Settings: Get System Settings
Get System Settings.
GET https://{device}/api/npm.system_settings/1.0/settingsAuthorization
This request requires authorization.
Response BodyOn success, the server returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "local_time": string, "timezone": string, "http": { "port": number, "disabled": string }, "ntp_servers": { "items": [ { "order": number, "ipaddr": string, "encryption": string, "index": number } ] }, "https": { "port": number, "ssl_protocols": string, "ssl_ciphers": string, "disabled": string }, "licenses": { "items": [ { "featurekey": string, "status": string, "description": string, "serial_number": string, "scope": string, "install_method": string, "key": string, "host": string } ] } } Example: { "http": { "disabled": true, "port": 80 }, "ntp_servers": { "items": [ { "encryption": "NONE", "ipaddr": "", "order": 1, "index": 0 }, { "encryption": "MD5", "ipaddr": "", "order": 2, "index": 2001 }, { "encryption": "SHA1", "ipaddr": "", "order": 3, "index": 2002 } ] }, "local_time": "1588195616", "https": { "disabled": false, "ssl_ciphers": "EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH", "port": 443, "ssl_protocols": "TLSv1.2" }, "licenses": { "items": [ { "status": "Valid", "description": "Unlimited", "install_method": "factory", "host": "uihost", "key": "LK1-VLAB-0000-0000-1-DE6E-948E-A21B", "serial_number": "Z59VM0009E364", "scope": "feature", "featurekey": "VLAB" } ] }, "timezone": "America/New_York" }
Property Name | Type | Description | Notes |
SystemSettings | <object> | System Settings. | |
SystemSettings.local_time | <string> | System local time (unix epoch). | |
SystemSettings.timezone | <string> | System time zone. | |
SystemSettings.http | <object> | HTTP Settings. | |
SystemSettings.http.port | <number> | HTTP port. | |
SystemSettings.http.disabled | <string> | Is HTTP disabled. | |
SystemSettings.ntp_servers | <object> | NTP servers. | |
SystemSettings.ntp_servers.items | <array of <object>> | NTP servers. | |
SystemSettings.ntp_servers.items [SettingsNTP] |
<object> | NTP Server. | Optional |
SystemSettings.ntp_servers.items [SettingsNTP].order |
<number> | Server order. | |
SystemSettings.ntp_servers.items [SettingsNTP].ipaddr |
<string> | IP address of the NTP server. | |
SystemSettings.ntp_servers.items [SettingsNTP].encryption |
<string> | Encryption. | Values: NONE, MD5, SHA1 |
SystemSettings.ntp_servers.items [SettingsNTP].index |
<number> | Index (between 0 and 65536). | |
SystemSettings.https | <object> | HTTPS Settings. | |
SystemSettings.https.port | <number> | HTTPS port. | |
SystemSettings.https.ssl_protocols | <string> | SSL Protocols. | |
SystemSettings.https.ssl_ciphers | <string> | SSL ciphers. | |
SystemSettings.https.disabled | <string> | IS HTTPS disabled. | |
SystemSettings.licenses | <object> | Licenses. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items | <array of <object>> | Licenses. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense] |
<object> | License. | Optional |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].featurekey |
<string> | Feature key. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].status |
<string> | Status (Active, OK, Invalid, etc.) | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].description |
<string> | Description. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].serial_number |
<string> | Serial number. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].scope |
<string> | Scope. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].install_method |
<string> | Installation method. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].key |
<string> | Key. | |
SystemSettings.licenses.items [SettingsLicense].host |
<string> | Module host name. |
Error Codes
In the event that an error occurs while processing a request, the server will respond with appropriate HTTP status code and additional information in the response body:
{ "error_id": "{error identifier}", "error_text": "{error description}", "error_info": {error specific data structure, optional} }
The table below lists the possible errors and the associated HTTP status codes that may returned.
Error ID | HTTP Status | Comments |
INTERNAL_ERROR | 500 | Internal server error. |
AUTH_REQUIRED | 401 | The requested resource requires authentication. |
AUTH_INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 401 | Invalid username and/or password. |
AUTH_INVALID_SESSION | 401 | Session ID is invalid. |
AUTH_EXPIRED_PASSWORD | 403 | The password must be changed. Access only to password change resources. |
AUTH_DISABLED_ACCOUNT | 403 | Account is either temporarily or permanently disabled. |
AUTH_FORBIDDEN | 403 | User is not authorized to access the requested resource. |
AUTH_INVALID_TOKEN | 401 | OAuth access token is invalid. |
AUTH_EXPIRED_TOKEN | 401 | OAuth access token is expired. |
AUTH_INVALID_CODE | 401 | OAuth access code is invalid. |
AUTH_EXPIRED_CODE | 401 | OAuth access code is expired. |
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | 404 | Requested resource was not found. |
HTTP_INVALID_METHOD | 405 | Requested method is not available for this resource. |
HTTP_INVALID_HEADER | 400 | An HTTP header was malformed. |
REQUEST_INVALID_INPUT | 400 | Malformed input structure. |
URI_INVALID_PARAMETER | 400 | URI parameter is not supported or malformed. |
URI_MISSING_PARAMETER | 400 | Missing required parameter. |