Finding Your Product Identifier for:
Next Generation Virtual SteelHead
- SCC – navigate to appliances, select the appliance
- Select send CLI commands
- Type “show info” and execute
- Go the operation history
- Locate the “Support ID”
- From the VCX
- From the UI, go to Help. Under appliance details locate the Support IDs
- From the CLI, type “show info”, Locate the Support IDs.
Token Based Virtual SteelHead
- SCC – navigate to appliances, select the appliance
- Select send CLI commands
- Type “show info” and execute
- Go the operation history
- Locate the “Serial”
- From the VCX
- From the UI, go to Help. Under appliance details locate the Serial Number
- From the CLI, type “show info”, Locate the “Serial”.
SteelCentral Aternity
If you don't know your Product Identifier, please contact Riverbed
Support Customer Care for assistance.
Log into SteelConnect Manager and navigate to Appliances > Product (such as Gateways). From there click on Licenses to retrieve your SteelConnect product identifier.
APM (OPNET) Products
- APM is an acronym for Application Performance Management (formerly OPNET products)
- How do I find my OPNET serial number (product identifier)?
The OPNET Serial number can be found on the side of the chassis for AppResponse Xpert Appliances. If the appliance is accessible remotely, or if it is a virtual instance of AppResponse Xpert, the serial number can be found by running the fset command on the cli or from the Web UI under the
Diagnostics > Status menu.
- How do I find my OPNET permit number or ID?
The Permit Number or ID is the same as a license number. It's a unique pair of numbers that identifies the license and is listed along with the software in use. The format is xxxxx-xx or xxxxxx/xx and can be obtained by opening the License Manager from
your OPNET software.
Note: An OPNET Group ID is only available for Customers who have purchased an OPNET Product.
- How do I find my OPNET Group ID?
You may obtain the OPNET Group ID from your OPNET account representative. You can also find your Group ID in the "Reference Number" section of your OPNET Usage License Agreement.
The serial number is the product identifier for SteelFusion appliances. You can find the serial number for your appliance using one of these methods:
- Management Console web interface of the Core and Edge appliances:
- On the Core, choose Help > Customer Service: Support to display the Support page and view the serial number.
- On the Edge, choose Help to display the Help page and view the serial number.
- Command-line interface (CLI):
On the Core or Edge CLI, run the show
info command to display the serial number.
- Hardware appliance box and chassis:
The serial number is also physically labeled on the box that the Riverbed appliance came in as well as the Riverbed appliance chassis. A serial number label looks like this:
SteelHead and SteelCentral Appliances
The serial number is the product identifier for Steelhead and Cascade appliances. You can find the serial number of your Riverbed appliance in several ways:
- You can find the serial number in the Support tab of the Management Console Web Interface. (In 4.1 and earlier, this is the Help tab.)
- From the command line, you can use the show info command to display the serial number.
- The serial number is also physically labeled on the box of the appliance as well as the appliance chassis. A serial number label is similar to the image below:
- For Cascade appliances, you can find the serial number from the user interface in the Help > About area.