Using the Command-Line Interface : Accessing Online Help
Accessing Online Help
At the system prompt, type the full or partial command string followed by a question mark (?). The CLI displays the command keywords or parameters for the command and a short description. You can display help information for each parameter by typing the command, followed by the parameter, followed by a question mark.
To access online help
•  At the system prompt enter the following command:
amnesiac (config) # show ?
•  To display help for additional parameters, enter the command and parameter:
amnesiac (config) # access ?
enable Enable secure network access
inbound Secure access inbound configuration
amnesiac (config) # access inbound ?
rule Secure access inbound rule configuration
amnesiac (config) # access inbound rule ?
add Add a secure network access rule
edit Edit a secure network access rule
move Move a secure network access rule