{ "restSchemaVersion": "1.0", "errors": [ { "error_id": "BAD_REQUEST", "description": "Invalid argument.", "http_status": "400" }, { "error_id": "AUTH_REQUIRED", "description": "Authentication required.", "http_status": "401" }, { "error_id": "AUTH_INVALID_CREDENTIALS", "description": "Make sure the user name is correct and type your password again. Be sure to use the correct case for the user name and password.", "http_status": "401" }, { "error_id": "INTERNAL_ERROR", "description": "Internal error.", "http_status": "500" } ], "name": "mgmt.backup", "title": "Backup Images API.", "version": "1.0", "schemas": [], "defaultAuthorization": "required", "servicePath": "/api/mgmt.backup/1.0", "resources": { "image": { "methods": { "Pull backup image": { "description": "Downloads backup image in tar format, stored at locally.", "httpmethod": "GET", "path": "image", "authorization_methods": [ "BASIC", "COOKIE", "OAUTH_2_0" ], "authorization": "required" }, "Push backup image": { "description": "Uploads the backup image attached with request body as form-data where key = ‘file’ and value = ‘file object’", "httpmethod": "POST", "path": "image", "authorization_methods": [ "BASIC", "COOKIE", "OAUTH_2_0" ], "authorization": "required" } } } }, "description": "" }