Resource: lan_default_settings
The LAN side default settings.
{ "socket_send_buf_size": integer, "socket_recv_buf_size": integer }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
lan_default_settings | <object> | The LAN side default settings. | |
socket_send_buf_size | <integer> | The buffer size that sends data out of the LAN. This setting is a model driven parameter, and its default is set accordingly per the model matrix. Typically, there is no need to change the default settings on LAN buffers, because by default, LAN buffers auto-tune to the appropriate size to provide the best throughput. | Range: 4096 to 2147483647; |
socket_recv_buf_size | <integer> | The buffer size that receives data from the LAN. This setting is a model driven parameter, and its default is set accordingly per the model matrix. Typically, there is no need to change the default settings on LAN buffers, because by default, LAN buffers auto-tune to the appropriate size to provide the best throughput. | Range: 4096 to 2147483647; |
lan_default_settings: get
Retrieves the LAN default setting instance.
GET http://{device}/api/sh.blade/1.0/lan_default_settingsResponse Body
Returns a lan_default_settings data object.
lan_default_settings: set
Updates the LAN default setting instance.
PUT http://{device}/api/sh.blade/1.0/lan_default_settingsRequest Body
Provide a lan_default_settings data object.
Response BodyReturns a lan_default_settings data object.
Resource: wan_default_settings
The WAN side default global settings.
{ "socket_send_buf_size": integer, "socket_recv_buf_size": integer }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
wan_default_settings | <object> | The WAN side default global settings. | |
socket_send_buf_size | <integer> | The default buffer size that sends data out of the WAN. This setting is a model driven parameter, and its default is set accordingly per the model matrix. In all data protection scenarios, set the SteelHead WAN buffers to at least 2 x BDP, where bandwidth-delay product (BDP) is the product of the WAN bandwidth and round-trip latency between locations. | Range: 16384 to 2147483647; |
socket_recv_buf_size | <integer> | The default buffer size that receives data from the WAN. This setting is a model driven parameter, and its default is set accordingly per the model matrix. In all data protection scenarios, set the SteelHead WAN buffers to at least 2 x BDP, where bandwidth-delay product (BDP) is the product of the WAN bandwidth and round-trip latency between locations. | Range: 16384 to 2147483647; |
wan_default_settings: get
Retrieves the WAN default setting instance.
GET http://{device}/api/sh.blade/1.0/wan_default_settingsResponse Body
Returns a wan_default_settings data object.
wan_default_settings: set
Updates the WAN default setting instance.
PUT http://{device}/api/sh.blade/1.0/wan_default_settingsRequest Body
Provide a wan_default_settings data object.
Response BodyReturns a wan_default_settings data object.
Type: int32_max
A signed 32-bit integer with maximum bound.
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
int32_max | <integer> | A signed 32-bit integer with maximum bound. | Maximum 2147483647; |