User Mode Commands : System Administration Commands : telnet
Logs in to another system using Telnet.
telnet [<telnet-options>]
Telnet command option. Specify one of the following options:
•  close - Closes the current connection.
•  logout - Forcibly logs out the remote user and closes the connection.
•  display - Displays operating parameters.
•  mode - Try to enter line or character mode ('mode ?' for more).
•  open - Connects to a site.
•  quit - Exits Telnet.
•  send - Transmits special characters ('send ?' for more).
•  set - Sets operating parameters ('set ?' for more).
•  unset - Unset operating parameters ('unset ?' for more).
•  status - Prints status information.
•  toggle - Toggles operating parameters ('toggle ?' for more).
•  slc - Changes state of special characters ('slc ?' for more).
•  z - Suspends Telnet.
•  ! - Invokes a subshell.
•  environ - Changes environment variables ('environ ?' for more).
•  ? - Prints help information.
amnesiac > telnet display
SCC, Interceptor, SteelHead CX, SteelHead EX, SteelHead-v, SteelHead-c, Mobile Controller
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