Using the Riverbed Cloud Portal : Managing optimization groups
Managing optimization groups
Optimization groups enable you to associate multiple appliances with an application server for load balancing. The Optimization Group page lists existing groups and enables you to add new groups. Click a group name to access additional properties of that group.
Note: This feature is available to appliances provisioned through the portal to the AWS cloud platform.
The following load-balancing policies are available:
•  Priority - Selects a SteelHead-c for load balancing until its connection count exceeds the maximum limit and then moves on to the next available SteelHead-c. When the first SteelHead-c’s load decreases below the maximum limit, it is available again. This is the default policy.
•  Round robin - Selects a SteelHead-c and then another (using the round-robin policy) for load balancing. Use the round robin policy only if the connection rate is high and you need more than one SteelHead-c to handle the load.