Reports, Sections and Widgets ============================= In the application framework, a report is a single web page that displays one or more widgets of data retrieved from one or more data sources associated with the installation. Overview -------- The Web UI version of a report is comprised of: **Criteria** A set of form fields for the user to fill in that serve as inputs to the back-end when running the report. This includes selection fields, drop-down lists, text boxes that define the context for the report. There standard criteria such as start/end times and traffic filter expressions. The report creator may also define custom criteria that is specific to this report or analysis functions required to generate. **Widgets** Charts and tables that display the data associated with the report. Each widget is independently rendered JavaScript. Typical widgets include time series charts, pie and bar charts, tables, and map widgets. Under the covers, the report is built from multiple pieces defined in a single Python source file: **Widgets** A widget defines how a table's data will be displayed in the web UI. Some widgets may have specific requirements about the structure of the data in the attached table. For example, time series widget require that one of the columns is a date/time column. Pie charts require at least one key column. Note that while each defined widget must be bound to a table, the reverse is not necessarily true as some tables may be defined that are inputs to other tables. In addition, it is possible to tie 2 or more widgets to the same table, providing different UI renderings of the same underlying data. **Sections** Widgets are grouped into sections. This division is currently solely for the purpose allowing for unique criteria per section. **Reports** The report is the highest level container for the UI rendering of all the sections and widgets in the report configuration source file. By default, all reports are listed in the "Reports" menu. In the Web UI, the report is displayed as a single page. Sample Report Source File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below is a sample report file: .. code-block:: python from import Report import as yui3 from steelscript.netprofiler.appfwk.datasources.netprofiler \ import NetProfilerGroupbyTable, NetProfilerTimeSeriesTable from steelscript.netshark.appfwk.datasources.netshark \ import NetSharkTable # Define the report and a single section report = Report.create("Overall") report.add_section('Main') # Define a Overall TimeSeries showing Avg Bytes/s table = NetProfilerTimeSeriesTable.create('timeseries') table.add_column('time', label='Time', datatype='time', iskey=True) table.add_column('avg_bytes', label='Avg Bytes/s', units='B/s') report.add_widget(yui3.TimeSeriesWidget, table, "NetProfiler Overall Traffic") # Define a table, group by location table = NetProfilerGroupbyTable.create('locations', groupby='host_group') table.add_column('group_name', label='Group Name', iskey=True, datatype="string") table.add_column('response_time', label='Resp Time', units='ms', sortdesc=True) table.add_column('network_rtt', label='Net RTT', units='ms') table.add_column('server_delay', label='Srv Delay', units='ms') # Adding a widget using the Report object will apply them # to the last defined Section, here that will be 'Locations' report.add_widget(yui3.TableWidget, table, "Locations by Avg Bytes", width=6) This will get rendered as follows: .. image:: simple-report.png :scale: 30% :width: 1029 :height: 988 Notice that the criteria section has several fields for user input yet the report source file does not declare any criteria. This is because each data source table (``NetProfilerTimeSeriesTable`` and ``NetProfilerGroupbyTable``) declares a set of criteria that it requires in order to collect data for that report. .. currentmodule:: Creating a Report ----------------- Report objects are Django model instances and thus once a report object is instantiated and saved, the properties of the report are saved in the database. Report objects are created via :py:meth:`Report.create`: .. automethod:: Report.create Adding Sections to a Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section objects are Django model instances and backed by the database. All sections must be bound to a Report. The preferred method for creating a section is to use :py:meth:`Report.add_section`. This ensures that the the section is properly attached to the report. .. automethod:: Report.add_section .. automethod:: Section.create Adding Widgets to a Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Widget objects are Django model instances and backed by the database. All widgets must be bound to a section. The preferred method for creating widgets is to use :py:meth:`Section.add_widget` or :py:meth:`Report.add_widget`. .. automethod:: Section.add_widget .. automethod:: Report.add_widget The ``cls`` parameter to the ``add_widget`` method is the class reference for the specific UI. The following UI widget classes are currently supported: ================================================ =============================================== UI Widget Class Description ================================================ =============================================== :ref:`yui3.TableWidget ` Table of rows and columns :ref:`yui3.ChartWidget ` Generic YUI3 chart widget, base for Bar/Line :ref:`yui3.BarWidget ` Vertical bar chart :ref:`yui3.LineWidget ` Line chart, X-Axis is labels, Y-Axis is values :ref:`yui3.PieWidget ` Pie Charts :ref:`yui3.TimeSeriesWidget ` Line chart where X-Axis is time/date :ref:`maps.MapWidget ` Overlay data on a map :ref:`raw.TableWidget ` Unprocessed raw data display (testing/debug) ================================================ =============================================== .. _TableWidget: :py:class:`yui3.TableWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: TableWidget.create .. _ChartWidget: :py:class:`yui3.ChartWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: ChartWidget.create .. _BarWidget: :py:class:`yui3.BarWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: BarWidget.create .. _LineWidget: :py:class:`yui3.LineWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: LineWidget.create .. _PieWidget: :py:class:`yui3.PieWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: PieWidget.create .. _TimeSeriesWidget: :py:class:`yui3.TimeSeriesWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: TimeSeriesWidget.create .. _MapWidget: :py:class:`maps.MapWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: MapWidget.create .. _raw_TableWidget: :py:class:`raw.TableWidget ` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: .. automethod:: TableWidget.create