Viewing Reports and Logs : Viewing Diagnostic Reports for Endpoints : Viewing the System Dumps List
Viewing the System Dumps List
You can display and download endpoint system dumps in the Reports > Diagnostics > Endpoint > System Dumps page. A system dump contains a copy of the kernel data on the system. System dump files can help you diagnose problems in the system.
To view system dump files
1. Choose Reports > Diagnostics > Endpoint > System Dumps to display the System Dumps page.
Figure: System Dumps Page
2. Select Download Link to save all system dump files to disk, or select particular filenames to save only those files to disk.
3. Click Include Statistics. (This option is enabled by default).
4. Optionally, click Include All Logs.
5. Click Generate System Dump to generate a new system dump.
Note: To remove an entry, select the check box next to the name and click Remove Selected.