2, "permission_id": "", "permission": "", "role_id": 0, "role": "", "authorized": false, "server_ip": "", "attributes": [ { "25": "operatorClass" }, { "25": "monitorClass" }, { "25": "eventviewerClass" }, { "17164": "unMappedRole" }, { "17164": "monitorCascade" }, { "17164": "eventviewerCascade" }, { "17164": "dashboardCascade" }, { "25": "DBAccess" }, { "25": "dashboardClass" }, { "17164": "AbC10~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|[]:;<>?/.'z" }, { "17164": "operatorCascade" }, { "LOGIN_SERVER": "" }, { "25": "adminClass1" }, { "25": "unMappedClass" }, { "25": "eventviewerClass" }, { "17164": "adminCascade" } ], "details": "Using - Unable to match a role." }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RemoteTestUserResponse | <object> | RemoteTestUserResponse object. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.role_id | <number> | Matched role ID. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.error_message | <string> | Error message. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.permission | <string> | Matched permission name. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.server_type | <number> | Indicates the type of the server being tested: RADIUS(2) or TACACS+(3). | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.role | <string> | Matched role name. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.details | <string> | Remote user test details. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.permission_id | <string> | Matched permission ID. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.server_ip | <string> | Remote Server IP address. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.authenticated | <string> | Flag indicating if the remote user was authenticated. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.attributes | <array of <object>> | Attributes of Remote Test User Response. | Optional |
RemoteTestUserResponse.attributes [RemoteAttributes] |
<object> | Remote attribute. | Optional |
RemoteTestUserResponse.attributes [RemoteAttributes][prop] |
<string> | Remote attribute value. | Optional |
RemoteTestUserResponse.authorized | <string> | Flag indicating if the remote user was authorized (as Administrator, Monitor, etc). |
Users: Test TACACS+ server
Test the connection to a TACACS+ server.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/users/tacacs/test_server?port={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
port | <string> | TACACS+ server port number. | Optional |
server | <string> | TACACS+ server identifier, either an IP or hostname. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "success": string, "message": string } Example: { "message": "Connection attempt succeeded", "success": true }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RemoteTestServerResponse | <object> | RemoteTestServerResponse object. | |
RemoteTestServerResponse.success | <string> | Flag indicating if the remote server test was successful. | |
RemoteTestServerResponse.message | <string> | Response message. |
Users: Test TACACS+ user
Test a TACACS+ user.
POST https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/users/tacacs/test_user?password={string}&username={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
password | <string> | TACACS+ password. | |
username | <string> | TACACS+ username. |
Provide a request body with the following structure:
{ "password": string, "username": string } Example: { "username": "testusername", "password": "testpassword" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RemoteTestUserRequest | <object> | RemoteTestUserRequest object. | |
RemoteTestUserRequest.password | <string> | password. | |
RemoteTestUserRequest.username | <string> | user name. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "role_id": number, "error_message": string, "permission": string, "server_type": number, "role": string, "details": string, "permission_id": string, "server_ip": string, "authenticated": string, "attributes": [ { [prop]: string } ], "authorized": string } Example: { "error_message": "", "authenticated": true, "server_type": 2, "permission_id": "", "permission": "", "role_id": 0, "role": "", "authorized": false, "server_ip": "", "attributes": [ { "25": "operatorClass" }, { "25": "monitorClass" }, { "25": "eventviewerClass" }, { "17164": "unMappedRole" }, { "17164": "monitorCascade" }, { "17164": "eventviewerCascade" }, { "17164": "dashboardCascade" }, { "25": "DBAccess" }, { "25": "dashboardClass" }, { "17164": "AbC10~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|[]:;<>?/.'z" }, { "17164": "operatorCascade" }, { "LOGIN_SERVER": "" }, { "25": "adminClass1" }, { "25": "unMappedClass" }, { "25": "eventviewerClass" }, { "17164": "adminCascade" } ], "details": "Using - Unable to match a role." }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RemoteTestUserResponse | <object> | RemoteTestUserResponse object. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.role_id | <number> | Matched role ID. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.error_message | <string> | Error message. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.permission | <string> | Matched permission name. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.server_type | <number> | Indicates the type of the server being tested: RADIUS(2) or TACACS+(3). | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.role | <string> | Matched role name. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.details | <string> | Remote user test details. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.permission_id | <string> | Matched permission ID. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.server_ip | <string> | Remote Server IP address. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.authenticated | <string> | Flag indicating if the remote user was authenticated. | |
RemoteTestUserResponse.attributes | <array of <object>> | Attributes of Remote Test User Response. | Optional |
RemoteTestUserResponse.attributes [RemoteAttributes] |
<object> | Remote attribute. | Optional |
RemoteTestUserResponse.attributes [RemoteAttributes][prop] |
<string> | Remote attribute value. | Optional |
RemoteTestUserResponse.authorized | <string> | Flag indicating if the remote user was authorized (as Administrator, Monitor, etc). |
Users: Test RADIUS server
Test the connection to a RADIUS server.
GET https://{device}/api/profiler/1.8/users/radius/test_server?port={string}Authorization
This request requires authorization.
ParametersProperty Name | Type | Description | Notes |
port | <string> | RADIUS server port number. | Optional |
server | <string> | RADIUS server identifier, either an IP or hostname. |
On success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "success": string, "message": string } Example: { "message": "Connection attempt succeeded", "success": true }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RemoteTestServerResponse | <object> | RemoteTestServerResponse object. | |
RemoteTestServerResponse.success | <string> | Flag indicating if the remote server test was successful. | |
RemoteTestServerResponse.message | <string> | Response message. |
Error Codes
In the event that an error occurs while processing a request, the server will respond with appropriate HTTP status code and additional information in the response body:
{ "error_id": "{error identifier}", "error_text": "{error description}", "error_info": {error specific data structure, optional} }
The table below lists the possible errors and the associated HTTP status codes that may returned.
Error ID | HTTP Status | Comments |
INTERNAL_ERROR | 500 | Internal server error. |
AUTH_REQUIRED | 401 | The requested resource requires authentication. |
AUTH_INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 401 | Invalid username and/or password. |
AUTH_INVALID_SESSION | 401 | Session ID is invalid. |
AUTH_EXPIRED_PASSWORD | 403 | The password must be changed. Access only to password change resources. |
AUTH_DISABLED_ACCOUNT | 403 | Account is either temporarily or permanently disabled. |
AUTH_FORBIDDEN | 403 | User is not authorized to access the requested resource. |
AUTH_INVALID_TOKEN | 401 | OAuth access token is invalid. |
AUTH_EXPIRED_TOKEN | 401 | OAuth access token is expired. |
AUTH_INVALID_CODE | 401 | OAuth access code is invalid. |
AUTH_EXPIRED_CODE | 401 | OAuth access code is expired. |
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | 404 | Requested resource was not found. |
HTTP_INVALID_METHOD | 405 | Requested method is not available for this resource. |
HTTP_INVALID_HEADER | 400 | An HTTP header was malformed. |
REQUEST_INVALID_INPUT | 400 | Malformed input structure. |
URI_INVALID_PARAMETER | 400 | URI parameter is not supported or malformed. |
URI_MISSING_PARAMETER | 400 | Missing required parameter. |