$schema: http://support.riverbed.com/apis/service_def/2.2 id: http://support.riverbed.com/apis/npm.wta_config/1.0 name: npm.wta_config provider: riverbed resources: wta_webapp: additionalProperties: false description: A Web Application links: delete: {description: Delete a Web Application, method: DELETE} get: description: Retrieve a Web Application method: GET response: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapp'} self: {path: '$/wta_webapps/items/{id}'} set: description: Update a Web Application method: PUT request: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapp'} response: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapp'} properties: advanced_criteria: {description: Advanced criteria expression, type: string} content_values: description: List of page datums to match items: {$ref: '#/types/wta_content_value'} type: array description: {description: Web Application description, type: string} enabled: {description: Indicates whether the Web Application is enabled, type: boolean} id: {description: Web Application ID (will be assigned), type: integer} match: description: Specifies how to logically join the criteria enum: [any, all] type: string name: {description: Web Application name, type: string} order_number: {description: Order number (will be assigned), type: integer} preferred: {description: Indicates whether the Web Application is preferred, type: boolean} slow_page_threshold: {description: Duration (seconds) after which pages are considered slow, type: string} tags: {description: Web Application tags, type: string} url_patterns: description: List of URL patterns to match items: properties: url_pattern: {description: URL pattern (use asterisk as wildcard), type: string} type: object type: array use_advanced_criteria: {description: 'Use any advanced criteria?', type: boolean} use_content_values: {description: 'Use page datums as criteria?', type: boolean} use_filter: {description: 'Specify criteria? (otherwise Web Application will contain All Pages)', type: string} use_url_patterns: {description: 'Use URL patterns as criteria?', type: boolean} vers: {description: Web Application version number (will be assigned), type: integer} type: object wta_webapps: additionalProperties: false description: Web Applications links: bulk_delete: description: Bulk delete multiple Web Applications method: POST path: $/wta_webapps/bulk_delete request: {$ref: '#/types/BulkDeleter'} response: {$ref: '#/types/IDList'} create: description: Create an Web Application method: POST request: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapp'} response: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapp'} get: description: Retrieve list of Web Applications method: GET response: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapps'} merge: description: Merge a list of Web Applications into the existing Web Applications method: POST path: $/wta_webapps/merge request: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapps'} response: {$ref: '#/types/IDList'} move: description: Reorder the Web Applications method: POST path: $/wta_webapps/move request: {$ref: '#/types/wta_move_list'} self: {path: $/wta_webapps} since: description: Get a list of Web Applications that have been recently updated method: GET path: $/wta_webapps/since/{time} response: properties: webapps: description: List of Web Application IDs and corresponding names items: properties: name: {description: Web Application name, type: string} rid: {description: ID (missing if Web Application is deleted), type: integer} updated: {description: Timestamp of last update, type: integer} wid: {description: Internal ID (internally assigned and managed), type: integer} type: object type: array type: object properties: rules: description: List of Web Applications items: {$ref: '#/resources/wta_webapp'} type: array type: object title: Web Transaction Analysis Configuration types: BulkDeleter: description: Used for performing bulk delete operations properties: delete_all: {description: Delete all objects in the collection, type: boolean} delete_ids: {$ref: '#/types/IDList'} type: object IDList: description: A list of IDs items: {type: number} type: array wta_content_value: description: Page datum used to specify criteria properties: content_type: description: Format of the datum enum: [soapValue, urlParam, formValue, httpHeader, cookie, regex] type: string equals: {description: Indicates whether the value MUST match or MUST NOT match, type: boolean} location: description: Location of the datum enum: [requestHeader, responseHeader, requestBody, responseBody, url, title] type: string name: {description: Name of the datum, type: string} value: {description: Value to compare to, type: string} type: object wta_move_list: description: Ordered list of IDs used to specify a new ordering for a move operation properties: order: description: ID list items: {type: integer} type: array type: object version: '1.0'