Resource: job
Information about a capture job
{ "config": { "capture_from_all_vifgs": boolean, "enabled": boolean, "filter": input_filter, "indexing": job_indexing, "name": string, "retention_rules": packet_retention, "snap_len": integer, "vifgs": [ integer ] }, "id": string, "state": { "stats": { "bytes_written": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer }, "packets_written": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer } }, "status": { "capture_disk_space": integer, "capture_size": integer, "packet_end_time": string, "packet_start_time": string, "state": string } } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
job | <object> | Information about a capture job | Required properties: [config]; |
job.config | <object> | Configuration of a capture job | Required properties: [name, enabled, vifgs]; |
job.config.capture_from_all_vifgs | <boolean> | If enabled, this capture job will ignore the field 'vifgs' and will capture from all existing VIFGs | Optional; |
job.config.enabled | <boolean> | Whether the capture job is configured to run or not | |
job.config.filter | <input_filter> | Packet filter configuration | |
job.config.indexing | <job_indexing> | Parameters for Microflow indexing | | | <string> | Name of the job | |
job.config.retention_rules | <packet_retention> | Packet storage retention rules | |
job.config.snap_len | <integer> | It specifies the max number of bytes for every packet that will be stored to disk. If the packet is longer, it will be truncated | Optional; Default is 65535; |
job.config.vifgs | <array of <integer>> | List of VIFGs the capture job is collecting packets from | |
job.config.vifgs[items] | <integer> | ID of the VIFG that this capture job captures from | | | <string> | The UUID of the capture job | Read-only; Optional; |
job.state | <object> | Information about the state of a capture job | Read-only; Required properties: [stats, status]; Optional; |
job.state.stats | <object> | Capture job statistics | Read-only; Required properties: [packets_written, bytes_written]; |
bytes_written | <object> | Number of bytes written to disk (packets only, without overhead) | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
bytes_written.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
bytes_written.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
bytes_written.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
packets_written | <object> | Number of packets written to disk | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
packets_written.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_written.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_written.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
job.state.status | <object> | Generic information on the capture job and its data | Read-only; Required properties: [state, packet_start_time, packet_end_time, capture_size, capture_disk_space]; |
job.state.status.capture_disk_space | <integer> | The actual size of the capture job on disk (including overhead) | Read-only; |
job.state.status.capture_size | <integer> | The size of all the packets of the capture job (packets only, without overhead) | Read-only; |
job.state.status.packet_end_time | <string> | The timestamp of the last packet of the capture job. The string represents a decimal value of seconds since epoch | Read-only; |
job.state.status.packet_start_time | <string> | The timestamp of the first packet of the capture job. The string represents a decimal value of seconds since epoch | Read-only; |
job.state.status.state | <string> | State of a capture job | Read-only; Values: UNKNOWN, STOPPED, RUNNING; |
job: clear_packets
Used to clear capture job data
POST http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/jobs/items/{id}/clearRequest Body
Do not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
job: delete
DELETE http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/jobs/items/{id}Response Body
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
job: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/jobs/items/{id}Response Body
Returns a job data object.
Resource: job_defaults
Default values to use when creating a new capture job
{ "capture_from_all_vifgs": boolean, "enabled": boolean, "indexing": job_indexing, "name": string, "retention_rules": packet_retention, "snap_len": integer }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
job_defaults | <object> | Default values to use when creating a new capture job | Read-only; Required properties: [name, enabled, snap_len, capture_from_all_vifgs, retention_rules, indexing]; |
job_defaults.capture_from_all_vifgs | <boolean> | Default value for whether the capture job should capture from all VIFGs or not | Read-only; |
job_defaults.enabled | <boolean> | Default status of the job | Read-only; |
job_defaults.indexing | <job_indexing> | Parameters for Microflow indexing | | | <string> | Default name of new job | Read-only; |
job_defaults.retention_rules | <packet_retention> | Packet storage retention rules | |
job_defaults.snap_len | <integer> | Default value for snaplen | Read-only; |
job_defaults: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/info/job_defaultsResponse Body
Returns a job_defaults data object.
Resource: jobs
Capture jobs configured on the system
{ "items": [ job ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
jobs | <object> | Capture jobs configured on the system | Required properties: [items]; |
jobs.items | <array of <job>> | List of capture jobs | |
jobs.items[items] | <job> | Information about a capture job |
jobs: create
POST http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/jobsRequest Body
Provide a job data object.
Response BodyReturns a job data object.
jobs: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/jobsResponse Body
Returns a jobs data object.
Resource: packet_broker_types
Information about supported packet brokers
[ { "description": string, "type": packet_broker_types_type_enum, "type_pretty": string } ]
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
packet_broker_types | <array of <object>> | Information about supported packet brokers | |
packet_broker_types[items] | <object> | Information about a single packet broker | Required properties: [type, type_pretty, description]; |
packet_broker_types[items].description | <string> | Description of the specific type of packet broker | |
packet_broker_types[items].type | <packet_broker_types_type_enum> | Enumerative for supported packet brokers | Values: NONE, UNKNOWN, CPACKET_TS_ONLY, CPACKET_TS_AND_SLICE, GIGAMON_HEADER, GIGAMON_TRAILER, GIGAMON_TRAILER_X12, ANUE, ARISTA, ARISTA_BEFORE_FCS; |
packet_broker_types[items].type_pretty | <string> | User friendly name for the specific type of packet broker |
packet_broker_types: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/info/packet_broker_typesResponse Body
Returns a packet_broker_types data object.
Resource: phys_interface
Information about a monitoring interface
{ "config": { "description": string, "enabled": boolean, "speed_duplex": phys_interface_capabilities_enum }, "name": string, "state": { "interface_type": string, "mtu": integer, "speed_duplex": phys_interface_capabilities_enum, "stats": { "bytes_total": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer }, "packets_dropped": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer }, "packets_total": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer } }, "status": string } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
phys_interface | <object> | Information about a monitoring interface | Required properties: [config]; |
phys_interface.config | <object> | Configuration of a monitoring interface | Required properties: [enabled, description, speed_duplex]; |
phys_interface.config.description | <string> | A description of the monitoring interface | |
phys_interface.config.enabled | <boolean> | Used to enable/disable a monitoring interface | |
phys_interface.config.speed_duplex | <phys_interface_capabilities_enum> | The types of supported speed/duplex configurations. AUTONEG_* values will try to autonegotiate the corresponding speed in Mbps (AUTNEG will negotiate them all). All other values will force a specific speed in Mbps (FD full duplex, HD half duplex) | Values: UNKNOWN, AUTONEG, AUTONEG_10, AUTONEG_100, AUTONEG_1000, 10_HD, 10_FD, 100_HD, 100_FD, 1000_FD, 10000_FD, 40000_FD, 100000_FD; | | <string> | The name of the monitoring interface | Read-only; Optional; |
phys_interface.state | <object> | Information about the state of a monitoring interface | Read-only; Required properties: [status, interface_type, mtu, speed_duplex, stats]; Optional; |
phys_interface.state.interface_type | <string> | The type of interface. It gives a high level information about the type of hardware used (FILE is reserved for internal use) | Read-only; Values: 1G_COPPER, 1G_FIBER, 1G_VIRTUAL, 10G_COPPER, 10G_FIBER, 10G_VIRTUAL, 40G_FIBER, 40G_VIRTUAL, FILE, UNKNOWN; |
phys_interface.state.mtu | <integer> | The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the interface | Read-only; |
phys_interface.state.speed_duplex | <phys_interface_capabilities_enum> | The types of supported speed/duplex configurations. AUTONEG_* values will try to autonegotiate the corresponding speed in Mbps (AUTNEG will negotiate them all). All other values will force a specific speed in Mbps (FD full duplex, HD half duplex) | Values: UNKNOWN, AUTONEG, AUTONEG_10, AUTONEG_100, AUTONEG_1000, 10_HD, 10_FD, 100_HD, 100_FD, 1000_FD, 10000_FD, 40000_FD, 100000_FD; |
phys_interface.state.stats | <object> | Statistics for a monitoring interface | Read-only; Required properties: [bytes_total, packets_total, packets_dropped]; |
bytes_total | <object> | Total number of bytes received by the interface (including drops) | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
bytes_total.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
bytes_total.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
bytes_total.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
packets_dropped | <object> | Number of packets dropped by the interface | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
packets_dropped.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_dropped.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_dropped.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
packets_total | <object> | Total number of packets received by the interface (including drops) | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
packets_total.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_total.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_total.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
phys_interface.state.status | <string> | The state of the interface. UP and DOWN provide link status information. MISSING is used when the interace is no longer detected on the system. DISABLED is used for interfaces that have been manually disabled. | Read-only; Values: UP, DOWN, MISSING, DISABLED, UNKNOWN; |
phys_interface: delete
DELETE http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/interfaces/items/{name}Response Body
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
phys_interface: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/interfaces/items/{name}Response Body
Returns a phys_interface data object.
phys_interface: reset_stats
Used to reset the statistics of the monitoring interface
POST http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/interfaces/items/{name}/reset_statsRequest Body
Do not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
phys_interface: set
PUT http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/interfaces/items/{name}Request Body
Provide a phys_interface data object.
Response BodyReturns a phys_interface data object.
Resource: phys_interface_capabilities
Information about supported capabilities of a monitoring interface
{ "name": string, "speed_duplex": [ phys_interface_capabilities_enum ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
phys_interface_capabilities | <object> | Information about supported capabilities of a monitoring interface | Required properties: [name, speed_duplex]; | | <string> | The name of the monitoring interface | |
phys_interface_capabilities.speed_duplex | <array of <phys_interface_capabilities_enum>> | An array of the speeds supported by the interface | |
phys_interface_capabilities.speed_duplex [items] |
<phys_interface_capabilities_enum> | The types of supported speed/duplex configurations. AUTONEG_* values will try to autonegotiate the corresponding speed in Mbps (AUTNEG will negotiate them all). All other values will force a specific speed in Mbps (FD full duplex, HD half duplex) | Values: UNKNOWN, AUTONEG, AUTONEG_10, AUTONEG_100, AUTONEG_1000, 10_HD, 10_FD, 100_HD, 100_FD, 1000_FD, 10000_FD, 40000_FD, 100000_FD; |
phys_interface_capabilities: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/interfaces/items/{name}/capabilitiesResponse Body
Returns a phys_interface_capabilities data object.
Resource: phys_interfaces
Monitoring interfaces detected on the system
{ "items": [ phys_interface ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
phys_interfaces | <object> | Monitoring interfaces detected on the system | Required properties: [items]; |
phys_interfaces.items | <array of <phys_interface>> | List of monitoring interfaces | |
phys_interfaces.items[items] | <phys_interface> | Information about a monitoring interface |
phys_interfaces: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/interfacesResponse Body
Returns a phys_interfaces data object.
Resource: settings
Global settings for packet capture
{ "deduplication": { "entries": integer, "esp_alg_enabled": boolean, "esp_timeout": string, "tcp_syn_ack_enabled": boolean, "tcp_syn_ack_timeout": string, "timeout": string, "udp_alg_enabled": boolean, "udp_timeout": string }, "packet_broker": { "type": packet_broker_types_type_enum }, "packet_export_acceleration": { "read_enabled": boolean, "write_enabled": boolean } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
settings | <object> | Global settings for packet capture | Required properties: [packet_broker, deduplication, packet_export_acceleration]; |
settings.deduplication | <object> | Packet deduplication advanced settings | Required properties: [entries, timeout, udp_timeout, udp_alg_enabled, tcp_syn_ack_timeout, tcp_syn_ack_enabled, esp_timeout, esp_alg_enabled]; |
settings.deduplication.entries | <integer> | Size of internal queues used by packet deduplication engine | |
settings.deduplication.esp_alg_enabled | <boolean> | Enable/Disable deduplication on ESP packets with IP identification equal to 0 | |
settings.deduplication.esp_timeout | <string> | Time window used for ESP packets (with IP identification equal to 0) instead of the global 'timeout'. The string represents a decimal value of seconds | |
settings.deduplication. tcp_syn_ack_enabled |
<boolean> | Enable/Disable deduplication on TCP SYN/ACK packets with IP identification equal to 0 | |
settings.deduplication. tcp_syn_ack_timeout |
<string> | Time window used for TCP SYN/ACK packets (with IP identification equal to 0) instead of the global 'timeout'. The string represents a decimal value of seconds | |
settings.deduplication.timeout | <string> | Time window within which packet deduplication is guaranteed. If two duplicate packets are received further apart than this timeout, they will not be considered duplicates. The string represents a decimal value of seconds | |
settings.deduplication.udp_alg_enabled | <boolean> | Enable/Disable deduplication on UDP packets | |
settings.deduplication.udp_timeout | <string> | Time window used for UDP packets instead of the global 'timeout'. The string represents a decimal value of seconds | |
settings.packet_broker | <object> | Packet Broker settings | Required properties: [type]; |
settings.packet_broker.type | <packet_broker_types_type_enum> | Enumerative for supported packet brokers | Values: NONE, UNKNOWN, CPACKET_TS_ONLY, CPACKET_TS_AND_SLICE, GIGAMON_HEADER, GIGAMON_TRAILER, GIGAMON_TRAILER_X12, ANUE, ARISTA, ARISTA_BEFORE_FCS; |
settings.packet_export_acceleration | <object> | Settings related to the Packet Export Acceleration feature | Required properties: [read_enabled, write_enabled]; |
settings.packet_export_acceleration. read_enabled |
<boolean> | Enable acceleration engine during read operations (if indexs are present) | |
settings.packet_export_acceleration. write_enabled |
<boolean> | Enable generation of indexes while writing packets to disk |
settings: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/settingsResponse Body
Returns a settings data object.
Resource: vifg
Information about a Virtual Interface Group (VIFG)
{ "config": { "bandwidth_capacity": integer, "dedup": boolean, "description": string, "enabled": boolean, "filter": input_filter, "flow_export": flow_export_filter, "is_other_vifg": boolean, "members": [ string ], "name": string }, "id": integer, "state": { "bandwidth_capacity": integer, "mtu": integer, "stats": { "bytes_received": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer }, "packets_duped": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer }, "packets_received": { "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer } } } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
vifg | <object> | Information about a Virtual Interface Group (VIFG) | Required properties: [config]; |
vifg.config | <object> | Configuration of a Virtual Interface Group (VIFG) | Required properties: [name, members, enabled]; |
vifg.config.bandwidth_capacity | <integer> | Custom value for the capacity of the VIFG (in Mbps). If set to zero, it will use default values (see the field bandwidth_capacity in the 'state' object) | Optional; |
vifg.config.dedup | <boolean> | Whether or not packet deduplication is enabled on this VIFG | Optional; |
vifg.config.description | <string> | Description of the VIFG | Optional; |
vifg.config.enabled | <boolean> | Whether or not the VIFG is enabled (disabled VIFGs will drop all the their traffic) | |
vifg.config.filter | <input_filter> | Packet filter configuration | |
vifg.config.flow_export | <flow_export_filter> | Filter settings used for Flow Export | |
vifg.config.is_other_vifg | <boolean> | Whether or not this VIFG is the 'other vifg' | Optional; |
vifg.config.members | <array of <string>> | List of members associated with this VIFG | |
vifg.config.members[items] | <string> | A monitoring interface (in PHYSICAL_INTERFACE mode) or a VLAN ID (in VLAN mode) that belongs to the VIFG. The VLAN ID can be one of: an integer (0-4095), a colon-seperated list of integers to represent QinQ (1:4:5), or 'UNTAGGED' | | | <string> | Unique name of the VIFG | | | <integer> | The unique ID of the Virtual Interface Group (VIFG) | Read-only; Optional; |
vifg.state | <object> | Information about the state of a Virtual Interface Group (VIFG) | Read-only; Required properties: [stats, bandwidth_capacity, mtu]; Optional; |
vifg.state.bandwidth_capacity | <integer> | The (read-only) capacity of the VIFG in Mbps. In PHYSICAL_INTERFACE mode, it's the sum of the speeds of the interfaces that the VIFG collects. In VLAN mode, the sum of the speeds of all interfaces. It can also be configured to a custom value (see the field bandwidth_capacity in the 'config' object) | Read-only; |
vifg.state.mtu | <integer> | In PHYSICAL_INTERFACE mode, the max Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the interfaces that the VIFG collects. In VLAN mode, the max MTU of all interfaces | Read-only; |
vifg.state.stats | <object> | Statistics of a Virtual Interface Group (VIFG) | Read-only; Required properties: [bytes_received, packets_received, packets_duped]; |
bytes_received | <object> | Number of bytes correctly received by VIFG (including duplicates) | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
bytes_received.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
bytes_received.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
bytes_received.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
packets_duped | <object> | Number of duplicate packets | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
packets_duped.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_duped.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_duped.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
packets_received | <object> | Number of packets correctly received by VIFG (including duplicates) | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
packets_received.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_received.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
packets_received.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |
vifg: delete
DELETE http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs/items/{id}Response Body
On success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
vifg: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs/items/{id}Response Body
Returns a vifg data object.
vifg: reset_stats
Used to reset the statistics of the Virtual Interface Group (VIFG)
POST http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs/items/{id}/reset_statsRequest Body
Do not provide a request body.
Response BodyOn success, the server does not provide any body in the responses.
Resource: vifg_global_state
Global state for Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs)
{ "autodiscovery": { "maximum_reached": boolean } }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
vifg_global_state | <object> | Global state for Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs) | Read-only; Required properties: [autodiscovery]; |
vifg_global_state.autodiscovery | <object> | Information about the status of VIFG autodiscovery | Read-only; |
vifg_global_state.autodiscovery. maximum_reached |
<boolean> | True if the maximum number of VIFGs has already been automatically discovered and no more VIFGs will be created. False, otherwise. The maximum is currently set to 2000 (including the 'other vifg') | Read-only; Optional; |
vifg_global_state: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs/stateResponse Body
Returns a vifg_global_state data object.
Resource: vifg_settings
Global settings for Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs)
{ "autodiscovery": { "default": { "dedup": boolean, "filter": input_filter, "flow_export": flow_export_filter }, "enabled": boolean }, "enable_aggregation": boolean, "grouping_type": string, "supported_grouping_types": [ string ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
vifg_settings | <object> | Global settings for Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs) | Required properties: [grouping_type, supported_grouping_types, enable_aggregation, autodiscovery]; |
vifg_settings.autodiscovery | <object> | Global settings for the VIFG autodiscovery feature | Required properties: [enabled, default]; |
vifg_settings.autodiscovery.default | <object> | Default values for VIFGs created by autodiscovery | Required properties: [filter, dedup, flow_export]; |
vifg_settings.autodiscovery.default. dedup |
<boolean> | Enable or disable packet deduplication on VIFGs created by autodiscovery | |
vifg_settings.autodiscovery.default. filter |
<input_filter> | Packet filter configuration | |
vifg_settings.autodiscovery.default. flow_export |
<flow_export_filter> | Filter settings used for Flow Export | |
vifg_settings.autodiscovery.enabled | <boolean> | Enable or disable VIFG autodiscovery | |
vifg_settings.enable_aggregation | <boolean> | Enable or disable VIFG aggregation in downstream processing | |
vifg_settings.grouping_type | <string> | The type of grouping used for incoming packets | |
vifg_settings.supported_grouping_types | <array of <string>> | Valid values for the field 'grouping_types' | Read-only; |
vifg_settings.supported_grouping_types [items] |
<string> | Supported grouping types | Read-only; Values: UNKNOWN, PHYSICAL_INTERFACE, VLAN; |
vifg_settings: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs/settingsResponse Body
Returns a vifg_settings data object.
vifg_settings: set
PUT http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs/settingsRequest Body
Provide a vifg_settings data object.
Response BodyReturns a vifg_settings data object.
Resource: vifgs
Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs) configured on the system
{ "count": integer, "items": [ vifg ] }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
vifgs | <object> | Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs) configured on the system | Required properties: [items]; |
vifgs.count | <integer> | The total number of Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs) | Optional; |
vifgs.items | <array of <vifg>> | List of Virtual Interface Groups (VIFGs) | |
vifgs.items[items] | <vifg> | Information about a Virtual Interface Group (VIFG) |
vifgs: create
POST http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs{?sort,is_other_vifg,limit,sortby,offset}Request Body
Provide a vifg data object.
Response BodyReturns a vifg data object.
vifgs: get
GET http://{device}/api/npm.packet_capture/2.0/vifgs{?sort,is_other_vifg,limit,sortby,offset}Response Body
Returns a vifgs data object.
Type: flow_export_filter
Filter settings used for Flow Export
{ "enabled": boolean, "filter": input_filter }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
flow_export_filter | <object> | Filter settings used for Flow Export | Required properties: [enabled, filter]; |
flow_export_filter.enabled | <boolean> | Enable or disable Flow Export filtering | |
flow_export_filter.filter | <input_filter> | Packet filter configuration |
Type: input_filter
Packet filter configuration
{ "type": string, "value": string }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
input_filter | <object> | Packet filter configuration | Required properties: [type, value]; |
input_filter.type | <string> | The type of filter to be processed | Values: UNKNOWN, STEELFILTER, BPF; |
input_filter.value | <string> | String representation of the filter |
Type: job_indexing
Parameters for Microflow indexing
{ "enabled": boolean, "retention_rules": packet_retention }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
job_indexing | <object> | Parameters for Microflow indexing | Required properties: [enabled, retention_rules]; |
job_indexing.enabled | <boolean> | Enable or disable Microflow indexing on the capture job | |
job_indexing.retention_rules | <packet_retention> | Packet storage retention rules |
Type: packet_broker_types_type_enum
Enumerative for supported packet brokers
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
packet_broker_types_type_enum | <string> | Enumerative for supported packet brokers | Values: NONE, UNKNOWN, CPACKET_TS_ONLY, CPACKET_TS_AND_SLICE, GIGAMON_HEADER, GIGAMON_TRAILER, GIGAMON_TRAILER_X12, ANUE, ARISTA, ARISTA_BEFORE_FCS; |
Type: packet_retention
Packet storage retention rules
{ "max_disk_space": integer, "max_retention_time": string, "min_disk_space": integer, "min_retention_time": string }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
packet_retention | <object> | Packet storage retention rules | |
packet_retention.max_disk_space | <integer> | Maximum disk space for captured packets (i.e. the capture job cannot store more than N bytes worth of packets). Value in bytes. If equal to zero or not set, the paramter will be ignored | Optional; |
packet_retention.max_retention_time | <string> | Maximum retention time for captured packets (i.e. the capture job cannot store more than N seconds worth of packets). The string represents a decimal velue of seconds since epoch. If equal to zero or not set, the parameter will be ignored | Optional; |
packet_retention.min_disk_space | <integer> | Minimum disk space for captured packets (i.e. best effort to have at least N bytes worth of packets in the capture job). Value in bytes. If equal to zero or not set, the parameter will be ignored | Optional; |
packet_retention.min_retention_time | <string> | Minimum retention time for captured packets (i.e. best effort to have at least N seconds worth of packets in the capture job). The string represents a decimal value of seconds since epoch. If equal to zero or not set, the parameter will be ignored | Optional; |
Type: phys_interface_capabilities_enum
The types of supported speed/duplex configurations. AUTONEG_* values will try to autonegotiate the corresponding speed in Mbps (AUTNEG will negotiate them all). All other values will force a specific speed in Mbps (FD full duplex, HD half duplex)
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
phys_interface_capabilities_enum | <string> | The types of supported speed/duplex configurations. AUTONEG_* values will try to autonegotiate the corresponding speed in Mbps (AUTNEG will negotiate them all). All other values will force a specific speed in Mbps (FD full duplex, HD half duplex) | Values: UNKNOWN, AUTONEG, AUTONEG_10, AUTONEG_100, AUTONEG_1000, 10_HD, 10_FD, 100_HD, 100_FD, 1000_FD, 10000_FD, 40000_FD, 100000_FD; |
Type: recent_stats
Statistics about last second/minute/hour (and total)
{ "last_hour": integer, "last_minute": integer, "last_second": integer, "total": integer }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
recent_stats | <object> | Statistics about last second/minute/hour (and total) | Read-only; Required properties: [total]; |
recent_stats.last_hour | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last hour | Read-only; Optional; |
recent_stats.last_minute | <integer> | The value of the statistics in the last minute | Read-only; Optional; |
recent_stats.last_second | <integer> | The value of the statistic in the last second | Read-only; Optional; | | <integer> | Total number of the statistic | Read-only; |